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Performing HPO with Post-Hoc Ensembling.#

Expand to copy examples/ (top right)
from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
import traceback
from asyncio import Future
from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import openml
from sklearn.compose import make_column_selector
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import (
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from import probabilities_to_classes
from amltk.ensembling.weighted_ensemble_caruana import weighted_ensemble_caruana
from amltk.optimization import History, Metric, Trial
from amltk.optimization.optimizers.smac import SMACOptimizer
from amltk.pipeline import Choice, Component, Sequential, Split
from amltk.scheduling import Scheduler
from import split_data
from import PathBucket

def get_dataset(seed: int) -> tuple[np.ndarray, ...]:
    dataset = openml.datasets.get_dataset(
    X, y, _, _ = dataset.get_data(
    _y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y)
    splits = split_data(  # <!> (1)!
        X,  # <!>
        _y,  # <!>
        splits={"train": 0.6, "val": 0.2, "test": 0.2},  # <!>
        seed=seed,  # <!>
    )  # <!>

    x_train, y_train = splits["train"]
    x_val, y_val = splits["val"]
    x_test, y_test = splits["test"]
    return x_train, x_val, x_test, y_train, y_val, y_test  # type: ignore

# 1. We use the [`split_data()`][] function from the
#   to split the data into a custom amount of splits, in this case
#   `#!python "train", "val", "test"`. You could also use the
#   dedicated [`train_val_test_split()`][]
#   function instead.
pipeline = (
    >> Split(
            "categories": [
                SimpleImputer(strategy="constant", fill_value="missing"),
                        "min_frequency": (0.01, 0.1),
                        "handle_unknown": ["ignore", "infrequent_if_exist"],
                    config={"drop": "first"},
            "numbers": [
                Component(SimpleImputer, space={"strategy": ["mean", "median"]}),
                Component(VarianceThreshold, space={"threshold": (0.0, 0.2)}),
                Choice(StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, name="scaler"),
            "categories": make_column_selector(dtype_include=object),
            "numbers": make_column_selector(dtype_include=np.number),
    >> Choice(  # <!> (1)!
        Component(SVC, space={"C": (0.1, 10.0)}, config={"probability": True}),
            space={"n_estimators": (10, 100), "criterion": ["gini", "log_loss"]},
                "activation": ["identity", "logistic", "relu"],
                "alpha": (0.0001, 0.1),
                "learning_rate": ["constant", "invscaling", "adaptive"],


# 1. Here we define a choice of algorithms to use where each entry is a possible
#   algorithm to use. Each algorithm is defined by a step, which is a
#   configuration of a sklearn estimator. The space parameter is a dictionary
#   of hyperparameters to optimize over, and the config parameter is a
#   dictionary of fixed parameters to set on the estimator.
# 2. Here we gropu the numerical preprocessing steps to use. Each step is a
#  scaler to use. Each scaler is defined by a step, which is a configuration
#  of the preprocessor. The space parameter is a dictionary of
#  hyperparameters to optimize over, and the config parameter is a dictionary
#  of fixed parameters to set on the preprocessing step.
# 3. Here we group the categorical preprocessing steps to use.
#   Each step is given a space, which is a dictionary of hyperparameters to
#   optimize over, and a config, which is a dictionary of fixed parameters to
#   set on the preprocessing step.

def target_function(
    trial: Trial,
    bucket: PathBucket,
    pipeline: Sequential,
) -> Trial.Report:
    X_train, X_val, X_test, y_train, y_val, y_test = (  # (1)!
    pipeline = pipeline.configure(trial.config)  # <!> (2)!
    sklearn_pipeline ="sklearn")  # <!>

        with trial.profile("fit"):  # <!> (3)!
  , y_train)
    except Exception as e:
        tb = traceback.format_exc()
                "exception.txt": str(e),
                "config.json": dict(trial.config),
                "traceback.txt": str(tb),
        return  # <!> (4)!

