In the following we will show how to use PyImp.
Before proceeding with this Quick-Start guide, you sould make sure you have all requirenment installed (see Installation). PyImp is developed for python3.5 and above!
To show you how easy it is to use PyImp we will do it by example. In the examples folder you’ll find the folder spear_qcp.
First navigate to this folder.
cd examples/spear_qcp
It contains all the necessary files, to optimize Spear using SMAC3. To see a detailed description of what each file is used for, we refer to SMACs manual. All the files are provided so you can run SMAC for yourself to create new output to use with PyImp
The folder smac-output contains the runhistory and trajectory files of a 10 minute SMAC run for the specified scenario.
To use PyImp simply execute the following call in the spear_qcp folder:
pimp --scenario_file scenario.txt --history './*/runhistory.json' --modus forward-selection
With this call, PyImp will read in the scenarios info and all runhistories in this folder and evaluate the parameter importances, using forward selection (see Algorithms).
PyImp will create a json file that contains the names and importance values of all parameters that the analysis algorithm checked. You can easily load this file using pythons json module.
Further, every algorithm will create one ore more plots in the same directory in which the evaluate script was called.
This is all you need to have in order to determine the parameter importance of your algorithm.
usage: pimp [-h] -S SCENARIO_FILE -M
[{ablation,forward-selection,influence-model,all,fanova,lpi,incneighbor} ...]
[-D WDIR] [--fanova_cut_at_default] [--fanova_no_pairs]
[--incneigh_quantify_perf_improvement] [--forward_sel_feat_imp]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required Options:
scenario file in AClib format (default: None)
-M {ablation,forward-selection,influence-model,all,fanova,lpi,incneighbor} [{ablation,forward-selection,influence-model,all,fanova,lpi,incneighbor} ...], --modus {ablation,forward-selection,influence-model,all,fanova,lpi,incneighbor} [{ablation,forward-selection,influence-model,all,fanova,lpi,incneighbor} ...]
Analysis method(s) to use (default: None)
runhistory file (default: None)
Optional Options:
--seed SEED random seed (default: 12345)
-V {INFO,DEBUG}, --verbose_level {INFO,DEBUG}
verbosity (default: 20)
Path to trajectory file (default: None)
-N NUM_PARAMS, --num_params NUM_PARAMS
Number of parameters to evaluate (default: 0)
Number of samples from runhistorie(s) used. -1 -> use
all (default: -1)
-I, --impute Impute censored data (default: False)
-C, --table Save result table (default: False)
-F OUT_FOLDER, --out-folder OUT_FOLDER
Folder to store results in (default: None)
-D WDIR, --working_dir WDIR
Directory to load all folders from. (default: .)
Cut fANOVA results at the default. This quantifies
importance only in terms of improvement over the
default. (default: False)
--fanova_no_pairs fANOVA won't compute pairwise marginals (default:
incumbent neighborhood computes importance via
performance improvement (default: True)
forward selection for feature importance (default:
Deactivate preprocessing step in which instances are
marginalized away to speedup ablation, forward-
selection and incumbent neighborhood predictions
(default: False)
The trajectory file is only needed for local analysis methods such as ablation and LPI.
num_params determines how many parameters have to be evaluated. It is useful if you are only interested in the n most important parameters. If it is not set or below 1 or above the maximum number of parameters to evaluate, it will evaluate all possible parameters.