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QuickOptimizer #

Bases: Optimizer

QuickOptimizer implements a cost-aware Bayesian optimization. It builds upon the DyHPO algorithm, adding cost-awareness to the optimization process.


  • cs (ConfigurationSpace) –

    The configuration space to optimize over.

  • max_fidelity (int) –

    The maximum fidelity to optimize. Fidelity is a measure of a resource used by a configuration, such as the number of epochs.

  • perf_predictor (PerfPredictor, default: None ) –

    The performance predictor to use. If None, a new predictor is created.

  • cost_predictor (CostPredictor, default: None ) –

    The cost predictor to use. If None, a new CostPredictor is created if cost_aware is True.

  • cost_aware (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to use the cost predictor. Defaults to False.

  • cost_factor (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    A factor to control the scaling of cost values. Values must be in the range [0.0, inf). A cost factor smaller than 1 compresses the cost values closer together (with 0 equalizing them), while values larger than 1 expand them. Defaults to 1.0.

  • acq_fn (str, default: 'ei' ) –

    The acquisition function to use. One of ["ei", "ucb", "thompson", "exploit"]. Defaults to "ei".

  • explore_factor (float, default: 0.0 ) –

    The exploration factor in the acquisition function. Defaults to 1.0.

  • patience (int, default: None ) –

    Determines if early stopping should be applied for a single configuration. If the score does not improve for patience steps, the configuration is stopped. Defaults to None.

  • tol (float, default: 0.0001 ) –

    Tolerance for early stopping. Training stops if the score does not improve by at least tol for patience iterations (if set). Values must be in the range [0.0, inf). Defaults to 0.0.

  • score_thresh (float, default: 0.0 ) –

    Threshold for early stopping. If the score is above 1 - score_thresh, the configuration is stopped. Defaults to 0.0.

  • init_random_search_steps (int, default: 3 ) –

    Number of configurations to evaluate randomly at the beginning of the optimization (with fidelity 1) before using predictors/acquisition function. Defaults to 10.

  • refit_init_steps (int, default: 0 ) –

    Number of steps (successful evaluations) before refitting the predictors. Defaults to 0.

  • refit (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to refit the predictors with observed data. Defaults to False.

  • refit_interval (int, default: 1 ) –

    Interval for refitting the predictors. Defaults to 1.

  • path (str, default: None ) –

    Path to save the optimizer state. Defaults to None.

  • seed (int, default: None ) –

    Seed for reproducibility. Defaults to None.

  • verbosity (int, default: 2 ) –

    Verbosity level for logging. Defaults to 2.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
class QuickOptimizer(Optimizer):
    """QuickOptimizer implements a cost-aware Bayesian optimization. It builds upon the
    DyHPO algorithm, adding cost-awareness to the optimization process.

        cs (ConfigurationSpace): The configuration space to optimize over.
        max_fidelity (int): The maximum fidelity to optimize. Fidelity is a measure of
            a resource used by a configuration, such as the number of epochs.
        perf_predictor (PerfPredictor, optional): The performance predictor to use. If
            None, a new predictor is created.
        cost_predictor (CostPredictor, optional): The cost predictor to use. If None,
            a new CostPredictor is created if `cost_aware` is True.
        cost_aware (bool, optional): Whether to use the cost predictor. Defaults to False.
        cost_factor (float, optional): A factor to control the scaling of cost values.
            Values must be in the range `[0.0, inf)`. A cost factor smaller than 1
            compresses the cost values closer together (with 0 equalizing them), while
            values larger than 1 expand them. Defaults to 1.0.
        acq_fn (str, optional): The acquisition function to use. One of ["ei", "ucb",
            "thompson", "exploit"]. Defaults to "ei".
        explore_factor (float, optional): The exploration factor in the acquisition
            function. Defaults to 1.0.
        patience (int, optional): Determines if early stopping should be applied for a
            single configuration. If the score does not improve for `patience` steps,
            the configuration is stopped. Defaults to None.
        tol (float, optional): Tolerance for early stopping. Training stops if the score
            does not improve by at least `tol` for `patience` iterations (if set). Values
            must be in the range `[0.0, inf)`. Defaults to 0.0.
        score_thresh (float, optional): Threshold for early stopping. If the score is
            above `1 - score_thresh`, the configuration is stopped. Defaults to 0.0.
        init_random_search_steps (int, optional): Number of configurations to evaluate
            randomly at the beginning of the optimization (with fidelity 1) before using
            predictors/acquisition function. Defaults to 10.
        refit_init_steps (int, optional): Number of steps (successful evaluations) before
            refitting the predictors. Defaults to 0.
        refit (bool, optional): Whether to refit the predictors with observed data.
            Defaults to False.
        refit_interval (int, optional): Interval for refitting the predictors. Defaults
            to 1.
        path (str, optional): Path to save the optimizer state. Defaults to None.
        seed (int, optional): Seed for reproducibility. Defaults to None.
        verbosity (int, optional): Verbosity level for logging. Defaults to 2.

