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Initializing the Pipeline Space#

In NePS, we need to define a pipeline_space. This space can be structured through various approaches, including a Python dictionary, a YAML file, or ConfigSpace. Each of these methods allows you to specify a set of parameter types, ranging from Float and Categorical to specialized architecture parameters. Whether you choose a dictionary, YAML file, or ConfigSpace, your selected method serves as a container or framework within which these parameters are defined and organized. This section not only guides you through the process of setting up your pipeline_space using these methods but also provides detailed instructions and examples on how to effectively incorporate various parameter types, ensuring that NePS can utilize them in the optimization process.


NePS currently features 4 primary hyperparameter types:

Using these types, you can define the parameters that NePS will optimize during the search process. The most basic way to pass these parameters is through a Python dictionary, where each key-value pair represents a parameter name and its respective type. For example, the following Python dictionary defines a pipeline_space with four parameters for optimizing a deep learning model:

pipeline_space = {
    "learning_rate": neps.Float(0.00001, 0.1, log=True),
    "num_epochs": neps.Integer(3, 30, is_fidelity=True),
    "optimizer": ["adam", "sgd", "rmsprop"], # Categorical
    "dropout_rate": 0.5, # Constant
}, pipeline_space=pipeline_space)
Quick Parameter Reference

A list of unordered choices for a parameter.

This kind of parameter is used to represent hyperparameters that can take on a discrete set of unordered values. For example, the optimizer hyperparameter in a neural network search space can be a Categorical with choices like ["adam", "sgd", "rmsprop"].

import neps

optimizer_choice = neps.Categorical(
    ["adam", "sgd", "rmsprop"],

center class-attribute instance-attribute #

center: float | int | str = field(init=False)

The center value of the categorical hyperparameter.

As there is no natural center for a categorical parameter, this is the first value in the choices list.

choices instance-attribute #

choices: list[float | int | str]

The list of choices for the categorical hyperparameter.

prior class-attribute instance-attribute #

prior: float | int | str | None = None

The default value for the categorical hyperparameter.

prior_confidence class-attribute instance-attribute #

prior_confidence: Literal['low', 'medium', 'high'] = 'low'

Confidence score for the prior value when considering prior based optimization.

A float value for a parameter.

This kind of parameter is used to represent hyperparameters with continuous float values, optionally specifying if it exists on a log scale.

For example, l2_norm could be a value in (0.1), while the learning_rate hyperparameter in a neural network search space can be a Float with a range of (0.0001, 0.1) but on a log scale.

import neps

l2_norm = neps.Float(0, 1)
learning_rate = neps.Float(1e-4, 1e-1, log=True)

center class-attribute instance-attribute #

center: float = field(init=False)

The center value of the numerical hyperparameter.

is_fidelity class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_fidelity: bool = False

Whether the hyperparameter is fidelity.

log class-attribute instance-attribute #

log: bool = False

Whether the hyperparameter is in log space.

lower instance-attribute #

lower: float

The lower bound of the numerical hyperparameter.

prior class-attribute instance-attribute #

prior: float | None = None

Prior value for the hyperparameter.

prior_confidence class-attribute instance-attribute #

prior_confidence: Literal['low', 'medium', 'high'] = 'low'

Confidence score for the prior value when considering prior based optimization.

upper instance-attribute #

upper: float

The upper bound of the numerical hyperparameter.

An integer value for a parameter.

This kind of parameter is used to represent hyperparameters with continuous integer values, optionally specifying f it exists on a log scale.