    # Make our predictions with the model
    train_predictions = sklearn_pipeline.predict(X_train)
    val_predictions = sklearn_pipeline.predict(X_val)
    test_predictions = sklearn_pipeline.predict(X_test)

    val_probabilites = sklearn_pipeline.predict_proba(X_val)
    val_accuracy = float(accuracy_score(val_predictions, y_val))

    # Save the scores to the summary of the trial
    trial.summary["train_accuracy"] = float(accuracy_score(train_predictions, y_train))
    trial.summary["validation_accuracy"] = val_accuracy
    trial.summary["test_accuracy"] = float(accuracy_score(test_predictions, y_test))

    # Save all of this to the file system  # (5)!
            "config.json": dict(trial.config),
            "scores.json": trial.summary,
            "model.pkl": sklearn_pipeline,
            "val_predictions.npy": val_predictions,
            "val_probabilities.npy": val_probabilites,
            "test_predictions.npy": test_predictions,

    return trial.success(accuracy=val_accuracy)  # <!> (6)!

# 1. We can easily load data from a [`PathBucket`][]
#   using the `load` method.
# 2. We configure the pipeline with a specific set of hyperparameters suggested
#  by the optimizer through the [`Trial`][amltk.optimization.Trial] object.
# 3. We begin the trial by timing the execution of the target function and capturing
#  any potential exceptions.
# 4. If the trial failed, we return a failed report with a cost of infinity.
# 5. We save the results of the trial using
#   [``][], creating a subdirectory
#   for this trial.
# 6. We return a successful report with the cost of the trial, which is the
# inverse of the validation accuracy.

class Ensemble:
    weights: dict[str, float]
    trajectory: list[tuple[str, float]]
    configs: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]

def create_ensemble(
    history: History,
    bucket: PathBucket,
    size: int = 5,
    seed: int = 42,
) -> Ensemble:
    if len(history) == 0:
        return Ensemble({}, [], {})

    validation_predictions = { report.retrieve("val_probabilities.npy") for report in history
    targets = bucket["y_val.npy"].load()

    accuracy: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = accuracy_score  # type: ignore

    def _score(_targets: np.ndarray, ensembled_probabilities: np.ndarray) -> float:
        predictions = probabilities_to_classes(ensembled_probabilities, classes=[0, 1])
        return accuracy(_targets, predictions)

    weights, trajectory, final_probabilities = weighted_ensemble_caruana(  # <!>
        model_predictions=validation_predictions,  # <!>
        targets=targets,  # <!>
        size=size,  # <!>
        metric=_score,  # <!>
        select=max,  # <!>
        seed=seed,  # <!>
    )  # <!>

    configs = {name: history[name].retrieve("config.json") for name in weights}
    return Ensemble(weights=weights, trajectory=trajectory, configs=configs)

seed = 42

X_train, X_val, X_test, y_train, y_val, y_test = get_dataset(seed)  # (1)!

path = Path("example-hpo-with-ensembling")
if path.exists():

bucket = PathBucket(path)  # (2)!
        "X_train.csv": X_train,
        "X_val.csv": X_val,
        "X_test.csv": X_test,
        "y_train.npy": y_train,
        "y_val.npy": y_val,
        "y_test.npy": y_test,

scheduler = Scheduler.with_processes()  # (3)!
optimizer = SMACOptimizer.create(
    metrics=Metric("accuracy", minimize=False, bounds=(0, 1)),
)  # (4)!

task = scheduler.task(target_function)  # (5)!
ensemble_task = scheduler.task(create_ensemble)  # (6)!

trial_history = History()
ensembles: list[Ensemble] = []

@scheduler.on_start  # (7)!
def launch_initial_tasks() -> None:
    """When we start, launch `n_workers` tasks."""
    trial = optimizer.ask()
    task.submit(trial, bucket=bucket, pipeline=pipeline)

def tell_optimizer(future: Future, report: Trial.Report) -> None:
    """When we get a report, tell the optimizer."""

def add_to_history(future: Future, report: Trial.Report) -> None:
    """When we get a report, print it."""

def launch_ensemble_task(future: Future, report: Trial.Report) -> None:
    """When a task successfully completes, launch an ensemble task."""
    if report.status is Trial.Status.SUCCESS:
        ensemble_task.submit(trial_history, bucket)

def launch_another_task(*_: Any) -> None:
    """When we get a report, evaluate another trial."""
    trial = optimizer.ask()
    task.submit(trial, bucket=bucket, pipeline=pipeline)

def save_ensemble(future: Future, ensemble: Ensemble) -> None:
    """When an ensemble task returns, save it."""

def print_ensemble_exception(future: Future[Any], exception: BaseException) -> None:
    """When an exception occurs, log it and stop."""

