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Multi fidelity facade

smac.facade.multi_fidelity_facade #

MultiFidelityFacade #

    scenario: Scenario,
    target_function: Callable | str | AbstractRunner,
    model: AbstractModel | None = None,
    acquisition_function: (
        AbstractAcquisitionFunction | None
    ) = None,
    acquisition_maximizer: (
        AbstractAcquisitionMaximizer | None
    ) = None,
    initial_design: AbstractInitialDesign | None = None,
    random_design: AbstractRandomDesign | None = None,
    intensifier: AbstractIntensifier | None = None,
    multi_objective_algorithm: (
        AbstractMultiObjectiveAlgorithm | None
    ) = None,
    runhistory_encoder: (
        AbstractRunHistoryEncoder | None
    ) = None,
    config_selector: ConfigSelector | None = None,
    logging_level: (
        int | Path | Literal[False] | None
    ) = None,
    callbacks: list[Callback] = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    dask_client: Client | None = None

Bases: HyperparameterOptimizationFacade

This facade configures SMAC in a multi-fidelity setting.


smac.main.config_selector.ConfigSelector contains the min_trials parameter. This parameter determines how many samples are required to train the surrogate model. If budgets are involved, the highest budgets are checked first. For example, if min_trials is three, but we find only two trials in the runhistory for the highest budget, we will use trials of a lower budget instead.

Source code in smac/facade/
def __init__(
    scenario: Scenario,
    target_function: Callable | str | AbstractRunner,
    model: AbstractModel | None = None,
    acquisition_function: AbstractAcquisitionFunction | None = None,
    acquisition_maximizer: AbstractAcquisitionMaximizer | None = None,
    initial_design: AbstractInitialDesign | None = None,
    random_design: AbstractRandomDesign | None = None,
    intensifier: AbstractIntensifier | None = None,
    multi_objective_algorithm: AbstractMultiObjectiveAlgorithm | None = None,
    runhistory_encoder: AbstractRunHistoryEncoder | None = None,
    config_selector: ConfigSelector | None = None,
    logging_level: int | Path | Literal[False] | None = None,
    callbacks: list[Callback] = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    dask_client: Client | None = None,

    if callbacks is None:
        callbacks = []

    if model is None:
        model = self.get_model(scenario)

    if acquisition_function is None:
        acquisition_function = self.get_acquisition_function(scenario)

    if acquisition_maximizer is None:
        acquisition_maximizer = self.get_acquisition_maximizer(scenario)

    if initial_design is None:
        initial_design = self.get_initial_design(scenario)

    if random_design is None:
        random_design = self.get_random_design(scenario)

    if intensifier is None:
        intensifier = self.get_intensifier(scenario)

    if multi_objective_algorithm is None and scenario.count_objectives() > 1:
        multi_objective_algorithm = self.get_multi_objective_algorithm(scenario=scenario)

    if runhistory_encoder is None:
        runhistory_encoder = self.get_runhistory_encoder(scenario)

    if config_selector is None:
        config_selector = self.get_config_selector(scenario)

    # Initialize empty stats and runhistory object
    runhistory = RunHistory(multi_objective_algorithm=multi_objective_algorithm)

    # Set the seed for configuration space

    # Set variables globally
    self._scenario = scenario
    self._model = model
    self._acquisition_function = acquisition_function
    self._acquisition_maximizer = acquisition_maximizer
    self._initial_design = initial_design
    self._random_design = random_design
    self._intensifier = intensifier
    self._multi_objective_algorithm = multi_objective_algorithm
    self._runhistory = runhistory
    self._runhistory_encoder = runhistory_encoder
    self._config_selector = config_selector
    self._callbacks = callbacks
    self._overwrite = overwrite

    # Prepare the algorithm executer
    runner: AbstractRunner
    if isinstance(target_function, AbstractRunner):
        runner = target_function
    elif isinstance(target_function, str):
        runner = TargetFunctionScriptRunner(
        runner = TargetFunctionRunner(

