Example 2 - Local and Parallel (using threads)

This example extends example 1 to multiple parallel workers. For demonstrational purposes, the workers are started in separate threads. This is probably not the most common use case but serves as a nice example. The setup can be useful if the workers do their computations outside Python’s Global Interpreter Lock, e.g. in some 3rd party extension in C/C++. In that case, all workers can truely work in parallel.

import logging

import argparse

import hpbandster.core.nameserver as hpns
import hpbandster.core.result as hpres

from hpbandster.optimizers import BOHB as BOHB
from hpbandster.examples.commons import MyWorker

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example 1 - sequential and local execution.')
parser.add_argument('--min_budget',   type=float, help='Minimum budget used during the optimization.',    default=9)
parser.add_argument('--max_budget',   type=float, help='Maximum budget used during the optimization.',    default=243)
parser.add_argument('--n_iterations', type=int,   help='Number of iterations performed by the optimizer', default=4)
parser.add_argument('--n_workers', type=int,   help='Number of workers to run in parallel.', default=2)


# Step 1: Start a nameserver (see example_1)
NS = hpns.NameServer(run_id='example2', host='', port=None)

# Step 2: Start the workers
# Now we can instantiate the specified number of workers. To emphasize the effect,
# we introduce a sleep_interval of one second, which makes every function evaluation
# take a bit of time. Note the additional id argument that helps separating the
# individual workers. This is necessary because every worker uses its processes
# ID which is the same for all threads here.
for i in range(args.n_workers):
    w = MyWorker(sleep_interval = 0.5, nameserver='',run_id='example2', id=i)

# Step 3: Run an optimizer
# Now we can create an optimizer object and start the run.
# We add the min_n_workers argument to the run methods to make the optimizer wait
# for all workers to start. This is not mandatory, and workers can be added
# at any time, but if the timing of the run is essential, this can be used to
# synchronize all workers right at the start.
bohb = BOHB(  configspace = w.get_configspace(),
              run_id = 'example2',
              min_budget=args.min_budget, max_budget=args.max_budget
res = bohb.run(n_iterations=args.n_iterations, min_n_workers=args.n_workers)

# Step 4: Shutdown
# After the optimizer run, we must shutdown the master and the nameserver.

# Step 5: Analysis
# Each optimizer returns a hpbandster.core.result.Result object.
# It holds informations about the optimization run like the incumbent (=best) configuration.
# For further details about the Result object, see its documentation.
# Here we simply print out the best config and some statistics about the performed runs.
id2config = res.get_id2config_mapping()
incumbent = res.get_incumbent_id()

all_runs = res.get_all_runs()

print('Best found configuration:', id2config[incumbent]['config'])
print('A total of %i unique configurations where sampled.' % len(id2config.keys()))
print('A total of %i runs where executed.' % len(res.get_all_runs()))
print('Total budget corresponds to %.1f full function evaluations.'%(sum([r.budget for r in all_runs])/args.max_budget))
print('Total budget corresponds to %.1f full function evaluations.'%(sum([r.budget for r in all_runs])/args.max_budget))
print('The run took  %.1f seconds to complete.'%(all_runs[-1].time_stamps['finished'] - all_runs[0].time_stamps['started']))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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