def print_task_exception(future: Future[Any], exception: BaseException) -> None:
    """When an exception occurs, log it and stop."""

def run_last_ensemble_task() -> None:
    """When the scheduler is empty, run the last ensemble task."""
    ensemble_task.submit(trial_history, bucket)

if __name__ == "__main__":, wait=True)  # (8)!

    print("Trial history:")
    history_df = trial_history.df()

    best_ensemble = max(ensembles, key=lambda e: e.trajectory[-1])

    print("Best ensemble:")
# 1. We use `#!python get_dataset()` defined earlier to load the
#  dataset.
# 2. We use [`store()`][] to store the data in the bucket, with
#  each key being the name of the file and the value being the data.
# 3. We use [`Scheduler.with_processes()`][amltk.scheduling.Scheduler.with_processes]
#  create a [`Scheduler`][amltk.scheduling.Scheduler] that runs everything
#  in a different process. You can of course use a different backend if you want.
# 4. We use [`SMACOptimizer.create()`][amltk.optimization.optimizers.smac.SMACOptimizer.create] to create a
#  [`SMACOptimizer`][amltk.optimization.optimizers.smac.SMACOptimizer] given the space from the pipeline
#  to optimize over.
# 5. We create a [`Task`][amltk.scheduling.Task] that will run our objective, passing
#  in the function to run and the scheduler for where to run it
# 6. We use [`task()`][amltk.scheduling.Task] to create a
#  [`Task`][amltk.scheduling.Task] for the `create_ensemble` method above.
#  This will also run in parallel with the hpo trials if using a non-sequential scheduling mode.
# 7. We use `@scheduler.on_start()` hook to register a
#  callback that will be called when the scheduler starts. We can use the
#  `repeat` argument to make sure it's called many times if we want.
# 8. We use [``][] to run the scheduler.
#  Here we set it to run briefly for 5 seconds and wait for remaining tasks to finish
#  before continuing.



Requires the following integrations and dependencies:

  • pip install openml amltk[smac, sklearn]

This example performs Hyperparameter optimization on a fairly default data-preprocessing + model sklearn pipeline, using a dataset pulled from OpenML.

After the HPO is complete, we use the validation predictions from each trial to create an ensemble using the Weighted Ensemble algorithm from Caruana et al. (2004).

Reference: Ensemble selection from libraries of models

Rich Caruana, Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, Geoff Crew and Alex Ksikes

ICML 2004

This makes heavy use of the pipelines and the optimization faculties of amltk. You can fine the pipeline guide here and the optimization guide here to learn more.

You can skip the imports sections and go straight to the pipeline definition.


from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
import traceback
from asyncio import Future
from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import openml
from sklearn.compose import make_column_selector
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import (
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from import probabilities_to_classes
from amltk.ensembling.weighted_ensemble_caruana import weighted_ensemble_caruana
from amltk.optimization import History, Metric, Trial
from amltk.optimization.optimizers.smac import SMACOptimizer
from amltk.pipeline import Choice, Component, Sequential, Split
from amltk.scheduling import Scheduler
from import split_data
from import PathBucket

Below is just a small function to help us get the dataset from OpenML and encode the labels.

def get_dataset(seed: int) -> tuple[np.ndarray, ...]:
    dataset = openml.datasets.get_dataset(
    X, y, _, _ = dataset.get_data(
    _y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y)
    splits = split_data(  #  (1)!
        splits={"train": 0.6, "val": 0.2, "test": 0.2},  

    x_train, y_train = splits["train"]
    x_val, y_val = splits["val"]
    x_test, y_test = splits["test"]
    return x_train, x_val, x_test, y_train, y_val, y_test  # type: ignore
  1. We use the split_data() function from the to split the data into a custom amount of splits, in this case "train", "val", "test". You could also use the dedicated train_val_test_split() function instead.

Pipeline Definition#

Here we define a pipeline which splits categoricals and numericals down two different paths, and then combines them back together before passing them to a choice of classifier between a Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Multi-Layer Perceptron.