    def __init__(
        cs: ConfigurationSpace,
        max_fidelity: int,
        perf_predictor: PerfPredictor | None = None,
        cost_predictor: CostPredictor | None = None,
        cost_aware: bool = False,
        cost_factor: float = 1.0,
        acq_fn: Literal["ei", "ucb", "thompson", "exploit"] = "ei",
        explore_factor: float = 0.0,
        patience: int | None = None,
        tol: float = 1e-4,
        score_thresh: float = 0.0,
        init_random_search_steps: int = 3,
        refit_init_steps: int = 0,
        refit: bool = False,
        refit_interval: int = 1,
        path: str | None = None,
        seed: int | None = None,
        verbosity: int = 2,
        set_logger_verbosity(verbosity, logger)
        self.verbosity = verbosity

        if seed is not None:
        self.seed = seed

        # configuration space
        self.cs = cs
        self.max_fidelity = max_fidelity

        # optimizer related parameters
        self.acq_fn = acq_fn
        self.explore_factor = explore_factor
        self.cost_aware = cost_aware
        self.cost_factor = cost_factor
        self.patience = patience
        self.tol = tol
        self.scr_thr = score_thresh
        self.refit_init_steps = refit_init_steps
        self.refit = refit
        self.refit_interval = refit_interval

        # predictors
        self.perf_predictor = perf_predictor
        if self.perf_predictor is None:
            self.perf_predictor = PerfPredictor(path=path)
        self.cost_predictor = cost_predictor
        if self.cost_aware and self.cost_predictor is None:
            self.cost_predictor = CostPredictor(path=path)

        # trackers
        self.init_random_search_steps = init_random_search_steps
        self.ask_count = 0
        self.tell_count = 0
        self.init_count = 0
        self.eval_count = 0
        self.configs: list[dict] = []
        self.evaled: set[int] = set()
        self.stoped: set[int] = set()
        self.failed: set[int] = set()
        self.history: list = []

        # placeholders
        self.pipelines: pd.DataFrame
        self.curves: np.ndarray
        self.fidelities: np.ndarray
        self.costs: np.ndarray | None = None
        self.score_history: np.ndarray | None = None

        # flags
        self.ready = False
        self.finished = False

    def setup(
        n: int,
        metafeat: Mapping[str, int | float] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Setup the optimizer for optimization.

        Create the configurations to evaluate. The configurations are sampled from the
        configuration space. Optionally, metafeatures of the dataset can be provided.

            n (int): The number of configurations to create.
            metafeat (Mapping[str, int | float], optional): The metafeatures of the dataset.
        self.N = n
        self.fidelities = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
        self.curves = np.full((n, self.max_fidelity), np.nan, dtype=float)
        self.costs = None
        if self.patience is not None:
            self.score_history = np.zeros((n, self.patience), dtype=float)

        if self.seed is not None:
        _configs = self.cs.sample_configuration(n)
        self.configs = [dict(c) for c in _configs]
        self.pipelines = pd.DataFrame(self.configs)

        self.metafeat = None
        if metafeat is not None:
            self.metafeat = pd.DataFrame([metafeat] * self.N)
        self.pipelines = pd.concat([self.pipelines, self.metafeat], axis=1)

        self.ready = True

    def setup_pandas(
        df: pd.DataFrame,
        metafeat: Mapping[str, int | float] | None = None,
        """Setup the optimizer for optimization.

        Use an existing DataFrame to create the configurations to evaluate. Optionally,
        metafeatures of the dataset can be provided.

            df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame with the configurations to evaluate.
            metafeat (Mapping[str, int | float], optional): The metafeatures of the dataset.
        self.pipelines = df
        self.N = len(df)
        self.fidelities = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=int)
        self.curves = np.full((self.N, self.max_fidelity), np.nan, dtype=float)
        self.costs = None
        if self.patience is not None:
            self.score_history = np.zeros((self.N, self.patience), dtype=float)

        self.metafeat = None
        if metafeat is not None:
            self.metafeat = pd.DataFrame([metafeat] * self.N)
        self.pipelines = pd.concat([self.pipelines, self.metafeat], axis=1)
        self.configs = self.pipelines.to_dict(orient="records")

        self.ready = True

    def _predict(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray | None]:
        """Predict the performance and cost of the configurations.

