
We provide several examples of how to use SMAC with Python. Practical use-cases were chosen to show the variety of SMAC.


Quadratic Function

Quadratic Function

Support Vector Machine with Cross-Validation

Support Vector Machine with Cross-Validation



Custom Callback

Custom Callback

Continue an Optimization

Continue an Optimization

User Priors over the Optimum

User Priors over the Optimum

Multi-Fidelity and Multi-Instances

Multi-Layer Perceptron Using Multiple Epochs

Multi-Layer Perceptron Using Multiple Epochs

Stochastic Gradient Descent On Multiple Datasets

Stochastic Gradient Descent On Multiple Datasets

Specify Number of Trials via a Total Budget in Hyperband

Specify Number of Trials via a Total Budget in Hyperband


2D Schaffer Function with Objective Weights

2D Schaffer Function with Objective Weights



Command-Line Interface

SMAC can call a target function from a script. This is useful if you want to optimize non-python code.

Call Target Function From Script

Call Target Function From Script