For more on definitions of pipelines, see the Pipeline guide.

pipeline = (
    >> Split(
            "categories": [
                SimpleImputer(strategy="constant", fill_value="missing"),
                        "min_frequency": (0.01, 0.1),
                        "handle_unknown": ["ignore", "infrequent_if_exist"],
                    config={"drop": "first"},
            "numbers": [
                Component(SimpleImputer, space={"strategy": ["mean", "median"]}),
                Component(VarianceThreshold, space={"threshold": (0.0, 0.2)}),
                Choice(StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, name="scaler"),
            "categories": make_column_selector(dtype_include=object),
            "numbers": make_column_selector(dtype_include=np.number),
    >> Choice(  #  (1)!
        Component(SVC, space={"C": (0.1, 10.0)}, config={"probability": True}),
            space={"n_estimators": (10, 100), "criterion": ["gini", "log_loss"]},
                "activation": ["identity", "logistic", "relu"],
                "alpha": (0.0001, 0.1),
                "learning_rate": ["constant", "invscaling", "adaptive"],

  1. Here we define a choice of algorithms to use where each entry is a possible algorithm to use. Each algorithm is defined by a step, which is a configuration of a sklearn estimator. The space parameter is a dictionary of hyperparameters to optimize over, and the config parameter is a dictionary of fixed parameters to set on the estimator.
  2. Here we gropu the numerical preprocessing steps to use. Each step is a scaler to use. Each scaler is defined by a step, which is a configuration of the preprocessor. The space parameter is a dictionary of hyperparameters to optimize over, and the config parameter is a dictionary of fixed parameters to set on the preprocessing step.
  3. Here we group the categorical preprocessing steps to use. Each step is given a space, which is a dictionary of hyperparameters to optimize over, and a config, which is a dictionary of fixed parameters to set on the preprocessing step.

Sequential(name='Pipeline', item=None, nodes=(Split(name='feature_preprocessing', item=None, nodes=(Sequential(name='categories', item=None, nodes=(Fixed(name='SimpleImputer', item=SimpleImputer(fill_value='missing', strategy='constant'), nodes=(), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Component(name='OneHotEncoder', item=<class 'sklearn.preprocessing._encoders.OneHotEncoder'>, nodes=(), config={'drop': 'first'}, space={'min_frequency': (0.01, 0.1), 'handle_unknown': ['ignore', 'infrequent_if_exist']}, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Sequential(name='numbers', item=None, nodes=(Component(name='SimpleImputer', item=<class 'sklearn.impute._base.SimpleImputer'>, nodes=(), config=None, space={'strategy': ['mean', 'median']}, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Component(name='VarianceThreshold', item=<class 'sklearn.feature_selection._variance_threshold.VarianceThreshold'>, nodes=(), config=None, space={'threshold': (0.0, 0.2)}, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Choice(name='scaler', item=None, nodes=(Component(name='MinMaxScaler', item=<class 'sklearn.preprocessing._data.MinMaxScaler'>, nodes=(), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Component(name='RobustScaler', item=<class 'sklearn.preprocessing._data.RobustScaler'>, nodes=(), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Component(name='StandardScaler', item=<class 'sklearn.preprocessing._data.StandardScaler'>, nodes=(), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)), config={'categories': <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x7fcf5604e7d0>, 'numbers': <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x7fcf5604ed40>}, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Choice(name='Choice-5qqSocDp', item=None, nodes=(Component(name='MLPClassifier', item=<class 'sklearn.neural_network._multilayer_perceptron.MLPClassifier'>, nodes=(), config=None, space={'activation': ['identity', 'logistic', 'relu'], 'alpha': (0.0001, 0.1), 'learning_rate': ['constant', 'invscaling', 'adaptive']}, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Component(name='RandomForestClassifier', item=<class 'sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestClassifier'>, nodes=(), config=None, space={'n_estimators': (10, 100), 'criterion': ['gini', 'log_loss']}, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None), Component(name='SVC', item=<class 'sklearn.svm._classes.SVC'>, nodes=(), config={'probability': True}, space={'C': (0.1, 10.0)}, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)), config=None, space=None, fidelities=None, config_transform=None, meta=None)
Configuration space object:
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:MLPClassifier:activation, Type: Categorical, Choices: {identity, logistic, relu}, Default: identity
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:MLPClassifier:alpha, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0001, 0.1], Default: 0.05005
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:MLPClassifier:learning_rate, Type: Categorical, Choices: {constant, invscaling, adaptive}, Default: constant
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:RandomForestClassifier:criterion, Type: Categorical, Choices: {gini, log_loss}, Default: gini
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:RandomForestClassifier:n_estimators, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [10, 100], Default: 55
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:SVC:C, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.1, 10.0], Default: 5.05
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__, Type: Categorical, Choices: {MLPClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, SVC}, Default: MLPClassifier
    Pipeline:feature_preprocessing:categories:OneHotEncoder:handle_unknown, Type: Categorical, Choices: {ignore, infrequent_if_exist}, Default: ignore
    Pipeline:feature_preprocessing:categories:OneHotEncoder:min_frequency, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.01, 0.1], Default: 0.055
    Pipeline:feature_preprocessing:numbers:SimpleImputer:strategy, Type: Categorical, Choices: {mean, median}, Default: mean
    Pipeline:feature_preprocessing:numbers:VarianceThreshold:threshold, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 0.2], Default: 0.1
    Pipeline:feature_preprocessing:numbers:scaler:__choice__, Type: Categorical, Choices: {MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, StandardScaler}, Default: MinMaxScaler
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:MLPClassifier:activation | Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__ == 'MLPClassifier'
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:MLPClassifier:alpha | Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__ == 'MLPClassifier'
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:MLPClassifier:learning_rate | Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__ == 'MLPClassifier'
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:RandomForestClassifier:criterion | Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__ == 'RandomForestClassifier'
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:RandomForestClassifier:n_estimators | Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__ == 'RandomForestClassifier'
    Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:SVC:C | Pipeline:Choice-5qqSocDp:__choice__ == 'SVC'

