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DEBase(cs=None, f=None, dimensions=None, pop_size=None, max_age=None, mutation_factor=None, crossover_prob=None, strategy=None, boundary_fix_type='random', config_repository=None, seed=None, rng=None, **kwargs) #

Base class for Differential Evolution

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def __init__(self, cs=None, f=None, dimensions=None, pop_size=None, max_age=None,
             mutation_factor=None, crossover_prob=None, strategy=None,
             boundary_fix_type='random', config_repository=None, seed=None, rng=None, **kwargs):
    # Rng, either uses the rng passed by user/DEHB or creates its own
    self.rng = rng if rng is not None else np.random.default_rng(seed)

    # Benchmark related variables
    self.cs = cs
    self.f = f
    if dimensions is None and self.cs is not None:
        self.dimensions = len(self.cs.get_hyperparameters())
        self.dimensions = dimensions

    # DE related variables
    self.pop_size = pop_size
    self.max_age = max_age
    self.mutation_factor = mutation_factor
    self.crossover_prob = crossover_prob
    self.strategy = strategy
    self.fix_type = boundary_fix_type

    # Miscellaneous
    self.configspace = True if isinstance(self.cs, ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace) else False
    self.hps = dict()
    if self.configspace:
        for i, hp in enumerate(cs.get_hyperparameters()):
            # maps hyperparameter name to positional index in vector form
            self.hps[] = i
    self.output_path = Path(kwargs["output_path"]) if "output_path" in kwargs else Path("./")
    self.output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    if config_repository:
        self.config_repository = config_repository
        self.config_repository = ConfigRepository()

    # Global trackers
    self.inc_score : float
    self.inc_config : np.ndarray[float]
    self.inc_id : int
    self.population : np.ndarray[np.ndarray[float]]
    self.population_ids :np.ndarray[int] : np.ndarray[float]
    self.age : int
    self.history : list[object]

sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=None) #

Samples 'size' individuals

If alt_pop is None or a list/array of None, sample from own population Else sample from the specified alternate population (alt_pop)

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def sample_population(self, size: int = 3, alt_pop: List = None) -> List:
    '''Samples 'size' individuals

    If alt_pop is None or a list/array of None, sample from own population
    Else sample from the specified alternate population (alt_pop)
    if isinstance(alt_pop, list) or isinstance(alt_pop, np.ndarray):
        idx = [indv is None for indv in alt_pop]
        if any(idx):
            selection = self.rng.choice(np.arange(len(self.population)), size, replace=False)
            return self.population[selection]
            if len(alt_pop) < 3:
                alt_pop = np.vstack((alt_pop, self.population))
            selection = self.rng.choice(np.arange(len(alt_pop)), size, replace=False)
            alt_pop = np.stack(alt_pop)
            return alt_pop[selection]
        selection = self.rng.choice(np.arange(len(self.population)), size, replace=False)
        return self.population[selection]

boundary_check(vector) #

Checks whether each of the dimensions of the input vector are within [0, 1]. If not, values of those dimensions are replaced with the type of fix selected.

if fix_type == 'random', the values are replaced with a random sampling from (0,1) if fix_type == 'clip', the values are clipped to the closest limit from {0, 1}


vector : array



Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def boundary_check(self, vector: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Checks whether each of the dimensions of the input vector are within [0, 1].
    If not, values of those dimensions are replaced with the type of fix selected.

    if fix_type == 'random', the values are replaced with a random sampling from (0,1)
    if fix_type == 'clip', the values are clipped to the closest limit from {0, 1}

    vector : array

    violations = np.where((vector > 1) | (vector < 0))[0]
    if len(violations) == 0:
        return vector
    if self.fix_type == 'random':
        vector[violations] = self.rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=len(violations))
        vector[violations] = np.clip(vector[violations], a_min=0, a_max=1)
    return vector

vector_to_configspace(vector) #

Converts numpy array to ConfigSpace object

Works when self.cs is a ConfigSpace object and the input vector is in the domain [0, 1].

