
In the following we will shortly describe all of the different algorithms that can be used for parameter importance analysis and are implemented as part of PyImp.


Ablation is a local method that determines parameter importances between two given configurations. It thereby looks which parameter contributed most in a local part of the Configuration Space. It is an iterative method that changes, in each round, one parameter from the starting configuration to that of the target configuration. The parameter that resulted in the highest improvement is kept as this rounds most important parameter. The order determines which parameters are deemed most important and the percentage of improvement tells us how much influence a parameter has.

In PyImp we implemented an efficient variant of ablation, which replaces costly algorithm runs with cheap to evaluate surrogates.


Forward-Selection is an iterative method. In each iteration it constructs models that only consider parts of all available parameters and keeps the one parameter that results in the lowest prediction error for the next round. The order determines which parameters are deemed most important.

For more details we refer to the original paper.

Influence Models

Influence Models aim to learn a linear model and deems those parameters as most important that result in the highest weights of the linear model. However it does not necessarily look at all possible parameters, only those that improve the performance when adding them to the linear model in a forward step. Additionally, it performs one (or more) backwards steps, in which it checks if parameters have become unimportant due to conditionalities in the Parameter Space. For more details we refer to the original paper.


fANOVA is an efficient parameter importance method, leveraging random forest models fit on the data already gathered by Bayesian optimization. fANOVA is able to quantify the importance of both single hyperparameters and of interactions between hyperparameters.

For more details we refer to the original paper.


*L*ocal *P*arameter *I*mportance ist the most local parameter importance analysis method. It is inspired by the human strategy to look for further improved parameter configurations or to understand the importance of parameter changes in the neighborhood of a parameter configuration. For ex- ample, most users are interested in understanding which parameters in optimized parameter configurations are crucial for the achieved performance. Using an EPM, we study performance changes of a configuration along each parameter. To quantify the importance of a parameter value, we compute the variance of all cost values by changing the parameter and then compute the fraction of all variances.