    # In case of multiple jobs, we need to wrap the runner again using DaskParallelRunner
    if (n_workers := scenario.n_workers) > 1 or dask_client is not None:
        if dask_client is not None and n_workers > 1:
                "Provided `dask_client`. Ignore `scenario.n_workers`, directly set `n_workers` in `dask_client`."
            available_workers = joblib.cpu_count()
            if n_workers > available_workers:
      "Workers are reduced to {n_workers}.")
                n_workers = available_workers

        # We use a dask runner for parallelization
        runner = DaskParallelRunner(single_worker=runner, dask_client=dask_client)

    # Set the runner to access it globally
    self._runner = runner

    # Adding dependencies of the components

    # We have to update our meta data (basically arguments of the components)

    # We have to validate if the object compositions are correct and actually make sense

    # Finally we configure our optimizer
    self._optimizer = self._get_optimizer()
    assert self._optimizer

    # Register callbacks here
    for callback in callbacks:

    # Additionally, we register the runhistory callback from the intensifier to efficiently update our incumbent
    # every time new information are available
    self._optimizer.register_callback(self._intensifier.get_callback(), index=0)

intensifier property #

intensifier: AbstractIntensifier

The optimizer which is responsible for the BO loop. Keeps track of useful information like status.

meta property #

meta: dict[str, Any]

Generates a hash based on all components of the facade. This is used for the run name or to determine whether a run should be continued or not.

optimizer property #

optimizer: SMBO

The optimizer which is responsible for the BO loop. Keeps track of useful information like status.

runhistory property #

runhistory: RunHistory

The runhistory which is filled with all trials during the optimization process.

scenario property #

scenario: Scenario

The scenario object which holds all environment information.

ask #

ask() -> TrialInfo

Asks the intensifier for the next trial.

Source code in smac/facade/
def ask(self) -> TrialInfo:
    """Asks the intensifier for the next trial."""
    return self._optimizer.ask()

get_acquisition_function staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario, *, xi: float = 0.0
) -> EI

Returns an Expected Improvement acquisition function.


scenario : Scenario xi : float, defaults to 0.0 Controls the balance between exploration and exploitation of the acquisition function.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_acquisition_function(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    xi: float = 0.0,
) -> EI:
    """Returns an Expected Improvement acquisition function.

    scenario : Scenario
    xi : float, defaults to 0.0
        Controls the balance between exploration and exploitation of the
        acquisition function.
    return EI(xi=xi, log=True)

get_acquisition_maximizer staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
    challengers: int = 10000,
    local_search_iterations: int = 10
) -> LocalAndSortedRandomSearch

Returns local and sorted random search as acquisition maximizer.


If you experience RAM issues, try to reduce the number of challengers.


challengers : int, defaults to 10000 Number of challengers. local_search_iterations: int, defaults to 10 Number of local search iterations.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_acquisition_maximizer(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    challengers: int = 10000,
    local_search_iterations: int = 10,
) -> LocalAndSortedRandomSearch:
    """Returns local and sorted random search as acquisition maximizer.

    If you experience RAM issues, try to reduce the number of challengers.

    challengers : int, defaults to 10000
        Number of challengers.
    local_search_iterations: int, defaults to 10
        Number of local search iterations.
    optimizer = LocalAndSortedRandomSearch(

    return optimizer

get_config_selector staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
    retrain_after: int = 8,
    retries: int = 16
) -> ConfigSelector

Returns the default configuration selector.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_config_selector(
    scenario: Scenario,
    retrain_after: int = 8,
    retries: int = 16,
) -> ConfigSelector:
    """Returns the default configuration selector."""
    return ConfigSelector(scenario, retrain_after=retrain_after, retries=retries)

get_initial_design staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
    n_configs: int | None = None,
    n_configs_per_hyperparamter: int = 10,
    max_ratio: float = 0.25,
    additional_configs: list[Configuration] = None
) -> RandomInitialDesign

