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Ask & Tell

Using the Ask & Tell interface#

DEHB allows users to either utilize the Ask & Tell interface for manual task distribution or leverage the built-in functionality (run) to set up a Dask cluster autonomously. The Ask & Tell functionality can be utilized as follows:

optimizer = DEHB(
    f=your_target_function, # Here we do not need to necessarily specify the target function, but it can still be useful to call 'run' later.

# Ask for next configuration to run
job_info = optimizer.ask()

# Run the configuration for the given fidelity. Here you can freely distribute the computation to any worker you'd like.
result = your_target_function(config=job_info["config"], fidelity=job_info["fidelity"])

# When you received the result, feed them back to the optimizer
optimizer.tell(job_info, result)