Source code for smac.epm.gaussian_process.mcmc

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import emcee
import numpy as np
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Kernel

from smac.configspace import ConfigurationSpace
from smac.epm.gaussian_process import BaseModel, GaussianProcess
from smac.epm.gaussian_process.utils.prior import Prior

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Freiburg-Hannover"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MCMCGaussianProcess(BaseModel): """Gaussian process model. The GP hyperparameters are integrated out by Markow-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC) you use this class to make sure that you also use an integrated acquisition function to integrate over the GP's hyperparameter as proposed by Snoek et al. This code is based on the implementation of RoBO: Klein, A. and Falkner, S. and Mansur, N. and Hutter, F. RoBO: A Flexible and Robust Bayesian Optimization Framework in Python In: NIPS 2017 Bayesian Optimization Workshop Parameters ---------- types : List[int] Specifies the number of categorical values of an input dimension where the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th input dimension. Let's say we have 2 dimension where the first dimension consists of 3 different categorical choices and the second dimension is continuous than we have to pass [3, 0]. Note that we count starting from 0. bounds : List[Tuple[float, float]] bounds of input dimensions: (lower, uppper) for continuous dims; (n_cat, np.nan) for categorical dims seed : int Model seed. kernel : george kernel object Specifies the kernel that is used for all Gaussian Process n_mcmc_walkers : int The number of hyperparameter samples. This also determines the number of walker for MCMC sampling as each walker will return one hyperparameter sample. chain_length : int The length of the MCMC chain. We start n_mcmc_walkers walker for chain_length steps and we use the last sample in the chain as a hyperparameter sample. burnin_steps : int The number of burnin steps before the actual MCMC sampling starts. normalize_y : bool Zero mean unit variance normalization of the output values mcmc_sampler : str Choose a self-tuning MCMC sampler. Can be either ``emcee`` or ``nuts``. instance_features : np.ndarray (I, K) Contains the K dimensional instance features of the I different instances pca_components : float Number of components to keep when using PCA to reduce dimensionality of instance features. Requires to set n_feats (> pca_dims). """ def __init__( self, configspace: ConfigurationSpace, types: List[int], bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], seed: int, kernel: Kernel, n_mcmc_walkers: int = 20, chain_length: int = 50, burnin_steps: int = 50, normalize_y: bool = True, mcmc_sampler: str = "emcee", average_samples: bool = False, instance_features: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, pca_components: Optional[int] = None, ): super().__init__( configspace=configspace, types=types, bounds=bounds, seed=seed, kernel=kernel, instance_features=instance_features, pca_components=pca_components, ) self.n_mcmc_walkers = n_mcmc_walkers self.chain_length = chain_length self.burned = False self.burnin_steps = burnin_steps self.models = [] # type: List[GaussianProcess] self.normalize_y = normalize_y self.mcmc_sampler = mcmc_sampler self.average_samples = average_samples self.is_trained = False self._set_has_conditions() # Internal statistics self._n_ll_evals = 0 def _train(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, do_optimize: bool = True) -> "MCMCGaussianProcess": """Performs MCMC sampling to sample hyperparameter configurations from the likelihood and trains for each sample a GP on X and y. Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray (N, D) Input data points. The dimensionality of X is (N, D), with N as the number of points and D is the number of features. y: np.ndarray (N,) The corresponding target values. do_optimize: boolean If set to true we perform MCMC sampling otherwise we just use the hyperparameter specified in the kernel. """ X = self._impute_inactive(X) if self.normalize_y: # A note on normalization for the Gaussian process with MCMC: # Scikit-learn uses a different "normalization" than we use in SMAC3. Scikit-learn normalizes the data to # have zero mean, while we normalize it to have zero mean unit variance. To make sure the scikit-learn GP # behaves the same when we use it directly or indirectly (through the file), we # normalize the data here. Then, after the individual GPs are fit, we inject the statistics into them so # they unnormalize the data at prediction time. y = self._normalize_y(y) = self._get_gp() if do_optimize:, y) self._all_priors = self._get_all_priors( add_bound_priors=True, add_soft_bounds=True if self.mcmc_sampler == "nuts" else False, ) if self.mcmc_sampler == "emcee": sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_mcmc_walkers, len(self.kernel.theta), self._ll) sampler.random_state = self.rng.get_state() # Do a burn-in in the first iteration if not self.burned: # Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior dim_samples = [] prior = None # type: Optional[Union[List[Prior], Prior]] for dim, prior in enumerate(self._all_priors): # Always sample from the first prior if isinstance(prior, list): if len(prior) == 0: prior = None else: prior = prior[0] prior = cast(Optional[Prior], prior) if prior is None: raise NotImplementedError() else: dim_samples.append(prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_mcmc_walkers).flatten()) self.p0 = np.vstack(dim_samples).transpose() # Run MCMC sampling with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"invalid value encountered in double_scalars.*") self.p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0, self.burnin_steps) self.burned = True # Start sampling & save the current position, it will be the start point in the next iteration with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"invalid value encountered in double_scalars.