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amltk.optimization.metric #

A Metric to let optimizers know how to handle numeric values properly.

A Metric is defined by a .name: str and whether it is better to .minimize: bool the metric. Further, you can specify .bounds: tuple[lower, upper] which can help optimizers and other code know how to treat metrics.

To easily convert between loss and score of some value you can use the loss() and score() methods.

If the metric is bounded, you can also make use of the distance_to_optimal() function which is the distance to the optimal value.

In the case of optimization, we provide a normalized_loss() which normalized the value to be a minimization loss, that is also bounded if the metric itself is bounded.

from amltk.optimization import Metric

acc = Metric("accuracy", minimize=False, bounds=(0, 100))

print(f"Distance: {acc.distance_to_optimal(90)}")  # Distance to optimal.
print(f"Loss: {acc.loss(90)}")  # Something that can be minimized
print(f"Score: {acc.score(90)}")  # Something that can be maximized
print(f"Normalized loss: {acc.normalized_loss(90)}")  # Normalized loss
Distance: 10.0
Loss: -90.0
Score: 90.0
Normalized loss: 0.09999999999999998