Source code for ConfigSpace.read_and_write.pcs

#!/usr/bin/env python
The old PCS format is part of the `Algorithm Configuration Library <>`_.

A detailed explanation of the **old** PCS format can be found
`here. <>`_
from __future__ import annotations

__authors__ = ["Katharina Eggensperger", "Matthias Feurer"]
__contact__ = ""

import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from io import StringIO
from itertools import product
from typing import Iterable

import pyparsing

from ConfigSpace.conditions import (
from ConfigSpace.configuration_space import ConfigurationSpace
from ConfigSpace.forbidden import (
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import (

# Build pyparsing expressions for params
pp_param_name = pyparsing.Word(
    + "_"
    + "-"
    + "@"
    + "."
    + ":"
    + ";"
    + "\\"
    + "/"
    + "?"
    + "!"
    + "$"
    + "%"
    + "&"
    + "*"
    + "+"
    + "<"
    + ">",
pp_digits = "0123456789"
pp_plusorminus = pyparsing.Literal("+") | pyparsing.Literal("-")
pp_int = pyparsing.Combine(pyparsing.Optional(pp_plusorminus) + pyparsing.Word(pp_digits))
pp_float = pyparsing.Combine(
    pyparsing.Optional(pp_plusorminus) + pyparsing.Optional(pp_int) + "." + pp_int,
pp_eorE = pyparsing.Literal("e") | pyparsing.Literal("E")
pp_floatorint = pp_float | pp_int
pp_e_notation = pyparsing.Combine(pp_floatorint + pp_eorE + pp_int)
pp_number = pp_e_notation | pp_float | pp_int
pp_numberorname = pp_number | pp_param_name
pp_il = pyparsing.Word("il")
pp_choices = pp_param_name + pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.OneOrMore("," + pp_param_name))

pp_cont_param = (
    + "["
    + pp_number
    + ","
    + pp_number
    + "]"
    + "["
    + pp_number
    + "]"
    + pyparsing.Optional(pp_il)
pp_cat_param = pp_param_name + "{" + pp_choices + "}" + "[" + pp_param_name + "]"
pp_condition = pp_param_name + "|" + pp_param_name + "in" + "{" + pp_choices + "}"
pp_forbidden_clause = (
    + pp_param_name
    + "="
    + pp_numberorname
    + pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.OneOrMore("," + pp_param_name + "=" + pp_numberorname))
    + "}"

def build_categorical(param: CategoricalHyperparameter) -> str:
    if param.weights is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "The pcs format does not support categorical hyperparameters with "
            "assigned weights (for hyperparameter %s)" %,
    cat_template = "%s {%s} [%s]"
    return cat_template % (,
        ", ".join([str(value) for value in param.choices]),

def build_constant(param: Constant) -> str:
    constant_template = "%s {%s} [%s]"
    return constant_template % (, param.value, param.value)

def build_continuous(param: NormalIntegerHyperparameter | NormalFloatHyperparameter) -> str:
    if type(param) in (NormalIntegerHyperparameter, NormalFloatHyperparameter):
        param = param.to_uniform()

    float_template = "%s%s [%s, %s] [%s]"
    int_template = "%s%s [%d, %d] [%d]i"
    if param.log:
        float_template += "l"
        int_template += "l"

    q_prefix = "Q%d_" % (int(param.q),) if param.q is not None else ""
    default_value = param.default_value

    if isinstance(param, IntegerHyperparameter):
        default_value = int(default_value)
        return int_template % (q_prefix,, param.lower, param.upper, default_value)

    return float_template % (

def build_condition(condition: ConditionComponent) -> str:
    if not isinstance(condition, ConditionComponent):
        raise TypeError(
            "build_condition must be called with an instance of "
            "'{}', got '{}'".format(ConditionComponent, type(condition)),

    # Check if SMAC can handle the condition
    if isinstance(condition, OrConjunction):
        raise NotImplementedError("SMAC cannot handle OR conditions: %s" % (condition))
    if isinstance(condition, NotEqualsCondition):
        raise NotImplementedError("SMAC cannot handle != conditions: %s" % (condition))