*") self.p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0, self.chain_length) # Take the last samples from each walker self.hypers = sampler.get_chain()[-1] elif self.mcmc_sampler == "nuts": # Originally published as: # # A good explanation of HMC: # # A good explanation of HMC and NUTS can be found in: # # Do not require the installation of NUTS for SMAC # This requires NUTS from import nuts.nuts # Perform initial fit to the data to obtain theta0 if not self.burned: theta0 = self.burned = True else: theta0 = self.p0 samples, _, _ = nuts.nuts.nuts6( f=self._ll_w_grad, Madapt=self.burnin_steps, M=self.chain_length, theta0=theta0, # Increasing this value results in longer running times delta=0.5, adapt_mass=False, # Rather low max depth to keep the number of required gradient steps low max_depth=10, rng=self.rng, ) indices = [int(np.rint(ind)) for ind in np.linspace(start=0, stop=len(samples) - 1, num=10)] self.hypers = samples[indices] self.p0 = self.hypers.mean(axis=0) else: raise ValueError(self.mcmc_sampler) if self.average_samples: self.hypers = [self.hypers.mean(axis=0)] else: self.hypers = self.hypers = [self.hypers] self.models = [] for sample in self.hypers: if (sample < -50).any(): sample[sample < -50] = -50 if (sample > 50).any(): sample[sample > 50] = 50 # Instantiate a GP for each hyperparameter configuration kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel) kernel.theta = sample model = GaussianProcess( configspace=self.configspace, types=self.types, bounds=self.bounds, kernel=kernel, normalize_y=False, seed=self.rng.randint(low=0, high=10000), ) try: model._train(X, y, do_optimize=False) self.models.append(model) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: pass if len(self.models) == 0: kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel) kernel.theta = self.p0 model = GaussianProcess( configspace=self.configspace, types=self.types, bounds=self.bounds, kernel=kernel, normalize_y=False, seed=self.rng.randint(low=0, high=10000), ) model._train(X, y, do_optimize=False) self.models.append(model) if self.normalize_y: # Inject the normalization statistics into the individual models. Setting normalize_y to True makes the # individual GPs unnormalize the data at predict time. for model in self.models: model.normalize_y = True model.mean_y_ = self.mean_y_ model.std_y_ = self.std_y_ self.is_trained = True return self def _get_gp(self) -> GaussianProcessRegressor: return GaussianProcessRegressor( kernel=self.kernel, normalize_y=False, optimizer=None, n_restarts_optimizer=-1, # Do not use scikit-learn's optimization routine alpha=0, # Governed by the kernel ) def _ll(self, theta: np.ndarray) -> float: """Returns the marginal log likelihood (+ the prior) for a hyperparameter configuration theta. Parameters ---------- theta : np.ndarray(H) Hyperparameter vector. Note that all hyperparameter are on a log scale. Returns ------- float lnlikelihood + prior """ self._n_ll_evals += 1 # Bound the hyperparameter space to keep things sane. Note all # hyperparameters live on a log scale if (theta < -50).any(): theta[theta < -50] = -50 if (theta > 50).any(): theta[theta > 50] = 50 try: lml = except ValueError: return -np.inf # Add prior for dim, priors in enumerate(self._all_priors): for prior in priors: lml += prior.lnprob(theta[dim]) if not np.isfinite(lml): return -np.inf else: return lml def _ll_w_grad(self, theta: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """Returns the marginal log likelihood (+ the prior) for a hyperparameter configuration theta. Parameters ---------- theta : np.ndarray(H) Hyperparameter vector. Note that all hyperparameter are on a log scale. Returns ------- float lnlikelihood + prior """ self._n_ll_evals += 1 # Bound the hyperparameter space to keep things sane. Note all hyperparameters live on a log scale if (theta < -50).any(): theta[theta < -50] = -50 if (theta > 50).any(): theta[theta > 50] = 50 lml = 0.0 grad = np.zeros(theta.shape) # Add prior for dim, priors in enumerate(self._all_priors): for prior in priors: lml += prior.lnprob(theta[dim]) grad[dim] += prior.gradient(theta[dim]) # Check if one of the priors is invalid, if so, no need to compute the log marginal likelihood if lml < -1e24: return -1e25, np.zeros(theta.shape) try: lml_, grad_ =, eval_gradient=True) lml += lml_ grad += grad_ except ValueError: return -1e25, np.zeros(theta.shape) # We add a minus here because scipy is minimizing if not np.isfinite(lml) or (~np.isfinite(grad)).any(): return -1e25, np.zeros(theta.shape) else: return lml, grad def _predict( self, X_test: np.ndarray, cov_return_type: Optional[str] = "diagonal_cov" ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r""" Returns the predictive mean and variance of the objective function at X average over all hyperparameter samples. The mean is computed by: :math \mu(x) = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M}\mu_m(x) And the variance by: :math \sigma^2(x) = (\frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M}(\sigma^2_m(x) + \mu_m(x)^2) - \mu^2 Parameters ---------- X_test: np.ndarray (N, D) Input test points cov_return_type: Optional[str] Specifies what to return along with the mean. Refer ``predict()`` for more information. Returns ------- np.array(N,) predictive mean np.array(N,) predictive variance """ if not self.is_trained: raise Exception("Model has to be trained first!") if cov_return_type != "diagonal_cov": raise ValueError("'cov_return_type' can only take 'diagonal_cov' for this model") X_test = self._impute_inactive(X_test) mu = np.zeros([len(self.models), X_test.shape[0]]) var = np.zeros([len(self.models), X_test.shape[0]]) for i, model in enumerate(self.models): mu_tmp, var_tmp = model.predict(X_test) assert var_tmp is not None # please mypy mu[i] = mu_tmp.flatten() var[i] = var_tmp.flatten() m = mu.mean(axis=0) # See the Algorithm Runtime Prediction paper by Hutter et al. # for the derivation of the total variance v = np.var(mu, axis=0) + np.mean(var, axis=0) # Clip negative variances and set them to the smallest # positive float value if v.shape[0] == 1: v = np.clip(v, np.finfo(v.dtype).eps, np.inf) else: v = np.clip(v, np.finfo(v.dtype).eps, np.inf) v[np.where((v < np.finfo(v.dtype).eps) & (v > -np.finfo(v.dtype).eps))] = 0 return m, v