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amltk.metalearning.portfolio #

A portfolio in meta-learning is to a set (ordered or not) of configurations that maximize some notion of coverage across datasets or tasks. The intuition here is that this also means that any new dataset is also covered!

Suppose we have the given performances of some configurations across some datasets.

Initial Portfolio
import pandas as pd

performances = {
    "c1": [90, 60, 20, 10],
    "c2": [20, 10, 90, 20],
    "c3": [10, 20, 40, 90],
    "c4": [90, 10, 10, 10],
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(performances, index=["dataset_1", "dataset_2", "dataset_3", "dataset_4"])
           c1  c2  c3  c4
dataset_1  90  20  10  90
dataset_2  60  10  20  10
dataset_3  20  90  40  10
dataset_4  10  20  90  10

If we could only choose k=3 of these configurations on some new given dataset, which ones would you choose and in what priority? Here is where we can apply portfolio_selection()!

The idea is that we pick a subset of these algorithms that maximise some value of utility for the portfolio. We do this by adding a single configuration from the entire set, 1-by-1 until we reach k, beginning with the empty portfolio.

Let's see this in action!

Portfolio Selection
import pandas as pd
from amltk.metalearning import portfolio_selection

performances = {
    "c1": [90, 60, 20, 10],
    "c2": [20, 10, 90, 20],
    "c3": [10, 20, 40, 90],
    "c4": [90, 10, 10, 10],
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(performances, index=["dataset_1", "dataset_2", "dataset_3", "dataset_4"])

selected_portfolio, trajectory = portfolio_selection(

              c1     c3     c2
dataset_1  1.000  0.000  0.125
dataset_2  1.000  0.200  0.000
dataset_3  0.125  0.375  1.000
dataset_4  0.000  1.000  0.125

c1    0.53125
c3    0.84375
c2    1.00000
dtype: float64

The trajectory tells us which configuration was added at each time stamp along with the utility of the portfolio with that configuration added. However we havn't specified how exactly we defined the utility of a given portfolio. We could define our own function to do so:

Portfolio Selection Custom
import pandas as pd
from amltk.metalearning import portfolio_selection

performances = {
    "c1": [90, 60, 20, 10],
    "c2": [20, 10, 90, 20],
    "c3": [10, 20, 40, 90],
    "c4": [90, 10, 10, 10],
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(performances, index=["dataset_1", "dataset_2", "dataset_3", "dataset_4"])

def my_function(p: pd.DataFrame) -> float:
    # Take the maximum score for each dataset and then take the mean across them.
    return p.max(axis=1).mean()

selected_portfolio, trajectory = portfolio_selection(

              c1     c3     c2
dataset_1  1.000  0.000  0.125
dataset_2  1.000  0.200  0.000
dataset_3  0.125  0.375  1.000
dataset_4  0.000  1.000  0.125

c1    0.53125
c3    0.84375
c2    1.00000
dtype: float64

This notion of reducing across all configurations for a dataset and then aggregating these is common enough that we can also directly just define these operations and we will perform the rest.

Portfolio Selection With Reduction
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from amltk.metalearning import portfolio_selection

performances = {
    "c1": [90, 60, 20, 10],
    "c2": [20, 10, 90, 20],
    "c3": [10, 20, 40, 90],
    "c4": [90, 10, 10, 10],
portfolio = pd.DataFrame(performances, index=["dataset_1", "dataset_2", "dataset_3", "dataset_4"])

selected_portfolio, trajectory = portfolio_selection(
    row_reducer=np.max,  # This is actually the default
    aggregator=np.mean,  # This is actually the default

              c1     c3     c2
dataset_1  1.000  0.000  0.125
dataset_2  1.000  0.200  0.000
dataset_3  0.125  0.375  1.000
dataset_4  0.000  1.000  0.125

c1    0.53125
c3    0.84375
c2    1.00000
dtype: float64

portfolio_selection #

    items: dict[K, Series] | DataFrame,
    k: int,
    row_reducer: Callable[[Series], float] = np.max,
    aggregator: Callable[[Series], float] = np.mean,
    portfolio_value: (
        Callable[[DataFrame], float] | None
    ) = None,
    maximize: bool = True,
    scaler: (
        TransformerMixin | Literal["minmax"] | None
    ) = "minmax",
    with_replacement: bool = False,
    stop_if_worse: bool = False,
    seed: Seed | None = None
) -> tuple[DataFrame, Series]

Selects a portfolio of k items from items.

A portfolio is a subset of the items, and is selected by maximizing the portfolio_value function in a greedy selection approach.

At each iteration 0 <= i < k, the portfolio_value function is calculated for the portfolio obtained by adding the ith item to the portfolio. The item that maximizes the portfolio_value function is then added to the portfolio for the next iteration.

The portfolio_function can often be define by a row wise reduction (row_reducer=) followed by some aggregation over these reductions (aggregator=). You can also supply your own value function if desired (portfolio_value=).

A Single Iteration

This uses the row_reducer=np.max and aggregator=np.mean to calculate the value of a portfolio.

In this case, we have 4 datasets and our current portfolio consists of config_1 and config_2. We are going to calculate the value of adding config_try to the current best portfolio.

            | config_1 | config_2 | config_try
dataset_1   |    1     |    0     |    0
dataset_2   |    0     |   0.5    |    1
dataset_3   |    0     |   0.5    |   0.5
dataset_4   |    1     |    1     |    0

Apply row_reducer to each row, in this case np.max

            |   max
dataset_1   |    1
dataset_2   |    1
dataset_3   |   0.5
dataset_4   |    1

Apply aggregator to the reduced rows, in this case np.mean

portfolio_value = np.mean([1, 1, 0.5, 1]) # 0.875

A dictionary of items to select from.

TYPE: dict[K, Series] | DataFrame


The number of items to select.

TYPE: int


A function to aggregate the rows of the portfolio. This is applied to a potential portfolio, for example to calculate the max score of all configs, for a given dataset (row).

TYPE: Callable[[Series], float] DEFAULT: max


A function to take all the single values reduced by row_reducer, and aggregate them into a final value for the portfolio.

TYPE: Callable[[Series], float] DEFAULT: mean


A custom function to calculate the value of a portfolio. This will take precedence over row_reducer and aggregator.

TYPE: Callable[[DataFrame], float] | None DEFAULT: None


Whether to maximize or minimize the portfolio value.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


A scaler to use to scale the portfolio values. Is applied across the rows.

TYPE: TransformerMixin | Literal['minmax'] | None DEFAULT: 'minmax'


Whether to select items with replacement.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Whether to stop if the portfolio value is worse than the current best.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


The seed to use for breaking ties.

TYPE: Seed | None DEFAULT: None

tuple[DataFrame, Series]

The final portfolio The trajectory, where the entry is the value once added to the portfolio.

Source code in src/amltk/metalearning/
def portfolio_selection(
    items: dict[K, pd.Series] | pd.DataFrame,
    k: int,
    row_reducer: Callable[[pd.Series], float] = np.max,
    aggregator: Callable[[pd.Series], float] = np.mean,
    portfolio_value: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], float] | None = None,
    maximize: bool = True,
    scaler: TransformerMixin | Literal["minmax"] | None = "minmax",
    with_replacement: bool = False,
    stop_if_worse: bool = False,
    seed: Seed | None = None,
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]:
    """Selects a portfolio of `k` items from `items`.

    A portfolio is a subset of the items, and is selected by maximizing the
    `portfolio_value` function in a greedy selection approach.

    At each iteration `0 <= i < k`, the `portfolio_value` function is calculated
    for the portfolio obtained by adding the `i`th item to the portfolio. The item
    that maximizes the `portfolio_value` function is then added to the portfolio for
    the next iteration.

    The `portfolio_function` can often be define by a row wise reduction
    (`row_reducer=`) followed by some aggregation over these reductions (`aggregator=`).
    You can also supply your own value function if desired (`portfolio_value=`).

    !!! example "A Single Iteration"

        This uses the `row_reducer=np.max` and `aggregator=np.mean` to calculate the
        value of a portfolio.

        In this case, we have 4 datasets and our current portfolio
        consists of `config_1` and `config_2`. We are going to calculate the value of
        adding `config_try` to the current best portfolio.

                    | config_1 | config_2 | config_try
        dataset_1   |    1     |    0     |    0
        dataset_2   |    0     |   0.5    |    1
        dataset_3   |    0     |   0.5    |   0.5
        dataset_4   |    1     |    1     |    0

        Apply `row_reducer` to each row, in this case `np.max`

                    |   max
        dataset_1   |    1
        dataset_2   |    1
        dataset_3   |   0.5
        dataset_4   |    1

        Apply `aggregator` to the reduced rows, in this case `np.mean`

        portfolio_value = np.mean([1, 1, 0.5, 1]) # 0.875

        items: A dictionary of items to select from.
        k: The number of items to select.
        row_reducer: A function to aggregate the rows of the portfolio.
            This is applied to a potential portfolio, for example to calculate
            the max score of all configs, for a given dataset (row).
        aggregator: A function to take all the single values reduced by `row_reducer`,
            and aggregate them into a final value for the portfolio.
        portfolio_value: A custom function to calculate the value of a portfolio.
            This will take precedence over `row_reducer` and `aggregator`.
        maximize: Whether to maximize or minimize the portfolio value.
        scaler: A scaler to use to scale the portfolio values. Is applied across
            the rows.
        with_replacement: Whether to select items with replacement.
        stop_if_worse: Whether to stop if the portfolio value is worse than the
            current best.
        seed: The seed to use for breaking ties.

        The final portfolio
        The trajectory, where the entry is the value once added to the portfolio.
    n_items = len(items) if isinstance(items, dict) else items.shape[1]
    if not (1 <= k < n_items):
        raise ValueError(f"k must be in [1, {n_items=})")

    all_portfolio = pd.DataFrame(items)

    # Normalize if needed
    if scaler is None:
    elif scaler == "minmax":
        min_maxs = all_portfolio.agg(["min", "max"], axis=1)

        mins = min_maxs["min"]
        maxs = min_maxs["max"]
        normalizer = maxs - mins

        # If everything is equal, we need to make sure the normalizing
        # doesn't do anything
        normalizer[normalizer == 0] = 1
        mins[normalizer == 0] = 0

        norm = lambda col: (col - mins) / normalizer
        all_portfolio: pd.DataFrame = all_portfolio.apply(norm, axis=0)  # type: ignore
    elif safe_isinstance(scaler, "TransformerMixin"):
        assert not isinstance(scaler, str)
        all_portfolio = scaler.fit_transform(all_portfolio.T).T
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid scaler: {scaler}")

    # Set up the portfolio value function
    if portfolio_value is None:
        portfolio_value = lambda _portfolio: float(
            aggregator(_portfolio.apply(row_reducer, axis=1)),

    # Make a copy as we will del from it
    items = dict(items)
    rng = as_rng(seed)
    best = max if maximize else min

    # Running counters during the algorithm loop
    added_items: list[K] = []
    values: list[float] = []
    current_best: float = -np.inf if maximize else np.inf

    for _ in range(k):
        possible_portfolios = [(k, all_portfolio[[*added_items, k]]) for k in items]
        values_possible = {
            k: portfolio_value(possible_portfolio)
            for k, possible_portfolio in possible_portfolios

        # This is the highest value we can get from a portfolio of the current size
        best_possible = best(values_possible.values())

        # If the best possible value of what we can do does not improve over the current
        #    best portfolio, stop (if enabled)
        if stop_if_worse and current_best == best(best_possible, current_best):

        current_best = best_possible

        # Possible get multiple best choices, we choose one at random if so
        best_keys = [k for k, v in values_possible.items() if v == best_possible]
        best_key = (
            best_keys[0] if len(best_keys) == 1 else rng.choice(best_keys)  # type: ignore

        # We found something better, add it in

        if not with_replacement:
            del items[best_key]

    # Rename the columns of the portfolio to be the keys
    return all_portfolio[added_items], pd.Series(values, index=added_items)