Source code for autosklearn.ensembles.ensemble_selection

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import random
import warnings
from collections import Counter

import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state

from autosklearn.automl_common.common.utils.backend import Backend
from autosklearn.constants import TASK_TYPES
from import Run
from autosklearn.ensembles.abstract_ensemble import AbstractEnsemble
from autosklearn.metrics import Scorer, calculate_losses
from autosklearn.pipeline.base import BasePipeline

[docs]class EnsembleSelection(AbstractEnsemble): def __init__( self, task_type: int, metrics: Sequence[Scorer] | Scorer, backend: Backend, ensemble_size: int = 50, bagging: bool = False, mode: str = "fast", random_state: int | np.random.RandomState | None = None, ) -> None: """An ensemble of selected algorithms Fitting an EnsembleSelection generates an ensemble from the the models generated during the search process. Can be further used for prediction. Parameters ---------- task_type: int An identifier indicating which task is being performed. metrics: Sequence[Scorer] | Scorer The metric used to evaluate the models. If multiple metrics are passed, ensemble selection only optimizes for the first backend : Backend Gives access to the backend of Auto-sklearn. Not used by Ensemble Selection. bagging: bool = False Whether to use bagging in ensemble selection mode: str in ['fast', 'slow'] = 'fast' Which kind of ensemble generation to use * 'slow' - The original method used in Rich Caruana's ensemble selection. * 'fast' - A faster version of Rich Caruanas' ensemble selection. random_state: int | RandomState | None = None The random_state used for ensemble selection. * None - Uses numpy's default RandomState object * int - Successive calls to fit will produce the same results * RandomState - Truly random, each call to fit will produce different results, even with the same object. References ---------- | Ensemble selection from libraries of models | Rich Caruana, Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, Geoff Crew and Alex Ksikes | ICML 2004 | | """ # noqa: E501 self.ensemble_size = ensemble_size self.task_type = task_type if isinstance(metrics, Sequence): if len(metrics) > 1: warnings.warn( "Ensemble selection can only optimize one metric, " "but multiple metrics were passed, dropping all " "except for the first metric." ) self.metric = metrics[0] else: self.metric = metrics self.bagging = bagging self.mode = mode # Behaviour similar to sklearn # int - Deteriministic with succesive calls to fit # RandomState - Successive calls to fit will produce differences # None - Uses numpmys global singleton RandomState # self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def fit( self, base_models_predictions: List[np.ndarray], true_targets: np.ndarray, model_identifiers: List[Tuple[int, int, float]], runs: Sequence[Run], X_data: SUPPORTED_FEAT_TYPES | None = None, ) -> EnsembleSelection: self.ensemble_size = int(self.ensemble_size) if self.ensemble_size < 1: raise ValueError("Ensemble size cannot be less than one!") if self.task_type not in TASK_TYPES: raise ValueError("Unknown task type %s." % self.task_type) if not isinstance(self.metric, Scorer): raise ValueError( "The provided metric must be an instance of Scorer, " "nevertheless it is {}({})".format( self.metric, type(self.metric), ) ) if self.mode not in ("fast", "slow"): raise ValueError("Unknown mode %s" % self.mode) if self.bagging: self._bagging(base_models_predictions, true_targets) else: self._fit( predictions=base_models_predictions, X_data=X_data, labels=true_targets, ) self._calculate_weights() self.identifiers_ = model_identifiers return self
def _fit( self, predictions: List[np.ndarray], labels: np.ndarray, *, X_data: SUPPORTED_FEAT_TYPES | None = None, ) -> EnsembleSelection: if self.mode == "fast": self._fast(predictions=predictions, X_data=X_data, labels=labels) else: self._slow(predictions=predictions, X_data=X_data, labels=labels) return self def _fast( self, predictions: List[np.ndarray], labels: np.ndarray, *, X_data: SUPPORTED_FEAT_TYPES | None = None, ) -> None: """Fast version of Rich Caruana's ensemble selection method.""" self.num_input_models_ = len(predictions) rand = check_random_state(self.random_state) ensemble = [] # type: List[np.ndarray] trajectory = [] order = [] ensemble_size = self.ensemble_size weighted_ensemble_prediction = np.zeros( predictions[0].shape, dtype=np.float64, ) fant_ensemble_prediction = np.zeros( weighted_ensemble_prediction.shape, dtype=np.float64, ) for i in range(ensemble_size): losses = np.zeros( (len(predictions)), dtype=np.float64, ) s = len(ensemble) if s > 0: np.add( weighted_ensemble_prediction, ensemble[-1], out=weighted_ensemble_prediction, ) # Memory-efficient averaging! for j, pred in enumerate(predictions): # fant_ensemble_prediction is the prediction of the current ensemble # and should be # # ([predictions[selected_prev_iterations] + predictions[j])/(s+1) # # We overwrite the contents of fant_ensemble_prediction directly with # weighted_ensemble_prediction + new_prediction and then scale for avg