    # Now handle the conditions SMAC can handle
    condition_template = "%s | %s in {%s}"
    if isinstance(condition, AndConjunction):
        return "\n".join([build_condition(cond) for cond in condition.components])

    if isinstance(condition, InCondition):
        return condition_template % (
            ", ".join(condition.values),

    if isinstance(condition, EqualsCondition):
        return condition_template % (,, condition.value)

    raise NotImplementedError(condition)

def build_forbidden(clause: AbstractForbiddenComponent) -> str:
    if not isinstance(clause, AbstractForbiddenComponent):
        raise TypeError(
            "build_forbidden must be called with an instance of "
            "'{}', got '{}'".format(AbstractForbiddenComponent, type(clause)),

    if not isinstance(clause, (ForbiddenEqualsClause, ForbiddenAndConjunction)):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "SMAC cannot handle '{}' of type {}".format(*str(clause)),

    retval = StringIO()
    # Really simple because everything is an AND-conjunction of equals
    # conditions
    dlcs = clause.get_descendant_literal_clauses()
    for dlc in dlcs:
        if retval.tell() > 1:
            retval.write(", ")
    return retval.getvalue()

[docs]def read(pcs_string: Iterable[str]) -> ConfigurationSpace: """ Read in a :py:class:`~ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace` definition from a pcs file. .. code:: python from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace from ConfigSpace.read_and_write import pcs cs = ConfigurationSpace({"a": [1, 2, 3]}) with open('configspace.pcs', 'w') as f: f.write(pcs.write(cs)) with open('configspace.pcs', 'r') as f: deserialized_conf = Parameters ---------- pcs_string : Iterable[str] ConfigSpace definition in pcs format as an iterable of strings Returns ------- :py:class:`~ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace` The deserialized ConfigurationSpace object """ if isinstance(pcs_string, str): pcs_string = pcs_string.split("\n") configuration_space = ConfigurationSpace() conditions = [] forbidden = [] # some statistics ct = 0 cont_ct = 0 cat_ct = 0 line_ct = 0 for line in pcs_string: line_ct += 1 if "#" in line: # It contains a comment pos = line.find("#") line = line[:pos] # Remove quotes and whitespaces at beginning and end line = line.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") line = line.strip() if "|" in line: # It's a condition try: c = pp_condition.parseString(line) conditions.append(c) except pyparsing.ParseException as e: raise NotImplementedError(f"Could not parse condition: {line}") from e continue if "}" not in line and "]" not in line: continue if line.startswith("{") and line.endswith("}"): forbidden.append(line) continue if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue ct += 1 param = None create = { "int": UniformIntegerHyperparameter, "float": UniformFloatHyperparameter, "categorical": CategoricalHyperparameter, } try: param_list = pp_cont_param.parseString(line) il = param_list[9:] if len(il) > 0: il = il[0] param_list = param_list[:9] name = param_list[0] lower = float(param_list[2]) # type: ignore upper = float(param_list[4]) # type: ignore paramtype = "int" if "i" in il else "float" log = "l" in il default_value = float(param_list[7]) # type: ignore param = create[paramtype]( name=name, lower=lower, upper=upper, q=None, log=log, default_value=default_value, ) cont_ct += 1 except pyparsing.ParseException: pass try: param_list = pp_cat_param.parseString(line) name = param_list[0] choices = list(param_list[2:-4:2]) default_value = param_list[-2] param = create["categorical"](name=name, choices=choices, default_value=default_value) cat_ct += 1 except pyparsing.ParseException: pass if param is None: raise NotImplementedError("Could not parse: %s" % line) configuration_space.add_hyperparameter(param) for clause in forbidden: # TODO test this properly! # TODO Add a try/catch here! # noinspection PyUnusedLocal param_list = pp_forbidden_clause.parseString(clause) tmp_list: list = [] clause_list = [] for value in param_list[1:]: if len(tmp_list) < 3: tmp_list.append(value) else: # So far, only equals is supported by SMAC if tmp_list[1] == "=": # TODO maybe add a check if the hyperparameter is # actually in the configuration space clause_list.append( ForbiddenEqualsClause(configuration_space[tmp_list[0]], tmp_list[2]), ) else: raise NotImplementedError() tmp_list = [] configuration_space.add_forbidden_clause(ForbiddenAndConjunction(*clause_list)) # Now handle conditions # If there are two conditions for one child, these two conditions are an # AND-conjunction of conditions, thus we have to connect them conditions_per_child: dict = OrderedDict() for