Returns a random initial design.


scenario : Scenario n_configs : int | None, defaults to None Number of initial configurations (disables the arguments n_configs_per_hyperparameter). n_configs_per_hyperparameter: int, defaults to 10 Number of initial configurations per hyperparameter. For example, if my configuration space covers five hyperparameters and n_configs_per_hyperparameter is set to 10, then 50 initial configurations will be samples. max_ratio: float, defaults to 0.25 Use at most scenario.n_trials * max_ratio number of configurations in the initial design. Additional configurations are not affected by this parameter. additional_configs: list[Configuration], defaults to [] Adds additional configurations to the initial design.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_initial_design(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    n_configs: int | None = None,
    n_configs_per_hyperparamter: int = 10,
    max_ratio: float = 0.25,
    additional_configs: list[Configuration] = None,
) -> RandomInitialDesign:
    """Returns a random initial design.

    scenario : Scenario
    n_configs : int | None, defaults to None
        Number of initial configurations (disables the arguments ``n_configs_per_hyperparameter``).
    n_configs_per_hyperparameter: int, defaults to 10
        Number of initial configurations per hyperparameter. For example, if my configuration space covers five
        hyperparameters and ``n_configs_per_hyperparameter`` is set to 10, then 50 initial configurations will be
    max_ratio: float, defaults to 0.25
        Use at most ``scenario.n_trials`` * ``max_ratio`` number of configurations in the initial design.
        Additional configurations are not affected by this parameter.
    additional_configs: list[Configuration], defaults to []
        Adds additional configurations to the initial design.
    if additional_configs is None:
        additional_configs = []
    return RandomInitialDesign(

get_intensifier staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
    eta: int = 3,
    n_seeds: int = 1,
    instance_seed_order: str | None = "shuffle_once",
    max_incumbents: int = 10,
    incumbent_selection: str = "highest_observed_budget"
) -> Hyperband

Returns a Hyperband intensifier instance. Budgets are supported.

int, defaults to 3

Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.

n_seeds : int, defaults to 1 How many seeds to use for each instance. instance_seed_order : str, defaults to "shuffle_once" How to order the instance-seed pairs. Can be set to: * None: No shuffling at all and use the instance-seed order provided by the user. * "shuffle_once": Shuffle the instance-seed keys once and use the same order across all runs. * "shuffle": Shuffles the instance-seed keys for each bracket individually. incumbent_selection : str, defaults to "any_budget" How to select the incumbent when using budgets. Can be set to: * "any_budget": Incumbent is the best on any budget, i.e., the best performance regardless of budget. * "highest_observed_budget": Incumbent is the best in the highest budget run so far. refer to runhistory.get_trials for more details. Crucially, if true, then a for a given config-instance-seed, only the highest (so far executed) budget is used for comparison against the incumbent. Notice, that if the highest observed budget is smaller than the highest budget of the incumbent, the configuration will be queued again to be intensified again. * "highest_budget": Incumbent is selected only based on the absolute highest budget available only. max_incumbents : int, defaults to 10 How many incumbents to keep track of in the case of multi-objective.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_intensifier(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    eta: int = 3,
    n_seeds: int = 1,
    instance_seed_order: str | None = "shuffle_once",
    max_incumbents: int = 10,
    incumbent_selection: str = "highest_observed_budget",
) -> Hyperband:
    """Returns a Hyperband intensifier instance. Budgets are supported.