            The mean and standard deviation of the performance of the pipelines and their costs.
        pipeline, curve = self.pipelines, self.curves

        if self.perf_predictor is None:
            raise AssertionError("PerfPredictor is not fitted yet")
        pred = self.perf_predictor.predict(X=pipeline, curve=curve)
        pred_mean, pred_std = pred

        costs = None
        if self.cost_aware:
            if self.cost_predictor is None:
                raise AssertionError("CostPredictor is not fitted yet")
            if self.costs is None:
                c = self.cost_predictor.predict(X=pipeline)
                c = np.clip(c, 1e-6, None)  # avoid division by zero
                c /= c.max()  # normalize
                c = np.power(c, self.cost_factor)  # rescale
                self.costs = c
            costs = self.costs

        return pred_mean, pred_std, costs

    def _calc_acq_val(self, mean, std, y_max):
        """Calculate the acquisition value.

            mean (np.ndarray): The mean of the predictions.
            std (np.ndarray): The standard deviation of the predictions.
            cost (np.ndarray): The cost of the pipeline.

            The acquisition values.
        fn = self.acq_fn
        xi = self.explore_factor
        match fn:
            # Expected Improvement
            case "ei":
                mask = std == 0
                std = std + mask * 1.0
                z = (mean - y_max - xi) / std
                acq_value = (mean - y_max) * norm.cdf(z) + std * norm.pdf(z)
                acq_value[mask] = 0.0
            # Upper Confidence Bound
            case "ucb":
                acq_value = mean + xi * std
            # Thompson Sampling
            case "thompson":
                acq_value = np.random.normal(mean, std)
            # Exploitation
            case "exploit":
                acq_value = mean
            case _:
                raise ValueError
        return acq_value

    def _optimize_acq_fn(self, mean, std, cost) -> list[int]:
        Optimize the acquisition function.

            mean (np.ndarray): The mean of the predictions.
            std (np.ndarray): The standard deviation of the predictions.
            cost (np.ndarray): The cost of the pipeline.

            list[int]: A sorted list of indices of the pipeline.
        # maximum score per fidelity
        curves = np.nan_to_num(self.curves)
        y_max = curves.max(axis=0)
        y_max = np.maximum.accumulate(y_max)

        # get the ymax for the next fidelity of the pipelines
        next_fidelitys = np.minimum(self.fidelities + 1, self.max_fidelity)
        y_max_next = y_max[next_fidelitys - 1]

        acq_values = self._calc_acq_val(mean, std, y_max_next)
        if self.cost_aware:
            acq_values /= cost

        return np.argsort(acq_values).tolist()

    def _ask(self):
        pred_mean, pred_std, cost = self._predict()
        ranks = self._optimize_acq_fn(pred_mean, pred_std, cost)
        ranks = [r for r in ranks if r not in self.stoped | self.failed]
        index = ranks[-1]
        logger.debug(f"predicted score: {pred_mean[index]:.4f}")
        return index

    def ask(self) -> dict | None:
        """Ask the optimizer for a configuration to evaluate.

            A dictionary with the configuration to evaluate.
        if not self.ready:
            raise RuntimeError("Call setup() before ask()")

        if self.finished:
            return None

        self.ask_count += 1
        if len(self.evaled) < self.init_random_search_steps:
            left = set(range(self.N)) - self.evaled - self.failed - self.stoped
            index = left.pop()
            fidelity = 1
            index = self._ask()
            fidelity = self.fidelities[index] + 1

        return {
            "config-id": index,
            "config": self.configs[index],
            "fidelity": fidelity,

    def tell(self, result: dict | list):
        """Tell the result of a trial to the optimizer.

            result (dict | list[dict]): The result(s) for a trial.
        if isinstance(result, dict):
            result = [result]
        for res in result:

    def _tell(self, result: dict):
        self.tell_count += 1

        index = result["config-id"]
        fidelity = result["fidelity"]
        # cost = result["cost"]
        score = result["score"]
        status = result["status"]

        if not status:

        if score >= 1.0 - self.scr_thr or fidelity == self.max_fidelity:

        # update trackers
        self.curves[index, fidelity - 1] = score
        self.fidelities[index] = fidelity
        # self.costs[index] = cost
        self.eval_count += 1

        if self.patience is not None:
            assert self.score_history is not None
            if not np.any(self.score_history[index] < (score - self.tol)):
            self.score_history[index][fidelity % self.patience] = score

        self.finished = self._check_is_finished()

    def _check_is_finished(self):
        """Check if there is no more configurations to evaluate."""
        left = set(range(self.N)) - self.evaled - self.failed - self.stoped
        if not left:
            return True
        return False

    def ante(self):
        """Some operations to perform by the tuner before the optimization loop.

