Main Modules


class labwatch.assistant.LabAssistant(experiment, database_name=None, url=’localhost’, optimizer=None, prefix=’runs’, always_inject_observer=False)

The main class for Labwatch. It runs an experiment with a configuration suggested by and hyperparameter optimizer.

The hyperparameter optimizer uses the information about the experiment that are stored in the database to suggest a new configuration.


Decorator for creating a searchspace definition from a function.


class labwatch.hyperparameters.Gaussian(mu, sigma, log_scale=False, uid=None)

A Gaussian just has a different distribution


Decode method for converting BSON like dicts to parameter values.

class labwatch.hyperparameters.Parameter(uid=None, fixed=None)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.Constant(value, uid=None)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.Categorical(choices_in, uid=None)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.UniformNumber(lower, upper, type, default=None, log_scale=False, uid=None)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.UniformFloat(lower, upper, default=None, log_scale=False, uid=None)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.UniformInt(lower, upper, default=None, log_scale=False, uid=None)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.Gaussian(mu, sigma, log_scale=False, uid=None)

A Gaussian just has a different distribution

class labwatch.hyperparameters.ConditionResult(result, condition)
class labwatch.hyperparameters.Condition(param, choices)



Convert a Configuration into a dict mapping parameter names to values.

config: ConfigSpace.Configuration

Dictionary mapping parameter names to values.
labwatch.converters.convert_to_configspace.convert_simple_param(name, param)

Convert a simple labwatch parameter to a ConfigSpace parameter.

name: str
The name of the parameter.
param: dict
Dictionary describing the parameter.
The converted hyperparameter.
labwatch.converters.convert_to_configspace.sacred_config_to_configspace(cspace, config)

Fill a ConfigurationSpace with the given values and return the resulting Configuration.

cspace: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
The configuration space to be populated.
config: dict
The configuration values as a dictionary mapping names to values.
The resulting Configuration.

Convert a Labwatch searchspace to a ConfigSpace.

space: labwatch.searchspace.SearchSpace
A labwatch searchspace to be converted.
A ConfigurationSpace equivalent to the given SeachSpace.


class labwatch.optimizers.base.Optimizer(config_space)

Defines the interface for all optimizers.

True if this optimizer needs updates, False otherwise.

Suggests a configuration of hyperparameters to be run.


Dictionary mapping parameter names to suggested values.

The default is to return nothing this is done such that the user / the watcher can then check the queue or try something else. If you want get_random_config as default create an instance of RandomSearch instead.

update(configs, costs, runs)

Update the internal state of the optimizer with a list of new results.

configs: list[dict]
List of configurations mapping parameter names to values.
costs: list[float]
List of costs associated to each config.
runs: list[dict]
List of dictionaries containing additional run information.
class labwatch.optimizers.bayesian_optimization.BayesianOptimization(config_space, burnin=100, chain_length=200, n_hypers=20)
class labwatch.optimizers.bohamiann.Bohamiann(config_space, burnin=3000, n_iters=10000)
class labwatch.optimizers.dngo.DNGOWrapper(config_space, burnin=1000, chain_length=200, n_hypers=20)
class labwatch.optimizers.random_search.RandomSearch(config_space)