np.add(weighted_ensemble_prediction, pred, out=fant_ensemble_prediction) np.multiply( fant_ensemble_prediction, (1.0 / float(s + 1)), out=fant_ensemble_prediction, ) losses[j] = calculate_losses( solution=labels, prediction=fant_ensemble_prediction, task_type=self.task_type, metrics=[self.metric], X_data=X_data, scoring_functions=None, )[] all_best = np.argwhere(losses == np.nanmin(losses)).flatten() best = rand.choice(all_best) ensemble.append(predictions[best]) trajectory.append(losses[best]) order.append(best) # Handle special case if len(predictions) == 1: break self.indices_ = order self.trajectory_ = trajectory self.train_loss_ = trajectory[-1] def _slow( self, predictions: List[np.ndarray], labels: np.ndarray, *, X_data: SUPPORTED_FEAT_TYPES | None = None, ) -> None: """Rich Caruana's ensemble selection method.""" self.num_input_models_ = len(predictions) ensemble = [] trajectory = [] order = [] ensemble_size = self.ensemble_size for i in range(ensemble_size): losses = np.zeros( [np.shape(predictions)[0]], dtype=np.float64, ) for j, pred in enumerate(predictions): ensemble.append(pred) ensemble_prediction = np.mean(np.array(ensemble), axis=0) losses[j] = calculate_losses( solution=labels, prediction=ensemble_prediction, task_type=self.task_type, metrics=[self.metric], X_data=X_data, scoring_functions=None, )[] ensemble.pop() best = np.nanargmin(losses) ensemble.append(predictions[best]) trajectory.append(losses[best]) order.append(best) # Handle special case if len(predictions) == 1: break self.indices_ = np.array( order, dtype=np.int64, ) self.trajectory_ = np.array( trajectory, dtype=np.float64, ) self.train_loss_ = trajectory[-1] def _calculate_weights(self) -> None: ensemble_members = Counter(self.indices_).most_common() weights = np.zeros( (self.num_input_models_,), dtype=np.float64, ) for ensemble_member in ensemble_members: weight = float(ensemble_member[1]) / self.ensemble_size weights[ensemble_member[0]] = weight if np.sum(weights) < 1: weights = weights / np.sum(weights) self.weights_ = weights def _bagging( self, predictions: List[np.ndarray], labels: np.ndarray, fraction: float = 0.5, n_bags: int = 20, ) -> np.ndarray: """Rich Caruana's ensemble selection method with bagging.""" raise ValueError("Bagging might not work with class-based interface!") n_models = predictions.shape[0] bag_size = int(n_models * fraction) order_of_each_bag = [] for j in range(n_bags): # Bagging a set of models indices = sorted(random.sample(range(0, n_models), bag_size)) bag = predictions[indices, :, :] order, _ = self._fit(predictions=bag, labels=labels) order_of_each_bag.append(order) return np.array( order_of_each_bag, dtype=np.int64, )
[docs] def predict( self, base_models_predictions: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]] ) -> np.ndarray: average = np.zeros_like(base_models_predictions[0], dtype=np.float64) tmp_predictions = np.empty_like(base_models_predictions[0], dtype=np.float64) # if predictions.shape[0] == len(self.weights_), # predictions include those of zero-weight models. if len(base_models_predictions) == len(self.weights_): for pred, weight in zip(base_models_predictions, self.weights_): np.multiply(pred, weight, out=tmp_predictions) np.add(average, tmp_predictions, out=average) # if prediction model.shape[0] == len(non_null_weights), # predictions do not include those of zero-weight models. elif len(base_models_predictions) == np.count_nonzero(self.weights_): non_null_weights = [w for w in self.weights_ if w > 0] for pred, weight in zip(base_models_predictions, non_null_weights): np.multiply(pred, weight, out=tmp_predictions) np.add(average, tmp_predictions, out=average) # If none of the above applies, then something must have gone wrong. else: raise ValueError( "The dimensions of ensemble predictions" " and ensemble weights do not match!" ) del tmp_predictions return average
def __str__(self) -> str: trajectory_str = " ".join( [f"{id}: {perf:.5f}" for id, perf in enumerate(self.trajectory_)] ) identifiers_str = " ".join( [ f"{identifier}" for idx, identifier in enumerate(self.identifiers_) if self.weights_[idx] > 0 ] ) return ( "Ensemble Selection:\n" f"\tTrajectory: {trajectory_str}\n" f"\tMembers: {self.indices_}\n" f"\tWeights: {self.weights_}\n" f"\tIdentifiers: {identifiers_str}\n" )
[docs] def get_models_with_weights( self, models: Dict[Tuple[int, int, float], BasePipeline] ) -> List[Tuple[float, BasePipeline]]: output = [] for i, weight in enumerate(self.weights_): if weight > 0.0: identifier = self.identifiers_[i] model = models[identifier] output.append((weight, model)) output.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda t: t[0]) return output
[docs] def get_identifiers_with_weights( self, ) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, float], float]]: return list(zip(self.identifiers_, self.weights_))
[docs] def get_selected_model_identifiers(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, float]]: output = [] for i, weight in enumerate(self.weights_): identifier = self.identifiers_[i] if weight > 0.0: output.append(identifier) return output
[docs] def get_validation_performance(self) -> float: return self.trajectory_[-1]