        Here: refit the predictors with observed data.
        if (
            and not self.eval_count % self.refit_interval
            and self.eval_count >= self.refit_init_steps

    def fit_extra(self):
        """Refit the predictors with observed data."""
        pipeline, curve = self.pipelines, self.curves
        self.perf_predictor.fit_extra(pipeline, curve)  # type: ignore

    def fit(self, X, curve, cost):
        """Fit the predictors with the given training data.""", curve)  # type: ignore
        if self.cost_predictor is not None:
  , cost)

    def reset_path(self, path: str | None = None):
        Reset the path of the model.

            path (str, optional): Directory location to store all outputs. If None, a new unique
                time-stamped directory is chosen.
        if self.perf_predictor is not None:
        if self.cost_predictor is not None:

ante() #

Some operations to perform by the tuner before the optimization loop.

Here: refit the predictors with observed data.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def ante(self):
    """Some operations to perform by the tuner before the optimization loop.

    Here: refit the predictors with observed data.
    if (
        and not self.eval_count % self.refit_interval
        and self.eval_count >= self.refit_init_steps

ask() #

Ask the optimizer for a configuration to evaluate.


  • dict | None

    A dictionary with the configuration to evaluate.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def ask(self) -> dict | None:
    """Ask the optimizer for a configuration to evaluate.

        A dictionary with the configuration to evaluate.
    if not self.ready:
        raise RuntimeError("Call setup() before ask()")

    if self.finished:
        return None

    self.ask_count += 1
    if len(self.evaled) < self.init_random_search_steps:
        left = set(range(self.N)) - self.evaled - self.failed - self.stoped
        index = left.pop()
        fidelity = 1
        index = self._ask()
        fidelity = self.fidelities[index] + 1

    return {
        "config-id": index,
        "config": self.configs[index],
        "fidelity": fidelity,

fit(X, curve, cost) #

Fit the predictors with the given training data.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def fit(self, X, curve, cost):
    """Fit the predictors with the given training data.""", curve)  # type: ignore
    if self.cost_predictor is not None:, cost)

fit_extra() #

Refit the predictors with observed data.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def fit_extra(self):
    """Refit the predictors with observed data."""
    pipeline, curve = self.pipelines, self.curves
    self.perf_predictor.fit_extra(pipeline, curve)  # type: ignore

load(path, reset_paths=True, verbose=True) classmethod #

Loads the model from disk to memory.


  • path (str) –

    Path to the saved model, minus the file name. This should generally be a directory path ending with a '/' character (or appropriate path separator value depending on OS). The model file is typically located in os.path.join(path, cls.model_file_name).

  • reset_paths (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to reset the self.path value of the loaded model to be equal to path. It is highly recommended to keep this value as True unless accessing the original self.path value is important. If False, the actual valid path and self.path may differ, leading to strange behaviour and potential exceptions if the model needs to load any other files at a later time.

  • verbose (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to log the location of the loaded file.


  • model ( Optimizer ) –

    The loaded model object.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def load(cls, path: str, reset_paths: bool = True, verbose: bool = True):
    Loads the model from disk to memory.

        path (str):
            Path to the saved model, minus the file name.
            This should generally be a directory path ending with a '/' character (or appropriate path separator value depending on OS).
            The model file is typically located in os.path.join(path, cls.model_file_name).
        reset_paths (bool):
            Whether to reset the self.path value of the loaded model to be equal to path.
            It is highly recommended to keep this value as True unless accessing the original self.path value is important.
            If False, the actual valid path and self.path may differ, leading to strange behaviour and potential exceptions if the model needs to load any other files at a later time.
        verbose (bool):
            Whether to log the location of the loaded file.

        model (Optimizer): The loaded model object.
    file_path = os.path.join(path, cls.model_file_name)
    with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
        model = pickle.load(f)
    if reset_paths:
        model.path = path
    if verbose:"Model loaded from: {file_path}")
    return model

post() #

This method is intended for the use with a tuner. It allows to perform some post-processing steps after each tell.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def post(self):
    """This method is intended for the use with a tuner.
    It allows to perform some post-processing steps after each tell."""

reset_path(path=None) #

Reset the path of the model.


