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A ResultFrame is a mapping from a config to all results for that config.

class ResultFrame() #

Bases: Mapping[Union[C, F], List[R]]

Source code in src/mfpbench/
def __init__(self) -> None:  # noqa: D107
    # This lets us quickly index from a config to its registered results
    # We take this to be the rows and __len__
    self._ctor: dict[C, list[R]] = {}

    # This lets us quickly go from a fidelity to its registered results
    # This is akin to the columns
    self._ftor: dict[F, list[R]] = {}

    # This is an ordering for when a config result was added
    self._result_order: list[R] = []

fidelities: Iterator[F]

Get the fidelities that have been evaluated.

configs: Iterator[C]

Get the configs that have been evaluated.

results: Iterator[R]

Get the results that have been evaluated.

def add(result) #

Add a result to the frame.

Source code in src/mfpbench/
def add(self, result: R) -> None:
    """Add a result to the frame."""
    f =
    c = result.config

    if c in self._ctor:
        self._ctor[c] = [result]

    if f in self._ftor:
        self._ftor[f] = [result]


def correlations(at=None, *, method='spearman') #

The correlation ranksing between stored results.

To calculate the correlations, we select all configs that are present in each selected fidelity.


The fidelities to get correlations between, defaults to all of them

TYPE: Sequence[F] | None DEFAULT: None


The method to calculate correlations with

TYPE: Literal['spearman', 'kendalltau', 'cosine'] DEFAULT: 'spearman'


The correlation matrix with one row/column per fidelity

Source code in src/mfpbench/
def correlations(
    at: Sequence[F] | None = None,
    method: Literal["spearman", "kendalltau", "cosine"] = "spearman",
) -> np.ndarray:
    """The correlation ranksing between stored results.

    To calculate the correlations, we select all configs that are present in each
    selected fidelity.

        at: The fidelities to get correlations between, defaults to all of them
        method: The method to calculate correlations with

        The correlation matrix with one row/column per fidelity
    if len(self) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Must evaluate at two fidelities at least")
    if len(self._ftor) <= 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Only one fidelity {list(self._ftor)} evaluated")

    if at is None:
        at = list(self._ftor.keys())

    # Get the selected_fidelities
    # { 1: [a, b, c, ...], 2: [b, c, d, ...], ..., 100: [d, c, e, b, ...] }
    selected = {f: self._ftor[f] for f in at}

    # We get the intersection of configs that are found at all fidelity values
    # {b, c}
    common = {result.config for result in chain.from_iterable(selected.values())}

    # Next we prune out the selected fidelities results
    # {1: [b, c], 2: [b, c], ..., 100: [c, b]}
    # .. ensuring they're in some sorted order
    # {1: [b, c], 2: [b, c], ..., 100: [b, c]}
    selected = {
        f: sorted(
            [r for r in results if r.config in common],
            key=lambda r: repr(r.config),
        for f, results in selected.items()

    # Lastly, we pull out the results
    results = [
        [r.error for r in fidelity_results]
        for fidelity_results in selected.values()

    x = np.asarray(results)
    return rank_correlation(x, method=method)