    eta : int, defaults to 3
        Input that controls the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of Successive Halving.
    n_seeds : int, defaults to 1
        How many seeds to use for each instance.
    instance_seed_order : str, defaults to "shuffle_once"
        How to order the instance-seed pairs. Can be set to:
        * None: No shuffling at all and use the instance-seed order provided by the user.
        * "shuffle_once": Shuffle the instance-seed keys once and use the same order across all runs.
        * "shuffle": Shuffles the instance-seed keys for each bracket individually.
    incumbent_selection : str, defaults to "any_budget"
        How to select the incumbent when using budgets. Can be set to:
        * "any_budget": Incumbent is the best on any budget, i.e., the best performance regardless of budget.
        * "highest_observed_budget": Incumbent is the best in the highest budget run so far.
        refer to `runhistory.get_trials` for more details. Crucially, if true, then a
        for a given config-instance-seed, only the highest (so far executed) budget is used for
        comparison against the incumbent. Notice, that if the highest observed budget is smaller
        than the highest budget of the incumbent, the configuration will be queued again to
        be intensified again.
        * "highest_budget": Incumbent is selected only based on the absolute highest budget
        available only.
    max_incumbents : int, defaults to 10
        How many incumbents to keep track of in the case of multi-objective.
    return Hyperband(

get_model staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
    n_trees: int = 10,
    ratio_features: float = 1.0,
    min_samples_split: int = 2,
    min_samples_leaf: int = 1,
    max_depth: int = 2**20,
    bootstrapping: bool = True
) -> RandomForest

Returns a random forest as surrogate model.


n_trees : int, defaults to 10 The number of trees in the random forest. ratio_features : float, defaults to 5.0 / 6.0 The ratio of features that are considered for splitting. min_samples_split : int, defaults to 3 The minimum number of data points to perform a split. min_samples_leaf : int, defaults to 3 The minimum number of data points in a leaf. max_depth : int, defaults to 20 The maximum depth of a single tree. bootstrapping : bool, defaults to True Enables bootstrapping.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_model(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    n_trees: int = 10,
    ratio_features: float = 1.0,
    min_samples_split: int = 2,
    min_samples_leaf: int = 1,
    max_depth: int = 2**20,
    bootstrapping: bool = True,
) -> RandomForest:
    """Returns a random forest as surrogate model.

    n_trees : int, defaults to 10
        The number of trees in the random forest.
    ratio_features : float, defaults to 5.0 / 6.0
        The ratio of features that are considered for splitting.
    min_samples_split : int, defaults to 3
        The minimum number of data points to perform a split.
    min_samples_leaf : int, defaults to 3
        The minimum number of data points in a leaf.
    max_depth : int, defaults to 20
        The maximum depth of a single tree.
    bootstrapping : bool, defaults to True
        Enables bootstrapping.
    return RandomForest(

get_multi_objective_algorithm staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
    objective_weights: list[float] | None = None
) -> MeanAggregationStrategy

Returns the mean aggregation strategy for the multi-objective algorithm.


scenario : Scenario objective_weights : list[float] | None, defaults to None Weights for averaging the objectives in a weighted manner. Must be of the same length as the number of objectives.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_multi_objective_algorithm(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    objective_weights: list[float] | None = None,
) -> MeanAggregationStrategy:
    """Returns the mean aggregation strategy for the multi-objective algorithm.

    scenario : Scenario
    objective_weights : list[float] | None, defaults to None
        Weights for averaging the objectives in a weighted manner. Must be of the same length as the number of
    return MeanAggregationStrategy(

get_random_design staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario, *, probability: float = 0.2
) -> ProbabilityRandomDesign

Returns ProbabilityRandomDesign for interleaving configurations.


probability : float, defaults to 0.2 Probability that a configuration will be drawn at random.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_random_design(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
    probability: float = 0.2,
) -> ProbabilityRandomDesign:
    """Returns ``ProbabilityRandomDesign`` for interleaving configurations.

    probability : float, defaults to 0.2
        Probability that a configuration will be drawn at random.
    return ProbabilityRandomDesign(probability=probability, seed=scenario.seed)

get_runhistory_encoder staticmethod #

    scenario: Scenario,
) -> RunHistoryLogScaledEncoder

Returns a log scaled runhistory encoder. That means that costs are log scaled before training the surrogate model.

