from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Iterator
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace import Configuration
from smac.constants import MAXINT
from smac.intensifier.abstract_intensifier import AbstractIntensifier
from smac.runhistory import TrialInfo
from smac.runhistory.dataclasses import InstanceSeedBudgetKey
from smac.runhistory.errors import NotEvaluatedError
from smac.scenario import Scenario
from smac.utils.configspace import get_config_hash
from smac.utils.data_structures import batch
from smac.utils.logging import get_logger
from smac.utils.pareto_front import calculate_pareto_front, sort_by_crowding_distance
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022,"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
logger = get_logger(__name__)
class SuccessiveHalving(AbstractIntensifier):
Implementation of Succesive Halving supporting multi-fidelity, multi-objective, and multi-processing.
Internally, a tracker keeps track of configurations and their bracket and stage.
The behaviour of this intensifier is as follows:
- First, adds configurations from the runhistory to the tracker. The first stage is always filled-up. For example,
the user provided 4 configs with the tell-method but the first stage requires 8 configs: 4 new configs are
sampled and added together with the provided configs as a group to the tracker.
- While loop:
- If a trial in the tracker has not been yielded yet, yield it.
- If we are running out of trials, we simply add a new batch of configurations to the first stage.
The implementation natively supports brackets from Hyperband. However, in the case of Successive Halving,
only one bracket is used.
eta : int, defaults to 3
Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.
n_seeds : int, defaults to 1
How many seeds to use for each instance.
instance_seed_order : str, defaults to "shuffle_once"
How to order the instance-seed pairs. Can be set to:
- `None`: No shuffling at all and use the instance-seed order provided by the user.
- `shuffle_once`: Shuffle the instance-seed keys once and use the same order across all runs.
- `shuffle`: Shuffles the instance-seed keys for each bracket individually.
incumbent_selection : str, defaults to "highest_observed_budget"
How to select the incumbent when using budgets. Can be set to:
- `any_budget`: Incumbent is the best on any budget i.e., best performance regardless of budget.
- `highest_observed_budget`: Incumbent is the best in the highest budget run so far.
- `highest_budget`: Incumbent is selected only based on the highest budget.
max_incumbents : int, defaults to 10
How many incumbents to keep track of in the case of multi-objective.
seed : int, defaults to None
Internal seed used for random events like shuffle seeds.
def __init__(
scenario: Scenario,
eta: int = 3,
n_seeds: int = 1,
instance_seed_order: str | None = "shuffle_once",
max_incumbents: int = 10,
incumbent_selection: str = "highest_observed_budget",
seed: int | None = None,
self._eta = eta
self._instance_seed_order = instance_seed_order
self._incumbent_selection = incumbent_selection
self._highest_observed_budget_only = False if incumbent_selection == "any_budget" else True
# Global variables derived from scenario
self._min_budget = self._scenario.min_budget
self._max_budget = self._scenario.max_budget
def meta(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # noqa: D102
meta = super().meta
"eta": self._eta,
"instance_seed_order": self._instance_seed_order,
"incumbent_selection": self._incumbent_selection,
return meta
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset the internal variables of the intensifier including the tracker."""
# States
# dict[tuple[bracket, stage], list[tuple[seed to shuffle instance-seed keys, list[config_id]]]
self._tracker: dict[tuple[int, int], list[tuple[int | None, list[Configuration]]]] = defaultdict(list)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Post initialization steps after the runhistory has been set."""
# We generate our instance seed pairs once
is_keys = self.get_instance_seed_keys_of_interest()
# Budgets, followed by lots of sanity-checking
eta = self._eta
min_budget = self._min_budget
max_budget = self._max_budget
if max_budget is not None and min_budget is not None and max_budget < min_budget:
raise ValueError("Max budget has to be larger than min budget.")
if self.uses_instances:
if isinstance(min_budget, float) or isinstance(max_budget, float):
raise ValueError("Successive Halving requires integer budgets when using instances.")
min_budget = min_budget if min_budget is not None else 1
max_budget = max_budget if max_budget is not None else len(is_keys)
if max_budget > len(is_keys):
raise ValueError(
f"Max budget of {max_budget} can not be greater than the number of instance-seed "
f"keys ({len(is_keys)})."
if max_budget < len(is_keys):
f"Max budget {max_budget} does not include all instance seed " f"pairs ({len(is_keys)})."
if min_budget is None or max_budget is None:
raise ValueError(
"Successive Halving requires the parameters min_budget and max_budget defined in the scenario."
if len(is_keys) != 1:
raise ValueError("Successive Halving supports only one seed when using budgets.")
if min_budget is None or min_budget <= 0:
raise ValueError("Min budget has to be larger than 0.")
budget_type = "INSTANCES" if self.uses_instances else "BUDGETS"
f"Successive Halving uses budget type {budget_type} with eta {eta}, "
f"min budget {min_budget}, and max budget {max_budget}."