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def vector_to_configspace(self, vector: np.ndarray) -> ConfigSpace.Configuration:
    '''Converts numpy array to ConfigSpace object

    Works when self.cs is a ConfigSpace object and the input vector is in the domain [0, 1].
    # creates a ConfigSpace object dict with all hyperparameters present, the inactive too
    new_config = ConfigSpace.util.impute_inactive_values(
    # iterates over all hyperparameters and normalizes each based on its type
    for i, hyper in enumerate(self.cs.get_hyperparameters()):
        if type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.OrdinalHyperparameter:
            ranges = np.arange(start=0, stop=1, step=1/len(hyper.sequence))
            param_value = hyper.sequence[np.where((vector[i] < ranges) == False)[0][-1]]
        elif type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.CategoricalHyperparameter:
            ranges = np.arange(start=0, stop=1, step=1/len(hyper.choices))
            param_value = hyper.choices[np.where((vector[i] < ranges) == False)[0][-1]]
        elif type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.Constant:
            param_value = hyper.default_value
        else:  # handles UniformFloatHyperparameter & UniformIntegerHyperparameter
            # rescaling continuous values
            if hyper.log:
                log_range = np.log(hyper.upper) - np.log(hyper.lower)
                param_value = np.exp(np.log(hyper.lower) + vector[i] * log_range)
                param_value = hyper.lower + (hyper.upper - hyper.lower) * vector[i]
            if type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.UniformIntegerHyperparameter:
                param_value = int(np.round(param_value))  # converting to discrete (int)
                param_value = float(param_value)
        new_config[] = param_value
    # the mapping from unit hypercube to the actual config space may lead to illegal
    # configurations based on conditions defined, which need to be deactivated/removed
    new_config = ConfigSpace.util.deactivate_inactive_hyperparameters(
        configuration = new_config, configuration_space=self.cs
    return new_config

configspace_to_vector(config) #

Converts ConfigSpace object to numpy array scaled to [0,1]

Works when self.cs is a ConfigSpace object and the input config is a ConfigSpace object. Handles conditional spaces implicitly by replacing illegal parameters with default values to maintain the dimensionality of the vector.

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def configspace_to_vector(self, config: ConfigSpace.Configuration) -> np.ndarray:
    '''Converts ConfigSpace object to numpy array scaled to [0,1]

    Works when self.cs is a ConfigSpace object and the input config is a ConfigSpace object.
    Handles conditional spaces implicitly by replacing illegal parameters with default values
    to maintain the dimensionality of the vector.
    # the imputation replaces illegal parameter values with their default
    config = ConfigSpace.util.impute_inactive_values(config)
    dimensions = len(self.cs.get_hyperparameters())
    vector = [np.nan for i in range(dimensions)]
    for name in config:
        i = self.hps[name]
        hyper = self.cs.get_hyperparameter(name)
        if type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.OrdinalHyperparameter:
            nlevels = len(hyper.sequence)
            vector[i] = hyper.sequence.index(config[name]) / nlevels
        elif type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.CategoricalHyperparameter:
            nlevels = len(hyper.choices)
            vector[i] = hyper.choices.index(config[name]) / nlevels
        elif type(hyper) == ConfigSpace.Constant:
            vector[i] = 0 # set constant to 0, so that it wont be affected by mutation
            bounds = (hyper.lower, hyper.upper)
            param_value = config[name]
            if hyper.log:
                vector[i] = np.log(param_value / bounds[0]) / np.log(bounds[1] / bounds[0])
                vector[i] = (config[name] - bounds[0]) / (bounds[1] - bounds[0])
    return np.array(vector)

DE(cs=None, f=None, dimensions=None, pop_size=20, max_age=np.inf, mutation_factor=None, crossover_prob=None, strategy='rand1_bin', encoding=False, dim_map=None, seed=None, rng=None, config_repository=None, **kwargs) #