Source code in smac/facade/
def get_runhistory_encoder(  # type: ignore
    scenario: Scenario,
) -> RunHistoryLogScaledEncoder:
    """Returns a log scaled runhistory encoder. That means that costs are log scaled before
    training the surrogate model.
    return RunHistoryLogScaledEncoder(scenario)

optimize #

    *, data_to_scatter: dict[str, Any] | None = None
) -> Configuration | list[Configuration]

Optimizes the configuration of the algorithm.


data_to_scatter: dict[str, Any] | None We first note that this argument is valid only dask_runner! When a user scatters data from their local process to the distributed network, this data is distributed in a round-robin fashion grouping by number of cores. Roughly speaking, we can keep this data in memory and then we do not have to (de-)serialize the data every time we would like to execute a target function with a big dataset. For example, when your target function has a big dataset shared across all the target function, this argument is very useful.


incumbent : Configuration Best found configuration.

Source code in smac/facade/
def optimize(self, *, data_to_scatter: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Configuration | list[Configuration]:
    Optimizes the configuration of the algorithm.

    data_to_scatter: dict[str, Any] | None
        We first note that this argument is valid only dask_runner!
        When a user scatters data from their local process to the distributed network,
        this data is distributed in a round-robin fashion grouping by number of cores.
        Roughly speaking, we can keep this data in memory and then we do not have to (de-)serialize the data
        every time we would like to execute a target function with a big dataset.
        For example, when your target function has a big dataset shared across all the target function,
        this argument is very useful.

    incumbent : Configuration
        Best found configuration.
    incumbents = None
    if isinstance(data_to_scatter, dict) and len(data_to_scatter) == 0:
        raise ValueError("data_to_scatter must be None or dict with some elements, but got an empty dict.")

        incumbents = self._optimizer.optimize(data_to_scatter=data_to_scatter)

    return incumbents

tell #

    info: TrialInfo, value: TrialValue, save: bool = True
) -> None

Adds the result of a trial to the runhistory and updates the intensifier.


info: TrialInfo Describes the trial from which to process the results. value: TrialValue Contains relevant information regarding the execution of a trial. save : bool, optional to True Whether the runhistory should be saved.

Source code in smac/facade/
def tell(self, info: TrialInfo, value: TrialValue, save: bool = True) -> None:
    """Adds the result of a trial to the runhistory and updates the intensifier.

    info: TrialInfo
        Describes the trial from which to process the results.
    value: TrialValue
        Contains relevant information regarding the execution of a trial.
    save : bool, optional to True
        Whether the runhistory should be saved.
    return self._optimizer.tell(info, value, save=save)

validate #

    config: Configuration, *, seed: int | None = None
) -> float | list[float]

Validates a configuration on seeds different from the ones used in the optimization process and on the highest budget (if budget type is real-valued).


config : Configuration Configuration to validate instances : list[str] | None, defaults to None Which instances to validate. If None, all instances specified in the scenario are used. In case that the budget type is real-valued, this argument is ignored. seed : int | None, defaults to None If None, the seed from the scenario is used.


cost : float | list[float] The averaged cost of the configuration. In case of multi-fidelity, the cost of each objective is averaged.

Source code in smac/facade/
def validate(
    config: Configuration,
    seed: int | None = None,
) -> float | list[float]:
    """Validates a configuration on seeds different from the ones used in the optimization process and on the
    highest budget (if budget type is real-valued).

    config : Configuration
        Configuration to validate
    instances : list[str] | None, defaults to None
        Which instances to validate. If None, all instances specified in the scenario are used.
        In case that the budget type is real-valued, this argument is ignored.
    seed : int | None, defaults to None
        If None, the seed from the scenario is used.

    cost : float | list[float]
        The averaged cost of the configuration. In case of multi-fidelity, the cost of each objective is
    return self._optimizer.validate(config, seed=seed)