# Pre-computing Successive Halving variables
max_iter = self._get_max_iterations(eta, max_budget, min_budget)
budgets, n_configs = self._compute_configs_and_budgets_for_stages(eta, max_budget, max_iter)
# Global variables
self._min_budget = min_budget
self._max_budget = max_budget
# Stage variables, depending on the bracket (0 is the bracket here since SH only has one bracket)
self._max_iterations: dict[int, int] = {0: max_iter + 1}
self._n_configs_in_stage: dict[int, list] = {0: n_configs}
self._budgets_in_stage: dict[int, list] = {0: budgets}
def _get_max_iterations(eta: int, max_budget: float | int, min_budget: float | int) -> int:
return int(np.floor(np.log(max_budget / min_budget) / np.log(eta)))
def _compute_configs_and_budgets_for_stages(
eta: int, max_budget: float | int, max_iter: int, s_max: int | None = None
) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]:
if s_max is None:
s_max = max_iter
n_initial_challengers = math.ceil((eta**max_iter) * (s_max + 1) / (max_iter + 1))
# How many configs in each stage
lin_space = -np.linspace(0, max_iter, max_iter + 1)
n_configs_ = np.floor(n_initial_challengers * np.power(eta, lin_space))
n_configs = np.array(np.round(n_configs_), dtype=int).tolist()
# How many budgets in each stage
lin_space = -np.linspace(max_iter, 0, max_iter + 1)
budgets = (max_budget * np.power(eta, lin_space)).tolist()
return budgets, n_configs
def get_state(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # noqa: D102
# Replace config by dict
tracker: dict[str, list[tuple[int | None, list[dict]]]] = defaultdict(list)
for key in list(self._tracker.keys()):
for seed, configs in self._tracker[key]:
# We have to make key serializable
new_key = f"{key[0]},{key[1]}"
tracker[new_key].append((seed, [dict(config) for config in configs]))
return {"tracker": tracker}
def set_state(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # noqa: D102
self._tracker = defaultdict(list)
tracker = state["tracker"]
for old_key in list(tracker.keys()):
keys = [k for k in old_key.split(",")]
new_key = (int(keys[0]), int(keys[1]))
for seed, config_dicts in tracker[old_key]:
seed = None if seed is None else int(seed)
[Configuration(self._scenario.configspace, config_dict) for config_dict in config_dicts],
def uses_seeds(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102
return True
def uses_budgets(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102
if self._scenario.instances is None:
return True
return False
def uses_instances(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102
if self._scenario.instances is None:
return False
return True
def print_tracker(self) -> None:
"""Prints the number of configurations in each bracket/stage."""
messages = []
for (bracket, stage), others in self._tracker.items():
counter = 0
for _, config_ids in others:
counter += len(config_ids)
if counter > 0:
messages.append(f"--- Bracket {bracket} / Stage {stage}: {counter} configs")
if len(messages) > 0:
logger.debug(f"{self.__class__.__name__} statistics:")
for message in messages:
def get_trials_of_interest(
config: Configuration,
validate: bool = False,
seed: int | None = None,
) -> list[TrialInfo]: # noqa: D102
is_keys = self.get_instance_seed_keys_of_interest(validate=validate, seed=seed)
budget = None
# When we use budgets, we always evaluated on the highest budget only
if self.uses_budgets:
budget = self._max_budget
trials = []
for key in is_keys:
trials.append(TrialInfo(config=config, instance=key.instance, seed=key.seed, budget=budget))
return trials
def get_instance_seed_budget_keys(
self, config: Configuration, compare: bool = False
) -> list[InstanceSeedBudgetKey]:
"""Returns the instance-seed-budget keys for a given configuration. This method supports ``highest_budget``,
which only returns the instance-seed-budget keys for the highest budget (if specified). In this case, the
incumbents in ``update_incumbents`` are only changed if the costs on the highest budget are lower.
config: Configuration
The Configuration to be queried
compare : bool, defaults to False
Get rid of the budget information for comparing if the configuration was evaluated on the same
instance-seed keys.