Bases: DEBase

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def __init__(self, cs=None, f=None, dimensions=None, pop_size=20, max_age=np.inf,
             mutation_factor=None, crossover_prob=None, strategy='rand1_bin', encoding=False,
             dim_map=None, seed=None, rng=None, config_repository=None, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(cs=cs, f=f, dimensions=dimensions, pop_size=pop_size, max_age=max_age,
                     mutation_factor=mutation_factor, crossover_prob=crossover_prob,
                     strategy=strategy, seed=seed, rng=rng, config_repository=config_repository,
    if self.strategy is not None:
        self.mutation_strategy = self.strategy.split('_')[0]
        self.crossover_strategy = self.strategy.split('_')[1]
        self.mutation_strategy = self.crossover_strategy = None
    self.encoding = encoding
    self.dim_map = dim_map

__getstate__() #

Allows the object to picklable while having Dask client as a class attribute.

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def __getstate__(self):
    """ Allows the object to picklable while having Dask client as a class attribute.
    d = dict(self.__dict__)
    d["client"] = None  # hack to allow Dask client to be a class attribute
    d["logger"] = None  # hack to allow logger object to be a class attribute
    return d

__del__() #

Ensures a clean kill of the Dask client and frees up a port.

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def __del__(self):
    """ Ensures a clean kill of the Dask client and frees up a port.
    if hasattr(self, "client") and isinstance(self.client, Client):

init_eval_pop(fidelity=None, eval=True, **kwargs) #

Creates new population of 'pop_size' and evaluates individuals.

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def init_eval_pop(self, fidelity=None, eval=True, **kwargs):
    '''Creates new population of 'pop_size' and evaluates individuals.
    self.population = self.init_population(self.pop_size)
    self.population_ids = self.config_repository.announce_population(self.population, fidelity) = np.array([np.inf for i in range(self.pop_size)])
    self.age = np.array([self.max_age] * self.pop_size)

    traj = []
    runtime = []
    history = []

    if not eval:
        return traj, runtime, history

    for i in range(self.pop_size):
        config = self.population[i]
        config_id = self.population_ids[i]
        res = self.f_objective(config, fidelity, **kwargs)[i], cost = res["fitness"], res["cost"]
        info = res["info"] if "info" in res else dict()
        if[i] < self.inc_score:
            self.inc_score =[i]
            self.inc_config = config
            self.inc_id = config_id
        self.config_repository.tell_result(config_id, float(fidelity or 0), res["fitness"], res["cost"], info)
        history.append((config.tolist(), float([i]), float(fidelity or 0), info))

    return traj, runtime, history

eval_pop(population=None, population_ids=None, fidelity=None, **kwargs) #

Evaluates a population

If population=None, the current population's fitness will be evaluated If population!=None, this population will be evaluated

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def eval_pop(self, population=None, population_ids=None, fidelity=None, **kwargs):
    '''Evaluates a population

    If population=None, the current population's fitness will be evaluated
    If population!=None, this population will be evaluated
    pop = self.population if population is None else population
    pop_ids = self.population_ids if population_ids is None else population_ids
    pop_size = self.pop_size if population is None else len(pop)
    traj = []
    runtime = []
    history = []
    fitnesses = []
    costs = []
    ages = []
    for i in range(pop_size):
        res = self.f_objective(pop[i], fidelity, **kwargs)
        fitness, cost = res["fitness"], res["cost"]
        info = res["info"] if "info" in res else dict()
        if population is None:
  [i] = fitness
        if fitness <= self.inc_score:
            self.inc_score = fitness
            self.inc_config = pop[i]
            self.inc_id = pop_ids[i]
        self.config_repository.tell_result(pop_ids[i], float(fidelity or 0), info)
        history.append((pop[i].tolist(), float(fitness), float(fidelity or 0), info))
    if population is None: = np.array(fitnesses)
        return traj, runtime, history
        return traj, runtime, history, np.array(fitnesses), np.array(ages)

mutation_rand1(r1, r2, r3) #

Performs the 'rand1' type of DE mutation

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def mutation_rand1(self, r1, r2, r3):
    '''Performs the 'rand1' type of DE mutation
    diff = r2 - r3
    mutant = r1 + self.mutation_factor * diff
    return mutant

