Source code for smac.model.random_forest.random_forest

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace
from pyrfr import regression
from pyrfr.regression import binary_rss_forest as BinaryForest
from pyrfr.regression import default_data_container as DataContainer

from smac.constants import N_TREES, VERY_SMALL_NUMBER
from smac.model.random_forest import AbstractRandomForest

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022,"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"

[docs] class RandomForest(AbstractRandomForest): """Random forest that takes instance features into account. Parameters ---------- n_trees : int, defaults to `N_TREES` The number of trees in the random forest. n_points_per_tree : int, defaults to -1 Number of points per tree. If the value is smaller than 0, the number of samples will be used. ratio_features : float, defaults to 5.0 / 6.0 The ratio of features that are considered for splitting. min_samples_split : int, defaults to 3 The minimum number of data points to perform a split. min_samples_leaf : int, defaults to 3 The minimum number of data points in a leaf. max_depth : int, defaults to 2**20 The maximum depth of a single tree. eps_purity : float, defaults to 1e-8 The minimum difference between two target values to be considered. max_nodes : int, defaults to 2**20 The maximum total number of nodes in a tree. bootstrapping : bool, defaults to True Enables bootstrapping. log_y: bool, defaults to False The y values (passed to this random forest) are expected to be log(y) transformed. This will be considered during predicting. instance_features : dict[str, list[int | float]] | None, defaults to None Features (list of int or floats) of the instances (str). The features are incorporated into the X data, on which the model is trained on. pca_components : float, defaults to 7 Number of components to keep when using PCA to reduce dimensionality of instance features. seed : int """ def __init__( self, configspace: ConfigurationSpace, n_trees: int = N_TREES, n_points_per_tree: int = -1, ratio_features: float = 5.0 / 6.0, min_samples_split: int = 3, min_samples_leaf: int = 3, max_depth: int = 2**20, eps_purity: float = 1e-8, max_nodes: int = 2**20, bootstrapping: bool = True, log_y: bool = False, instance_features: dict[str, list[int | float]] | None = None, pca_components: int | None = 7, seed: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__( configspace=configspace, instance_features=instance_features, pca_components=pca_components, seed=seed, ) max_features = 0 if ratio_features > 1.0 else max(1, int(len(self._types) * ratio_features)) self._rf_opts = regression.forest_opts() self._rf_opts.num_trees = n_trees self._rf_opts.do_bootstrapping = bootstrapping self._rf_opts.tree_opts.max_features = max_features self._rf_opts.tree_opts.min_samples_to_split = min_samples_split self._rf_opts.tree_opts.min_samples_in_leaf = min_samples_leaf self._rf_opts.tree_opts.max_depth = max_depth self._rf_opts.tree_opts.epsilon_purity = eps_purity self._rf_opts.tree_opts.max_num_nodes = max_nodes self._rf_opts.compute_law_of_total_variance = False self._rf: BinaryForest | None = None self._log_y = log_y # Case to `int` incase we get an `np.integer` type self._rng = regression.default_random_engine(int(seed)) self._n_trees = n_trees self._n_points_per_tree = n_points_per_tree self._ratio_features = ratio_features self._min_samples_split = min_samples_split self._min_samples_leaf = min_samples_leaf self._max_depth = max_depth self._eps_purity = eps_purity self._max_nodes = max_nodes self._bootstrapping = bootstrapping # This list well be read out by save_iteration() in the solver # self._hypers = [ # n_trees, # max_nodes, # bootstrapping, # n_points_per_tree, # ratio_features, # min_samples_split, # min_samples_leaf, # max_depth, # eps_purity, # self._seed, # ] @property def meta(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # noqa: D102 meta = super().meta meta.update( { "n_trees": self._n_trees, "n_points_per_tree": self._n_points_per_tree, "ratio_features": self._ratio_features, "min_samples_split": self._min_samples_split, "min_samples_leaf": self._min_samples_leaf, "max_depth": self._max_depth, "eps_purity": self._eps_purity, "max_nodes": self._max_nodes, "bootstrapping": self._bootstrapping, "pca_components": self._pca_components, } ) return meta def _train(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> RandomForest: X = self._impute_inactive(X) y = y.flatten() # self.X = X # self.y = y.flatten() if self._n_points_per_tree <= 0: self._rf_opts.num_data_points_per_tree = X.shape[0] else: self._rf_opts.num_data_points_per_tree = self._n_points_per_tree self._rf = regression.binary_rss_forest() self._rf.options = self._rf_opts data = self._init_data_container(X, y), rng=self._rng) return self def _init_data_container(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> DataContainer: """Fills a pyrfr default data container s.t. the forest knows categoricals and bounds for continous data. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [#samples, #hyperparameter + #features] Input data points. Y : np.ndarray [#samples, #objectives] The corresponding target values. Returns ------- data : DataContainer The filled data container that pyrfr can interpret. """ # Retrieve the types and the bounds from the ConfigSpace data = regression.default_data_container(X.shape[1]) for i, (mn, mx) in enumerate(self._bounds): if np.isnan(mx): data.set_type_of_feature(i, mn) else: data.set_bounds_of_feature(i, mn, mx) for row_X, row_y in zip(X, y): data.add_data_point(row_X, row_y) return data def _predict( self, X: np.ndarray, covariance_type: str | None = "diagonal", ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray | None]: if len(X.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2d array, got %dd array!" % len(X.shape)) if X.shape[1] != len(self._types): raise ValueError("Rows in X should have %d entries but have %d!" % (len(self._types), X.shape[1])) if covariance_type != "diagonal": raise ValueError("`covariance_type` can only take `diagonal` for this model.") assert self._rf is not None X = self._impute_inactive(X) if self._log_y: all_preds = [] third_dimension = 0 # Gather data in a list of 2d arrays and get statistics about the required size of the 3d array for row_X in X: preds_per_tree = self._rf.all_leaf_values(row_X) all_preds.append(preds_per_tree) max_num_leaf_data = max(map(len, preds_per_tree)) third_dimension = max(max_num_leaf_data, third_dimension) # Transform list of 2d arrays into a 3d array preds_as_array = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self._rf_opts.num_trees, third_dimension)) * np.nan for i, preds_per_tree in enumerate(all_preds): for j, pred in enumerate(preds_per_tree): preds_as_array[i, j, : len(pred)] = pred # Do all necessary computation with vectorized functions preds_as_array = np.log(np.nanmean(np.exp(preds_as_array), axis=2) + VERY_SMALL_NUMBER) # Compute the mean and the variance across the different trees means = preds_as_array.mean(axis=1) vars_ = preds_as_array.var(axis=1) else: means, vars_ = [], [] for row_X in X: mean_, var = self._rf.predict_mean_var(row_X) means.append(mean_) vars_.append(var) means = np.array(means) vars_ = np.array(vars_) return means.reshape((-1, 1)), vars_.reshape((-1, 1))
[docs] def predict_marginalized(self, X: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Predicts mean and variance marginalized over all instances. Note ---- The method is random forest specific and follows the SMAC2 implementation. It requires no distribution assumption to marginalize the uncertainty estimates. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [#samples, #hyperparameter + #features] Input data points. Returns ------- means : np.ndarray [#samples, 1] The predictive mean. vars : np.ndarray [#samples, 1] The predictive variance. """ if self._n_features == 0: mean_, var = self.predict(X) assert var is not None var[var < self._var_threshold] = self._var_threshold var[np.isnan(var)] = self._var_threshold return mean_, var assert self._instance_features is not None if len(X.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2d array, got %dd array!" % len(X.shape)) if X.shape[1] != len(self._bounds): raise ValueError("Rows in X should have %d entries but have %d!" % (len(self._bounds), X.shape[1])) assert self._rf is not None X = self._impute_inactive(X) X_feat = list(self._instance_features.values()) dat_ = self._rf.predict_marginalized_over_instances_batch(X, X_feat, self._log_y) dat_ = np.array(dat_) # 3. compute statistics across trees mean_ = dat_.mean(axis=1) var = dat_.var(axis=1) if var is None: raise RuntimeError("The variance must not be none.") var[var < self._var_threshold] = self._var_threshold if len(mean_.shape) == 1: mean_ = mean_.reshape((-1, 1)) if len(var.shape) == 1: var = var.reshape((-1, 1)) return mean_, var