isb_keys = self.runhistory.get_instance_seed_budget_keys(
config, highest_observed_budget_only=self._highest_observed_budget_only
# If incumbent should only be changed on the highest budget, we have to kick out all budgets below the highest
if self.uses_budgets and self._incumbent_selection == "highest_budget":
isb_keys = [key for key in isb_keys if key.budget == self._max_budget]
if compare:
# Get rid of duplicates
isb_keys = list(
set([InstanceSeedBudgetKey(instance=key.instance, seed=key.seed, budget=None) for key in isb_keys])
return isb_keys
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[TrialInfo]: # noqa: D102
# Log brackets/stages"Number of configs in stage:")
for bracket, n in self._n_configs_in_stage.items():"--- Bracket {bracket}: {n}")"Budgets in stage:")
for bracket, budgets in self._budgets_in_stage.items():"--- Bracket {bracket}: {budgets}")
rh = self.runhistory
# We have to add already existing trials from the runhistory
# Idea: We simply add existing configs to the tracker (first stage) but assign a random instance shuffle seed.
# In the best case, trials (added from the users) are included in the seed and it has not re-computed again.
# Note: If the intensifier was restored, we don't want to go in here
if len(self._tracker) == 0:
bracket = 0
stage = 0
# Print ignored budgets
ignored_budgets = []
for k in rh.keys():
if k.budget not in self._budgets_in_stage[0] and k.budget not in ignored_budgets:
if len(ignored_budgets) > 0:
f"Trials with budgets {ignored_budgets} will been ignored. Consider adding trials with budgets "
# We batch the configs because we need n_configs in each iteration
# If we don't have n_configs, we sample new ones
# We take the number of configs from the first bracket and the first stage
n_configs = self._n_configs_in_stage[bracket][stage]
for configs in batch(rh.get_configs(), n_configs):
n_rh_configs = len(configs)
if len(configs) < n_configs:
config = next(self.config_generator)
except StopIteration:
# We stop if we don't find any configuration anymore
seed = self._get_next_order_seed()
self._tracker[(bracket, stage)].append((seed, configs))
f"Added {n_rh_configs} configs from runhistory and {n_configs - n_rh_configs} new configs to "
f"Successive Halving's first bracket and first stage with order seed {seed}."
while True:
# If we don't yield trials anymore, we have to update
# Otherwise, we can just keep yielding trials from the tracker
update = False
# We iterate over the tracker to do two things:
# 1) Yield trials of configs that are not yet evaluated/running
# 2) Update tracker and move better configs to the next stage
# We start in reverse order to complete higher stages first
logger.debug("Updating tracker:")
# TODO: Process stages ascending or descending?
for bracket, stage in list(self._tracker.keys()):
pairs = self._tracker[(bracket, stage)].copy()
for seed, configs in pairs:
isb_keys = self._get_instance_seed_budget_keys_by_stage(bracket=bracket, stage=stage, seed=seed)
# We iterate over the configs and yield trials which are not running/evaluated yet
for config in configs:
config_hash = get_config_hash(config)
trials = self._get_next_trials(config, from_keys=isb_keys)
f"--- Yielding {len(trials)}/{len(isb_keys)} for config {config_hash} in "
f"stage {stage} with seed {seed}..."
for trial in trials:
yield trial
update = True
# If all configs were evaluated on ``n_configs_required``, we finally can compare
successful_configs = self._get_best_configs(configs, bracket, stage, isb_keys)
except NotEvaluatedError:
# We can't compare anything, so we just continue with the next pairs
logger.debug("--- Could not compare configs because not all trials have been evaluated yet.")
# Update tracker
# Remove current shuffle index / config pair
self._tracker[(bracket, stage)].remove((seed, configs))
# Add successful to the next stage
if stage < self._max_iterations[bracket] - 1:
config_ids = [rh.get_config_id(config) for config in successful_configs]
self._tracker[(bracket, stage + 1)].append((seed, successful_configs))
f"--- Promoted {len(config_ids)} configs from stage {stage} to stage {stage + 1} in "
f"bracket {bracket}."
f"--- Removed {len(successful_configs)} configs to last stage in bracket {bracket}."