Target Function#

Next we establish the actual target function we wish to evaluate, that is, the function we wish to optimize. In this case, we are optimizing the accuracy of the model on the validation set.

The target function takes a Trial object, which has the configuration of the pipeline to evaluate and provides utility to time, and return the results of the evaluation, whether it be a success or failure.

We make use of a PathBucket to store and load the data, and the Pipeline we defined above to configure the pipeline with the hyperparameters we are optimizing over.

For more details, please check out the Optimization guide for more details.

def target_function(
    trial: Trial,
    bucket: PathBucket,
    pipeline: Sequential,
) -> Trial.Report:
    X_train, X_val, X_test, y_train, y_val, y_test = (  # (1)!
    pipeline = pipeline.configure(trial.config)  #  (2)!
    sklearn_pipeline ="sklearn")  

        with trial.profile("fit"):  #  (3)!
  , y_train)
    except Exception as e:
        tb = traceback.format_exc()
                "exception.txt": str(e),
                "config.json": dict(trial.config),
                "traceback.txt": str(tb),
        return  #  (4)!

    # Make our predictions with the model
    train_predictions = sklearn_pipeline.predict(X_train)
    val_predictions = sklearn_pipeline.predict(X_val)
    test_predictions = sklearn_pipeline.predict(X_test)

    val_probabilites = sklearn_pipeline.predict_proba(X_val)
    val_accuracy = float(accuracy_score(val_predictions, y_val))

    # Save the scores to the summary of the trial
    trial.summary["train_accuracy"] = float(accuracy_score(train_predictions, y_train))
    trial.summary["validation_accuracy"] = val_accuracy
    trial.summary["test_accuracy"] = float(accuracy_score(test_predictions, y_test))

    # Save all of this to the file system  # (5)!
            "config.json": dict(trial.config),
            "scores.json": trial.summary,
            "model.pkl": sklearn_pipeline,
            "val_predictions.npy": val_predictions,
            "val_probabilities.npy": val_probabilites,
            "test_predictions.npy": test_predictions,

    return trial.success(accuracy=val_accuracy)  #  (6)!
  1. We can easily load data from a PathBucket using the load method.
  2. We configure the pipeline with a specific set of hyperparameters suggested by the optimizer through the Trial object.
  3. We begin the trial by timing the execution of the target function and capturing any potential exceptions.
  4. If the trial failed, we return a failed report with a cost of infinity.
  5. We save the results of the trial using, creating a subdirectory for this trial.
  6. We return a successful report with the cost of the trial, which is the inverse of the validation accuracy.

Next we define a simple @dataclass to store the our definition of an Esemble, which is simply a collection of the models trial names to their weight in the ensemble. We also store the trajectory of the ensemble, which is a list of tuples of the trial name and the weight of the trial at that point in the trajectory. Finally, we store the configuration of each trial in the ensemble.