mutation_rand2(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5) #

Performs the 'rand2' type of DE mutation

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def mutation_rand2(self, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5):
    '''Performs the 'rand2' type of DE mutation
    diff1 = r2 - r3
    diff2 = r4 - r5
    mutant = r1 + self.mutation_factor * diff1 + self.mutation_factor * diff2
    return mutant

mutation(current=None, best=None, alt_pop=None) #

Performs DE mutation

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def mutation(self, current=None, best=None, alt_pop=None):
    '''Performs DE mutation
    if self.mutation_strategy == 'rand1':
        r1, r2, r3 = self.sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        mutant = self.mutation_rand1(r1, r2, r3)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'rand2':
        r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 = self.sample_population(size=5, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        mutant = self.mutation_rand2(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'rand2dir':
        r1, r2, r3 = self.sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        mutant = self.mutation_rand2dir(r1, r2, r3)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'best1':
        r1, r2 = self.sample_population(size=2, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_rand1(best, r1, r2)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'best2':
        r1, r2, r3, r4 = self.sample_population(size=4, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_rand2(best, r1, r2, r3, r4)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'currenttobest1':
        r1, r2 = self.sample_population(size=2, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_currenttobest1(current, best, r1, r2)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'randtobest1':
        r1, r2, r3 = self.sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_currenttobest1(r1, best, r2, r3)

    return mutant

crossover_bin(target, mutant) #

Performs the binomial crossover of DE

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def crossover_bin(self, target, mutant):
    '''Performs the binomial crossover of DE
    cross_points = self.rng.random(self.dimensions) < self.crossover_prob
    if not np.any(cross_points):
        cross_points[self.rng.integers(0, self.dimensions)] = True
    offspring = np.where(cross_points, mutant, target)
    return offspring

crossover_exp(target, mutant) #

Performs the exponential crossover of DE

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def crossover_exp(self, target, mutant):
    '''Performs the exponential crossover of DE
    n = self.rng.integers(0, self.dimensions)
    L = 0
    while ((self.rng.random() < self.crossover_prob) and L < self.dimensions):
        idx = (n+L) % self.dimensions
        target[idx] = mutant[idx]
        L = L + 1
    return target

crossover(target, mutant) #

Performs DE crossover

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def crossover(self, target, mutant):
    '''Performs DE crossover
    if self.crossover_strategy == 'bin':
        offspring = self.crossover_bin(target, mutant)
    elif self.crossover_strategy == 'exp':
        offspring = self.crossover_exp(target, mutant)
    return offspring

selection(trials, trial_ids, fidelity=None, **kwargs) #

Carries out a parent-offspring competition given a set of trial population

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def selection(self, trials, trial_ids, fidelity=None, **kwargs):
    '''Carries out a parent-offspring competition given a set of trial population
    traj = []
    runtime = []
    history = []
    for i in range(len(trials)):
        # evaluation of the newly created individuals
        res = self.f_objective(trials[i], fidelity, **kwargs)
        fitness, cost = res["fitness"], res["cost"]
        info = res["info"] if "info" in res else dict()
        # log result to config repo
        self.config_repository.tell_result(trial_ids[i], float(fidelity or 0), fitness, cost, info)
        # selection -- competition between parent[i] -- child[i]
        ## equality is important for landscape exploration
        if fitness <=[i]:
            self.population[i] = trials[i]
            self.population_ids[i] = trial_ids[i]
  [i] = fitness
            # resetting age since new individual in the population
            self.age[i] = self.max_age
            # decreasing age by 1 of parent who is better than offspring/trial
            self.age[i] -= 1
        # updation of global incumbent for trajectory
        if[i] < self.inc_score:
            self.inc_score =[i]
            self.inc_config = self.population[i]
            self.inc_id = self.population[i]
        history.append((trials[i].tolist(), float(fitness), float(fidelity or 0), info))
    return traj, runtime, history

