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Initial design

make_initial_design #

    parameters: Mapping[str, Parameter],
    encoder: ConfigEncoder,
    sampler: Literal["sobol", "prior", "uniform"] | Sampler,
    sample_size: int | Literal["ndim"] | None = "ndim",
    sample_prior_first: bool = True,
    seed: Generator | None = None
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]

Generate the initial design of the optimization process.


The search space to use.


The encoder to use for encoding/decoding configurations.

TYPE: ConfigEncoder


The sampler to use for the initial design.

If set to "sobol", a Sobol sequence will be used. If set to "uniform", a uniform random sampler will be used. If set to "prior", a prior sampler will be used, based on the defaults, and confidence scores of the hyperparameters. If set to a custom sampler, the sampler will be used directly.

TYPE: Literal['sobol', 'prior', 'uniform'] | Sampler


The number of configurations to sample.

If "ndim", the number of configs will be equal to the number of dimensions. If None, no configurations will be sampled.

TYPE: int | Literal['ndim'] | None DEFAULT: 'ndim'


Whether to sample the prior configuration first.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


The seed to use for the random number generation.

TYPE: Generator | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in neps\optimizers\utils\
def make_initial_design(
    parameters: Mapping[str, Parameter],
    encoder: ConfigEncoder,
    sampler: Literal["sobol", "prior", "uniform"] | Sampler,
    sample_size: int | Literal["ndim"] | None = "ndim",
    sample_prior_first: bool = True,
    seed: torch.Generator | None = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """Generate the initial design of the optimization process.

        space: The search space to use.
        encoder: The encoder to use for encoding/decoding configurations.
        sampler: The sampler to use for the initial design.

            If set to "sobol", a Sobol sequence will be used.
            If set to "uniform", a uniform random sampler will be used.
            If set to "prior", a prior sampler will be used, based on the defaults,
                and confidence scores of the hyperparameters.
            If set to a custom sampler, the sampler will be used directly.

            The number of configurations to sample.

            If "ndim", the number of configs will be equal to the number of dimensions.
            If None, no configurations will be sampled.

        sample_prior_first: Whether to sample the prior configuration first.
        seed: The seed to use for the random number generation.

    configs: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
    if sample_prior_first:
                name: p.prior if p.prior is not None else
                for name, p in parameters.items()

    ndims = len(parameters)
    if sample_size == "ndim":
        sample_size = ndims
    elif sample_size is not None and not sample_size > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "The sample size should be a positive integer if passing an int."

    if sample_size is not None:
        match sampler:
            case "sobol":
                sampler = Sampler.sobol(ndim=ndims)
            case "uniform":
                sampler = Sampler.uniform(ndim=ndims)
            case "prior":
                sampler = Prior.from_parameters(parameters)
            case _:

        encoded_configs = sampler.sample(sample_size * 2,, seed=seed)
        uniq_x = torch.unique(encoded_configs, dim=0)
        sample_configs = encoder.decode(uniq_x[:sample_size])

    return configs