# Log how many configs are in each stage
# Since we yielded something before, we want to go back as long as we do not find any trials anymore
if update:
# TODO: Aggressive progressing without knowing how well trials performed
# Idea: Don't add constantly new batches (see ASHA)
# If we are running out of trials, we want to add configs to the first stage
# We simply add as many configs to the stage as required (_n_configs_in_stage[0])
configs = []
next_bracket = self._get_next_bracket()
for _ in range(self._n_configs_in_stage[next_bracket][0]):
config = next(self.config_generator)
except StopIteration:
# We stop if we don't find any configuration anymore
"If you assume your configspace was not yet exhausted, try to "
"increase the number of retries in the config selector."
# We keep track of the seed so we always evaluate on the same instances
next_seed = self._get_next_order_seed()
self._tracker[(next_bracket, 0)].append((next_seed, configs))
f"Added {len(configs)} new configs to bracket {next_bracket} stage 0 with shuffle seed {next_seed}."
def _get_instance_seed_budget_keys_by_stage(
bracket: int,
stage: int,
seed: int | None = None,
) -> list[InstanceSeedBudgetKey]:
"""Returns all instance-seed-budget keys (isb keys) for the given stage. Each stage
is associated with a budget (N). Two possible options:
1) Instance based: We return N isb keys. If a seed is specified, we shuffle the keys before
returning the first N instances. The budget is set to None here.
2) Budget based: We return one isb only but the budget is set to N.
budget: float | int | None = None
is_keys = self.get_instance_seed_keys_of_interest()
# We have to differentiate between budgets and instances based here
# If we are budget based, we always have one instance seed pair only
# If we are in the instance setting, we have to return a specific number of instance seed pairs
if self.uses_instances:
# Shuffle instance seed pairs group-based
if seed is not None:
is_keys = self._reorder_instance_seed_keys(is_keys, seed=seed)
# We only return the first N instances
N = int(self._budgets_in_stage[bracket][stage])
is_keys = is_keys[:N]
assert len(is_keys) == 1
# The stage defines which budget should be used (in real-valued setting)
# No shuffle is needed here because we only have on instance seed pair
budget = self._budgets_in_stage[bracket][stage]
isbk = []
for isk in is_keys:
isbk.append(InstanceSeedBudgetKey(instance=isk.instance, seed=isk.seed, budget=budget))
return isbk
def _get_next_trials(
config: Configuration,
from_keys: list[InstanceSeedBudgetKey],
) -> list[TrialInfo]:
"""Returns trials for a given config from a list of instances (instance-seed-budget keys). The returned trials
have not run or evaluated yet.
rh = self.runhistory
evaluated_trials = rh.get_trials(config, highest_observed_budget_only=False)
running_trials = rh.get_running_trials(config)
next_trials: list[TrialInfo] = []
for instance in from_keys:
trial = TrialInfo(config=config, instance=instance.instance, seed=instance.seed, budget=instance.budget)
if trial in evaluated_trials or trial in running_trials:
return next_trials
def _get_best_configs(
configs: list[Configuration],
bracket: int,
stage: int,
from_keys: list[InstanceSeedBudgetKey],
) -> list[Configuration]:
"""Returns the best configurations. The number of configurations is depending on the stage. Raises
``NotEvaluatedError`` if not all trials have been evaluated.
n_configs = self._n_configs_in_stage[bracket][stage + 1]
except IndexError:
return []
rh = self.runhistory
configs = configs.copy()
for config in configs:
isb_keys = rh.get_instance_seed_budget_keys(config)
if not all(isb_key in isb_keys for isb_key in from_keys):
raise NotEvaluatedError
selected_configs: list[Configuration] = []
while len(selected_configs) < n_configs:
# We calculate the pareto front for the given configs
# We use the same isb keys for all the configs
all_keys = [from_keys for _ in configs]
incumbents = calculate_pareto_front(rh, configs, all_keys)
# Idea: We recursively calculate the pareto front in every iteration
for incumbent in incumbents:
# If we have more selected configs, we remove the ones with the smallest crowding distance
if len(selected_configs) > n_configs:
all_keys = [from_keys for _ in selected_configs]
selected_configs = sort_by_crowding_distance(rh, selected_configs, all_keys)[:n_configs]
logger.debug("Found more configs than required. Removed configs with smallest crowding distance.")
return selected_configs
def _get_next_order_seed(self) -> int | None:
"""Next instances shuffle seed to use."""
# Here we have the option to shuffle the trials when specified by the user
if self._instance_seed_order == "shuffle":
seed = self._rng.randint(0, MAXINT)
elif self._instance_seed_order == "shuffle_once":
seed = 0
seed = None
return seed
def _get_next_bracket(self) -> int:
"""Successive Halving only uses one bracket. Therefore, we always return 0 here."""
return 0