We could of course add extra functionality to the Ensemble, give it references to the PathBucket and the pipeline objects, and even add methods to train the ensemble, but for the sake of simplicity we will leave it as is.

class Ensemble:
    weights: dict[str, float]
    trajectory: list[tuple[str, float]]
    configs: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]

def create_ensemble(
    history: History,
    bucket: PathBucket,
    size: int = 5,
    seed: int = 42,
) -> Ensemble:
    if len(history) == 0:
        return Ensemble({}, [], {})

    validation_predictions = { report.retrieve("val_probabilities.npy") for report in history
    targets = bucket["y_val.npy"].load()

    accuracy: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = accuracy_score  # type: ignore

    def _score(_targets: np.ndarray, ensembled_probabilities: np.ndarray) -> float:
        predictions = probabilities_to_classes(ensembled_probabilities, classes=[0, 1])
        return accuracy(_targets, predictions)

    weights, trajectory, final_probabilities = weighted_ensemble_caruana(  

    configs = {name: history[name].retrieve("config.json") for name in weights}
    return Ensemble(weights=weights, trajectory=trajectory, configs=configs)


Finally we come to the main script that runs everything.

seed = 42

X_train, X_val, X_test, y_train, y_val, y_test = get_dataset(seed)  # (1)!

path = Path("example-hpo-with-ensembling")
if path.exists():

bucket = PathBucket(path)  # (2)!
        "X_train.csv": X_train,
        "X_val.csv": X_val,
        "X_test.csv": X_test,
        "y_train.npy": y_train,
        "y_val.npy": y_val,
        "y_test.npy": y_test,

scheduler = Scheduler.with_processes()  # (3)!
optimizer = SMACOptimizer.create(
    metrics=Metric("accuracy", minimize=False, bounds=(0, 1)),
)  # (4)!

task = scheduler.task(target_function)  # (5)!
ensemble_task = scheduler.task(create_ensemble)  # (6)!

trial_history = History()
ensembles: list[Ensemble] = []

@scheduler.on_start  # (7)!
def launch_initial_tasks() -> None:
    """When we start, launch `n_workers` tasks."""
    trial = optimizer.ask()
    task.submit(trial, bucket=bucket, pipeline=pipeline)

def tell_optimizer(future: Future, report: Trial.Report) -> None:
    """When we get a report, tell the optimizer."""

def add_to_history(future: Future, report: Trial.Report) -> None:
    """When we get a report, print it."""

def launch_ensemble_task(future: Future, report: Trial.Report) -> None:
    """When a task successfully completes, launch an ensemble task."""
    if report.status is Trial.Status.SUCCESS:
        ensemble_task.submit(trial_history, bucket)

def launch_another_task(*_: Any) -> None:
    """When we get a report, evaluate another trial."""
    trial = optimizer.ask()
    task.submit(trial, bucket=bucket, pipeline=pipeline)

def save_ensemble(future: Future, ensemble: Ensemble) -> None:
    """When an ensemble task returns, save it."""

def print_ensemble_exception(future: Future[Any], exception: BaseException) -> None:
    """When an exception occurs, log it and stop."""

def print_task_exception(future: Future[Any], exception: BaseException) -> None:
    """When an exception occurs, log it and stop."""

def run_last_ensemble_task() -> None:
    """When the scheduler is empty, run the last ensemble task."""
    ensemble_task.submit(trial_history, bucket)

if __name__ == "__main__":, wait=True)  # (8)!

    print("Trial history:")
    history_df = trial_history.df()

    best_ensemble = max(ensembles, key=lambda e: e.trajectory[-1])

    print("Best ensemble:")
  1. We use get_dataset() defined earlier to load the dataset.
  2. We use store() to store the data in the bucket, with each key being the name of the file and the value being the data.
  3. We use Scheduler.with_processes() create a Scheduler that runs everything in a different process. You can of course use a different backend if you want.
  4. We use SMACOptimizer.create() to create a SMACOptimizer given the space from the pipeline to optimize over.
  5. We create a Task that will run our objective, passing in the function to run and the scheduler for where to run it
  6. We use task() to create a Task for the create_ensemble method above. This will also run in parallel with the hpo trials if using a non-sequential scheduling mode.
  7. We use @scheduler.on_start() hook to register a callback that will be called when the scheduler starts. We can use the repeat argument to make sure it's called many times if we want.
  8. We use to run the scheduler. Here we set it to run briefly for 5 seconds and wait for remaining tasks to finish before continuing.