evolve_generation(fidelity=None, best=None, alt_pop=None, **kwargs) #

Performs a complete DE evolution: mutation -> crossover -> selection

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def evolve_generation(self, fidelity=None, best=None, alt_pop=None, **kwargs):
    '''Performs a complete DE evolution: mutation -> crossover -> selection
    trials = []
    trial_ids = []
    for j in range(self.pop_size):
        target = self.population[j]
        donor = self.mutation(current=target, best=best, alt_pop=alt_pop)
        trial = self.crossover(target, donor)
        trial = self.boundary_check(trial)
        trial_id = self.config_repository.announce_config(trial, float(fidelity or 0))
    trials = np.array(trials)
    trial_ids = np.array(trial_ids)
    traj, runtime, history = self.selection(trials, trial_ids, fidelity, **kwargs)
    return traj, runtime, history

sample_mutants(size, population=None) #

Generates 'size' mutants from the population using rand1

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def sample_mutants(self, size, population=None):
    '''Generates 'size' mutants from the population using rand1
    if population is None:
        population = self.population
    elif len(population) < 3:
        population = np.vstack((self.population, population))

    old_strategy = self.mutation_strategy
    self.mutation_strategy = 'rand1'
    mutants = self.rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(size, self.dimensions))
    for i in range(size):
        mutant = self.mutation(current=None, best=None, alt_pop=population)
        mutants[i] = self.boundary_check(mutant)
    self.mutation_strategy = old_strategy

    return mutants

AsyncDE(cs=None, f=None, dimensions=None, pop_size=None, max_age=np.inf, mutation_factor=None, crossover_prob=None, strategy='rand1_bin', async_strategy='immediate', seed=None, rng=None, config_repository=None, **kwargs) #

Bases: DE

Extends DE to be Asynchronous with variations


async_strategy : str 'deferred' - target will be chosen sequentially from the population the winner of the selection step will be included in the population only after the entire population has had a selection step in that generation 'immediate' - target will be chosen sequentially from the population the winner of the selection step is included in the population right away 'random' - target will be chosen randomly from the population for mutation-crossover the winner of the selection step is included in the population right away 'worst' - the worst individual will be chosen as the target the winner of the selection step is included in the population right away {immediate, worst, random} implement Asynchronous-DE

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def __init__(self, cs=None, f=None, dimensions=None, pop_size=None, max_age=np.inf,
             mutation_factor=None, crossover_prob=None, strategy='rand1_bin',
             async_strategy='immediate', seed=None, rng=None, config_repository=None, **kwargs):
    '''Extends DE to be Asynchronous with variations

    async_strategy : str
        'deferred' - target will be chosen sequentially from the population
            the winner of the selection step will be included in the population only after
            the entire population has had a selection step in that generation
        'immediate' - target will be chosen sequentially from the population
            the winner of the selection step is included in the population right away
        'random' - target will be chosen randomly from the population for mutation-crossover
            the winner of the selection step is included in the population right away
        'worst' - the worst individual will be chosen as the target
            the winner of the selection step is included in the population right away
        {immediate, worst, random} implement Asynchronous-DE
    super().__init__(cs=cs, f=f, dimensions=dimensions, pop_size=pop_size, max_age=max_age,
                     mutation_factor=mutation_factor, crossover_prob=crossover_prob,
                     strategy=strategy, seed=seed, rng=rng, config_repository=config_repository,
    if self.strategy is not None:
        self.mutation_strategy = self.strategy.split('_')[0]
        self.crossover_strategy = self.strategy.split('_')[1]
        self.mutation_strategy = self.crossover_strategy = None
    self.async_strategy = async_strategy
    assert self.async_strategy in ['immediate', 'random', 'worst', 'deferred'], \
            "{} is not a valid choice for type of DE".format(self.async_strategy)

mutation(current=None, best=None, alt_pop=None) #

Performs DE mutation

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def mutation(self, current=None, best=None, alt_pop=None):
    '''Performs DE mutation
    if self.mutation_strategy == 'rand1':
        r1, r2, r3 = self._sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        mutant = self.mutation_rand1(r1, r2, r3)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'rand2':
        r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 = self._sample_population(size=5, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        mutant = self.mutation_rand2(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'rand2dir':
        r1, r2, r3 = self._sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        mutant = self.mutation_rand2dir(r1, r2, r3)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'best1':
        r1, r2 = self._sample_population(size=2, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_rand1(best, r1, r2)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'best2':
        r1, r2, r3, r4 = self._sample_population(size=4, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_rand2(best, r1, r2, r3, r4)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'currenttobest1':
        r1, r2 = self._sample_population(size=2, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_currenttobest1(current, best, r1, r2)

