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ConfigSpace contains three ways to define hyperparameters, each offering more customizabilty than the last. We first demonstrate the three different ways to define hyperparameters, inferred, simple, and direct.

Later, we will show how to directly use the hyperparameters if required, however this is mostly for library developers using ConfigSpace as a dependency.

  • Directly when constructing the ConfigurationSpace object, we call these inferred hyperparameters. Use these if you have a simple search space or are doing rapid prototyping.
    from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace
    cs = ConfigurationSpace(
            "a": (0, 10),    # Integer from 0 to 10
            "b": ["cat", "dog"],  # Categorical with choices "cat" and "dog"
            "c": (0.0, 1.0),  # Float from 0.0 to 1.0
    Configuration space object:
        a, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [0, 10], Default: 5
        b, Type: Categorical, Choices: {cat, dog}, Default: cat
        c, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 1.0], Default: 0.5
  • Using functions to create them for you. We call these simple hyperparameters and they should satisfy most use cases. Use these if you just want to create a searchspace required by another library.
    from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace, Integer, Categorical, Float, Normal
    cs = ConfigurationSpace(
            "a": Integer("a", (0, 10), log=False),    # Integer from 0 to 10
            "b": Categorical("b", ["cat", "dog"], ordered=True),  # Ordered categorical with choices "cat" and "dog"
            "c": Float("c", (1e-5, 1e2), log=True),  # Float from 0.0 to 1.0, log scaled
            "d": Float("d", (10, 20), distribution=Normal(15, 2)),  # Float from 10 to 20, normal distribution
    Configuration space object:
        a, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [0, 10], Default: 5
        b, Type: Ordinal, Sequence: {cat, dog}, Default: cat
        c, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [1e-05, 100.0], Default: 0.0316227766017, on log-scale
        d, Type: NormalFloat, Mu: 15.0, Sigma: 2.0, Range: [10.0, 20.0], Default: 15.0
  • Using the types directly. We call these direct hyperparameters. These are the real types used throughout ConfigSpace and offer the most customizability. Use these if you are building a library the utilizes ConfigSpace.
    from ConfigSpace import (
    cs = ConfigurationSpace(
            "a": UniformIntegerHyperparameter("a", lower=0, upper=10, log=False),    # Integer from 0 to 10
            "b": CategoricalHyperparameter("b", choices=["cat", "dog"], default_value="dog"),  # Ordered categorical with choices "cat" and "dog"
            "c": UniformFloatHyperparameter("c", lower=1e-5, upper=1e2, log=True),  # Float from 0.0 to 1.0, log scaled
            "d": NormalFloatHyperparameter("d", lower=10, upper=20, mu=15, sigma=2),  # Float from 10 to 20, normal distribution
            "e": OrdinalHyperparameter("e", sequence=["s", "m", "l"], default_value="s"),  # Ordered categorical
    Configuration space object:
        a, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [0, 10], Default: 5
        b, Type: Categorical, Choices: {cat, dog}, Default: dog
        c, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [1e-05, 100.0], Default: 0.0316227766017, on log-scale
        d, Type: NormalFloat, Mu: 15.0, Sigma: 2.0, Range: [10.0, 20.0], Default: 15.0
        e, Type: Ordinal, Sequence: {s, m, l}, