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Hyperband utils

smac.intensifier.hyperband_utils #

determine_HB #

    min_budget: float, max_budget: float, eta: int = 3
) -> dict

Determine one Hyperband round


min_budget : float Minimum budget per trial in fidelity units max_budget : float Maximum budget per trial in fidelity units eta : int, defaults to 3 Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.


dict Info about the Hyperband round "max_iterations" "n_configs_in_stage" "budgets_in_stage" "trials_used" "budget_used" "number_of_brackets"

Source code in smac/intensifier/
def determine_HB(min_budget: float, max_budget: float, eta: int = 3) -> dict:
    """Determine one Hyperband round

    min_budget : float
        Minimum budget per trial in fidelity units
    max_budget : float
        Maximum budget per trial in fidelity units
    eta : int, defaults to 3
        Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.

        Info about the Hyperband round

    _s_max = SuccessiveHalving._get_max_iterations(eta, max_budget, min_budget)

    _max_iterations: dict[int, int] = {}
    _n_configs_in_stage: dict[int, list] = {}
    _budgets_in_stage: dict[int, list] = {}

    for i in range(_s_max + 1):
        max_iter = _s_max - i

        _budgets_in_stage[i], _n_configs_in_stage[i] = SuccessiveHalving._compute_configs_and_budgets_for_stages(
            eta, max_budget, max_iter, _s_max
        _max_iterations[i] = max_iter + 1

    total_trials = np.sum([np.sum(v) for v in _n_configs_in_stage.values()])
    total_budget = np.sum([np.sum(v) for v in _budgets_in_stage.values()])

    return {
        "max_iterations": _max_iterations,
        "n_configs_in_stage": _n_configs_in_stage,
        "budgets_in_stage": _budgets_in_stage,
        "trials_used": total_trials,
        "budget_used": total_budget,
        "number_of_brackets": len(_max_iterations),

determine_hyperband_for_multifidelity #

    total_budget: float,
    min_budget: float,
    max_budget: float,
    eta: int = 3,
) -> dict

Determine how many Hyperband rounds should happen based on a total budget


total_budget : float Total budget for the complete optimization in fidelity units min_budget : float Minimum budget per trial in fidelity units max_budget : float Maximum budget per trial in fidelity units eta : int, defaults to 3 Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.


dict Info about one Hyperband round "max_iterations" "n_configs_in_stage" "budgets_in_stage" "trials_used" "budget_used" "number_of_brackets" Info about whole optimization "n_trials" "total_budget" "eta" "min_budget" "max_budget"

Source code in smac/intensifier/
def determine_hyperband_for_multifidelity(
    total_budget: float, min_budget: float, max_budget: float, eta: int = 3
) -> dict:
    """Determine how many Hyperband rounds should happen based on a total budget

    total_budget : float
        Total budget for the complete optimization in fidelity units
    min_budget : float
        Minimum budget per trial in fidelity units
    max_budget : float
        Maximum budget per trial in fidelity units
    eta : int, defaults to 3
        Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.

        Info about one Hyperband round
        Info about whole optimization

    # Determine the HB
    hyperband_round = determine_HB(eta=eta, min_budget=min_budget, max_budget=max_budget)

    # Calculate how many HB rounds we can have
    budget_used_per_hyperband_round = hyperband_round["budget_used"]
    number_of_full_hb_rounds = int(np.floor(total_budget / budget_used_per_hyperband_round))
    remaining_budget = total_budget % budget_used_per_hyperband_round
    trials_used_per_hb_round = hyperband_round["trials_used"]
    n_configs_in_stage = hyperband_round["n_configs_in_stage"]
    budgets_in_stage = hyperband_round["budgets_in_stage"]

    remaining_trials = 0
    for stage in n_configs_in_stage.keys():
        B = budgets_in_stage[stage]
        C = n_configs_in_stage[stage]
        for b, c in zip(B, C):
            # How many trials are left?
            # If b * c is lower than remaining budget, we can add full c
            # otherwise we need to find out how many trials we can do with this budget
            remaining_trials += min(c, int(np.floor(remaining_budget / b)))
            # We cannot go lower than 0
            # If we are in the case of b*c > remaining_budget, we will not have any
            # budget left. We can not add full c but the number of trials that still fit
            remaining_budget = max(0, remaining_budget - b * c)

    n_trials = int(number_of_full_hb_rounds * trials_used_per_hb_round + remaining_trials)

    hyperband_info = hyperband_round
    hyperband_info["n_trials"] = n_trials
    hyperband_info["total_budget"] = total_budget
    hyperband_info["eta"] = eta
    hyperband_info["min_budget"] = min_budget
    hyperband_info["max_budget"] = max_budget

    return hyperband_info

get_n_trials_for_hyperband_multifidelity #

    total_budget: float,
    min_budget: float,
    max_budget: float,
    eta: int = 3,
    print_summary: bool = True,
) -> int

Calculate the number of trials needed for multi-fidelity optimization

Specify the total budget and find out how many trials that equals.


total_budget : float Total budget for the complete optimization in fidelity units. A fidelity unit can be one epoch or a fraction of a dataset size. min_budget : float Minimum budget per trial in fidelity units max_budget : float Maximum budget per trial in fidelity units eta : int, defaults to 3 Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.


int Number of trials needed for the specified total budgets

Source code in smac/intensifier/
def get_n_trials_for_hyperband_multifidelity(
    total_budget: float, min_budget: float, max_budget: float, eta: int = 3, print_summary: bool = True
) -> int:
    """Calculate the number of trials needed for multi-fidelity optimization

    Specify the total budget and find out how many trials that equals.

    total_budget : float
        Total budget for the complete optimization in fidelity units.
        A fidelity unit can be one epoch or a fraction of a dataset size.
    min_budget : float
        Minimum budget per trial in fidelity units
    max_budget : float
        Maximum budget per trial in fidelity units
    eta : int, defaults to 3
        Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.

        Number of trials needed for the specified total budgets
    hyperband_info = determine_hyperband_for_multifidelity(
        total_budget=total_budget, eta=eta, min_budget=min_budget, max_budget=max_budget
    if print_summary:
    return hyperband_info["n_trials"]

print_hyperband_summary #

print_hyperband_summary(hyperband_info: dict) -> None

Print summary about Hyperband as used in the MultiFidelityFacade


hyperband_info : dict Info dict about Hyperband

Source code in smac/intensifier/
def print_hyperband_summary(hyperband_info: dict) -> None:
    """Print summary about Hyperband as used in the MultiFidelityFacade

    hyperband_info : dict
        Info dict about Hyperband
    print("-" * 30, "HYPERBAND IN MULTI-FIDELITY", "-" * 30)
    print("total budget:\t\t", hyperband_info["total_budget"])
    print("total number of trials:\t", hyperband_info["n_trials"])
    print("number of HB rounds:\t", hyperband_info["total_budget"] / hyperband_info["budget_used"])

    print("\t~~~~~~~~~~~~HYPERBAND ROUND")
    print("\teta:\t\t\t\t\t", hyperband_info["eta"])
    print("\tmin budget per trial:\t\t\t", hyperband_info["min_budget"])
    print("\tmax budget per trial:\t\t\t", hyperband_info["max_budget"])
    print("\ttotal number of trials per HB round:\t", hyperband_info["trials_used"])
    print("\tbudget used per HB round:\t\t", hyperband_info["budget_used"])
    print("\tnumber of brackets:\t\t\t", hyperband_info["number_of_brackets"])
    print("\tbudgets per stage:\t\t\t", hyperband_info["budgets_in_stage"])
    print("\tn configs per stage:\t\t\t", hyperband_info["n_configs_in_stage"])
    print("-" * (2 * 30 + len("HYPERBAND IN MULTI-FIDELITY") + 2))