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Whether for debugging, building an AutoML system or for optimization purposes, we provide a powerful Profiler, which can generate a Profile of different sections of code. This is particularly useful with Trials, so much so that we attach one to every Trial made as trial.profiler.

When done profiling, you can export all generated profiles as a dataframe using profiler.df().

from amltk.profiling import Profiler
import numpy as np

profiler = Profiler()

with profiler("loading-data"):
    X = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)

with profiler("training-model"):
    model = np.linalg.inv(X)

with profiler("predicting"):
    y = model @ X

                memory:start_vms  memory:end_vms  ...  time:kind  time:unit
loading-data        1.973531e+09      1981534208  ...       wall    seconds
training-model      1.981534e+09      2009014272  ...       wall    seconds
predicting          2.009014e+09      2016751616  ...       wall    seconds

[3 rows x 12 columns]

You'll find these profiles as keys in the Profiler, e.g. python profiler["loading-data"].

This will measure both the time it took within the block but also the memory consumed before and after the block finishes, allowing you to get an estimate of the memory consumed.

Memory, vms vs rms

While not entirely accurate, this should be enough for info for most use cases.

Given the main process uses 2GB of memory and the process then spawns a new process in which you are profiling, as you might do from a Task. In this new process you use another 2GB on top of that, then:

  • The virtual memory size (vms) will show 4GB as the new process will share the 2GB with the main process and have it's own 2GB.

  • The resident set size (rss) will show 2GB as the new process will only have 2GB of it's own memory.

If you need to profile some iterator, like a for loop, you can use Profiler.each() which will measure the entire loop but also each individual iteration. This can be useful for iterating batches of a deep-learning model, splits of a cross-validator or really any loop with work you want to profile.

from amltk.profiling import Profiler
import numpy as np

profiler = Profiler()

for i in profiler.each(range(3), name="for-loop"):
    X = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)

            memory:start_vms  memory:end_vms  ...  time:kind  time:unit
for-loop        2.000744e+09      2008219648  ...       wall    seconds
for-loop:0      2.000744e+09      2000744448  ...       wall    seconds
for-loop:1      2.000744e+09      2008219648  ...       wall    seconds
for-loop:2      2.008220e+09      2008219648  ...       wall    seconds

[4 rows x 12 columns]

Lastly, to disable profiling without editing much code, you can always use Profiler.disable() and Profiler.enable() to toggle profiling on and off.