condition in conditions: child_name = condition[0] if child_name not in conditions_per_child: conditions_per_child[child_name] = [] conditions_per_child[child_name].append(condition) for child_name in conditions_per_child: condition_objects = [] for condition in conditions_per_child[child_name]: child = configuration_space[child_name] parent_name = condition[2] parent = configuration_space[parent_name] restrictions = condition[5:-1:2] # TODO: cast the type of the restriction! if len(restrictions) == 1: condition = EqualsCondition(child, parent, restrictions[0]) else: condition = InCondition(child, parent, values=restrictions) condition_objects.append(condition) # Now we have all condition objects for this child, so we can build a # giant AND-conjunction of them (if number of conditions >= 2)! if len(condition_objects) > 1: and_conjunction = AndConjunction(*condition_objects) configuration_space.add_condition(and_conjunction) else: configuration_space.add_condition(condition_objects[0]) return configuration_space
[docs]def write(configuration_space: ConfigurationSpace) -> str: """ Create a string representation of a :class:`~ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace` in pcs format. This string can be written to file. .. code:: python from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace from ConfigSpace.read_and_write import pcs cs = ConfigurationSpace({"a": [1, 2, 3]}) with open('configspace.pcs', 'w') as fh: fh.write(pcs.write(cs)) Parameters ---------- configuration_space : :py:class:`~ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace` a configuration space Returns ------- str The string representation of the configuration space """ if not isinstance(configuration_space, ConfigurationSpace): raise TypeError( f"pcs_parser.write expects an instance of {ConfigurationSpace}, " f"you provided '{type(configuration_space)}'", ) param_lines = StringIO() condition_lines = StringIO() forbidden_lines = [] for hyperparameter in configuration_space.values(): # Check if the hyperparameter names are valid ConfigSpace names! try: pp_param_name.parseString( except pyparsing.ParseException as e: raise ValueError( f"Illegal hyperparameter name for ConfigSpace: {}", ) from e # First build params if param_lines.tell() > 0: param_lines.write("\n") if isinstance(hyperparameter, NumericalHyperparameter): param_lines.write(build_continuous(hyperparameter)) elif isinstance(hyperparameter, CategoricalHyperparameter): param_lines.write(build_categorical(hyperparameter)) elif isinstance(hyperparameter, Constant): param_lines.write(build_constant(hyperparameter)) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown type: {type(hyperparameter)} ({hyperparameter})") for condition in configuration_space.get_conditions(): if condition_lines.tell() > 0: condition_lines.write("\n") condition_lines.write(build_condition(condition)) for forbidden_clause in configuration_space.get_forbiddens(): # Convert in-statement into two or more equals statements dlcs = forbidden_clause.get_descendant_literal_clauses() # First, get all in statements and convert them to equal statements in_statements = [] other_statements = [] for dlc in dlcs: if isinstance(dlc, MultipleValueForbiddenClause): if not isinstance(dlc, ForbiddenInClause): raise ValueError("SMAC cannot handle this forbidden " "clause: %s" % dlc) in_statements.append( [ForbiddenEqualsClause(dlc.hyperparameter, value) for value in dlc.values], ) else: other_statements.append(dlc) # Second, create the product of all elements in the IN statements, # create a ForbiddenAnd and add all ForbiddenEquals if len(in_statements) > 0: for p in product(*in_statements): all_forbidden_clauses = list(p) + other_statements f = ForbiddenAndConjunction(*all_forbidden_clauses) forbidden_lines.append(build_forbidden(f)) else: forbidden_lines.append(build_forbidden(forbidden_clause)) if condition_lines.tell() > 0: param_lines.write("\n\n") for line in condition_lines: param_lines.write(line) if len(forbidden_lines) > 0: forbidden_lines.sort() param_lines.write("\n\n") for line in forbidden_lines: param_lines.write(line) param_lines.write("\n") # Check if the default configuration is a valid configuration! return param_lines.getvalue()
if __name__ == "__main__": with open(sys.argv[1]) as fh: orig_pcs = fh.readlines() sp = read(orig_pcs) created_pcs = write(sp).split("\n") print("============== Writing Results") print("#Lines: ", len(created_pcs)) print("#LostLines: ", len(orig_pcs) - len(created_pcs)) diff = ["%s\n" % i for i in created_pcs if i not in " ".join(orig_pcs)] print("Identical Lines: ", len(created_pcs) - len(diff)) print() print("Up to 10 random different lines (of %d):" % len(diff)) print("".join(diff[:10]))