    elif self.mutation_strategy == 'randtobest1':
        r1, r2, r3 = self._sample_population(size=3, alt_pop=alt_pop, target=current)
        if best is None:
            best = self.population[np.argmin(]
        mutant = self.mutation_currenttobest1(r1, best, r2, r3)

    return mutant

sample_mutants(size, population=None) #

Samples 'size' mutants from the population

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def sample_mutants(self, size, population=None):
    '''Samples 'size' mutants from the population
    if population is None:
        population = self.population

    mutants = self.rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(size, self.dimensions))
    for i in range(size):
        j = self.rng.choice(np.arange(len(population)))
        mutant = self.mutation(current=population[j], best=self.inc_config, alt_pop=population)
        mutants[i] = self.boundary_check(mutant)

    return mutants

evolve_generation(fidelity=None, best=None, alt_pop=None, **kwargs) #

Performs a complete DE evolution, mutation -> crossover -> selection

Source code in src/dehb/optimizers/
def evolve_generation(self, fidelity=None, best=None, alt_pop=None, **kwargs):
    '''Performs a complete DE evolution, mutation -> crossover -> selection
    traj = []
    runtime = []
    history = []

    if self.async_strategy == "deferred":
        trials = []
        trial_ids = []
        for j in range(self.pop_size):
            target = self.population[j]
            donor = self.mutation(current=target, best=best, alt_pop=alt_pop)
            trial = self.crossover(target, donor)
            trial = self.boundary_check(trial)
            trial_id = self.config_repository.announce_config(trial, float(fidelity or 0))
        # selection takes place on a separate trial population only after
        # one iteration through the population has taken place
        trials = np.array(trials)
        traj, runtime, history = self.selection(trials, trial_ids, fidelity, **kwargs)
        return traj, runtime, history

    elif self.async_strategy == "immediate":
        for i in range(self.pop_size):
            target = self.population[i]
            donor = self.mutation(current=target, best=best, alt_pop=alt_pop)
            trial = self.crossover(target, donor)
            trial = self.boundary_check(trial)
            trial_id = self.config_repository.announce_config(trial, float(fidelity or 0))
            # evaluating a single trial population for the i-th individual
            de_traj, de_runtime, de_history, fitnesses, costs = \
                self.eval_pop(trial.reshape(1, self.dimensions),
                              np.array([trial_id]), fidelity=fidelity, **kwargs)
            # one-vs-one selection
            ## can replace the i-the population despite not completing one iteration
            if fitnesses[0] <=[i]:
                self.population[i] = trial
                self.population_ids[i] = trial_id
      [i] = fitnesses[0]
        return traj, runtime, history

    else:  # async_strategy == 'random' or async_strategy == 'worst':
        for count in range(self.pop_size):
            # choosing target individual
            if self.async_strategy == "random":
                i = self.rng.choice(np.arange(self.pop_size))
            else:  # async_strategy == 'worst'
                i = np.argsort([0]
            target = self.population[i]
            mutant = self.mutation(current=target, best=best, alt_pop=alt_pop)
            trial = self.crossover(target, mutant)
            trial = self.boundary_check(trial)
            trial_id = self.config_repository.announce_config(trial, float(fidelity or 0))
            # evaluating a single trial population for the i-th individual
            de_traj, de_runtime, de_history, fitnesses, costs = \
                self.eval_pop(trial.reshape(1, self.dimensions), np.array([trial_id]),
                               fidelity=fidelity, **kwargs)
            # one-vs-one selection
            ## can replace the i-the population despite not completing one iteration
            if fitnesses[0] <=[i]:
                self.population[i] = trial
      [i] = fitnesses[0]

    return traj, runtime, history