For example, batch_size could be a value in (32, 128), while the num_layers hyperparameter in a neural network search space can be a Integer with a range of (1, 1000) but on a log scale.

import neps

batch_size = neps.Integer(32, 128)
num_layers = neps.Integer(1, 1000, log=True)

center class-attribute instance-attribute #

center: int = field(init=False)

The center value of the numerical hyperparameter.

is_fidelity class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_fidelity: bool = False

Whether the hyperparameter is fidelity.

log class-attribute instance-attribute #

log: bool = False

Whether the hyperparameter is in log space.

lower instance-attribute #

lower: int

The lower bound of the numerical hyperparameter.

prior class-attribute instance-attribute #

prior: int | None = None

Prior value for the hyperparameter.

prior_confidence class-attribute instance-attribute #

prior_confidence: Literal['low', 'medium', 'high'] = 'low'

Confidence score for the prior value when considering prior based optimization.

upper instance-attribute #

upper: int

The upper bound of the numerical hyperparameter.

A constant value for a parameter.

This kind of parameter is used to represent hyperparameters with values that should not change during optimization.

For example, the batch_size hyperparameter in a neural network search space can be a Constant with a value of 32.

import neps

batch_size = neps.Constant(32)

center property #

center: Any

The center of the hyperparameter.


There is no real center of a constant value, hence we take this to be the value itself.

Using your knowledge, providing a Prior#

When optimizing, you can provide your own knowledge using the parameter prior=. By indicating a prior= we take this to be your user prior, your knowledge about where a good value for this parameter lies.

You can also specify a prior_confidence= to indicate how strongly you want NePS, to focus on these, one of either "low", "medium", or "high".

Currently the two major algorithms that exploit this in NePS are PriorBand (prior-based HyperBand) and PiBO, a version of Bayesian Optimization which uses Priors.

import neps
        "learning_rate": neps.Float(1e-4, 1e-1, log=True, prior=1e-2, prior_confidence="medium"),
        "num_epochs": neps.Integer(3, 30, is_fidelity=True),
        "optimizer": neps.Categorical(["adam", "sgd", "rmsprop"], prior="adam", prior_confidence="low"),
        "dropout_rate": neps.Constant(0.5),

Must set prior= for all parameters, if any

If you specify prior= for one parameter, you must do so for all your variables. This will be improved in future versions.

Interaction with is_fidelity

If you specify is_fidelity=True for one parameter, the prior= and prior_confidence= are ignored. This will be dissallowed in future versions.

Defining a pipeline space using YAML#

Create a YAML file (e.g., ./pipeline_space.yaml) with the parameter definitions following this structure.

  type: float
  lower: 2e-3
  upper: 0.1
  log: true

  type: int
  lower: 3
  upper: 30
  is_fidelity: true

  type: categorical
  choices: ["adam", "sgd", "rmsprop"]

dropout_rate: 0.5, pipeline_space="./pipeline_space.yaml")

When defining the pipeline_space using a YAML file, if the type argument is not specified, the NePS will automatically infer the data type based on the value provided.

  • If lower and upper are provided, then if they are both integers, the type will be inferred as int, otherwise as float. You can provide scientific notation for floating-point numbers as well.
  • If choices are provided, the type will be inferred as categorical.
  • If just a numeric or string is provided, the type will be inferred as constant.

If none of these hold, an error will be raised.

Using ConfigSpace#

For users familiar with the ConfigSpace library, can also define the pipeline_space through ConfigurationSpace()

from configspace import ConfigurationSpace, Float

configspace = ConfigurationSpace(
        "learning_rate": Float("learning_rate", bounds=(1e-4, 1e-1), log=True)
        "optimizer": ["adam", "sgd", "rmsprop"],
        "dropout_rate": 0.5,


Parameters you wish to use as a fidelity are not support through ConfigSpace at this time.

For additional information on ConfigSpace and its features, please visit the following link.

Supported Architecture parameter Types#

A comprehensive documentation for the Architecture parameter is not available at this point.

If you are interested in exploring architecture parameters, you can find detailed examples and usage in the following resources:

  • Basic Usage Examples - Basic usage examples that can help you understand the fundamentals of Architecture parameters.
  • Experimental Examples - For more advanced and experimental use cases, including Hierarchical parameters, check out this collection of examples.


The configuration of pipeline_space from a YAML file does not currently support architecture parameter types.