  • path (str, default: None ) –

    Directory location to store all outputs. If None, a new unique time-stamped directory is chosen.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def reset_path(self, path: str | None = None):
    Reset the path of the model.

        path (str, optional): Directory location to store all outputs. If None, a new unique
            time-stamped directory is chosen.
    if self.perf_predictor is not None:
    if self.cost_predictor is not None:

save(path=None, verbose=True) #

Saves the model to disk.


  • path (str, default: None ) –

    Path to the saved model, minus the file name. This should generally be a directory path ending with a '/' character (or appropriate path separator value depending on OS). If None, self.path is used. The final model file is typically saved to os.path.join(path, self.model_file_name).

  • verbose (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to log the location of the saved file.


  • str ( str ) –

    Path to the saved model, minus the file name. Use this value to load the model from disk via cls.load(path), where cls is the class of the model object (e.g., model = Model.load(path)).

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def save(self, path: str | None = None, verbose: bool = True) -> str:
    Saves the model to disk.

        path (str): Path to the saved model, minus the file name. This should generally
            be a directory path ending with a '/' character (or appropriate path separator
            value depending on OS). If None, self.path is used. The final model file is
            typically saved to os.path.join(path, self.model_file_name).
        verbose (bool): Whether to log the location of the saved file.

        str: Path to the saved model, minus the file name. Use this value to load the
            model from disk via cls.load(path), where cls is the class of the model
            object (e.g., model = Model.load(path)).
    if path is None:
        path = self.path
    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
    file_path = os.path.join(path, self.model_file_name)
    with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    if verbose:"Model saved to: {file_path}")
    return path

setup(n, metafeat=None) #

Setup the optimizer for optimization.

Create the configurations to evaluate. The configurations are sampled from the configuration space. Optionally, metafeatures of the dataset can be provided.


  • n (int) –

    The number of configurations to create.

  • metafeat (Mapping[str, int | float], default: None ) –

    The metafeatures of the dataset.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def setup(
    n: int,
    metafeat: Mapping[str, int | float] | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Setup the optimizer for optimization.

    Create the configurations to evaluate. The configurations are sampled from the
    configuration space. Optionally, metafeatures of the dataset can be provided.

        n (int): The number of configurations to create.
        metafeat (Mapping[str, int | float], optional): The metafeatures of the dataset.
    self.N = n
    self.fidelities = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
    self.curves = np.full((n, self.max_fidelity), np.nan, dtype=float)
    self.costs = None
    if self.patience is not None:
        self.score_history = np.zeros((n, self.patience), dtype=float)

    if self.seed is not None:
    _configs = self.cs.sample_configuration(n)
    self.configs = [dict(c) for c in _configs]
    self.pipelines = pd.DataFrame(self.configs)

    self.metafeat = None
    if metafeat is not None:
        self.metafeat = pd.DataFrame([metafeat] * self.N)
    self.pipelines = pd.concat([self.pipelines, self.metafeat], axis=1)

    self.ready = True

setup_pandas(df, metafeat=None) #

Setup the optimizer for optimization.

Use an existing DataFrame to create the configurations to evaluate. Optionally, metafeatures of the dataset can be provided.


  • df (DataFrame) –

    The DataFrame with the configurations to evaluate.

  • metafeat (Mapping[str, int | float], default: None ) –

    The metafeatures of the dataset.

Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def setup_pandas(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    metafeat: Mapping[str, int | float] | None = None,
    """Setup the optimizer for optimization.

    Use an existing DataFrame to create the configurations to evaluate. Optionally,
    metafeatures of the dataset can be provided.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame with the configurations to evaluate.
        metafeat (Mapping[str, int | float], optional): The metafeatures of the dataset.
    self.pipelines = df
    self.N = len(df)
    self.fidelities = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=int)
    self.curves = np.full((self.N, self.max_fidelity), np.nan, dtype=float)
    self.costs = None
    if self.patience is not None:
        self.score_history = np.zeros((self.N, self.patience), dtype=float)

    self.metafeat = None
    if metafeat is not None:
        self.metafeat = pd.DataFrame([metafeat] * self.N)
    self.pipelines = pd.concat([self.pipelines, self.metafeat], axis=1)
    self.configs = self.pipelines.to_dict(orient="records")

    self.ready = True

tell(result) #

Tell the result of a trial to the optimizer.


Source code in src/qtt/optimizers/
def tell(self, result: dict | list):
    """Tell the result of a trial to the optimizer.

        result (dict | list[dict]): The result(s) for a trial.
    if isinstance(result, dict):
        result = [result]
    for res in result: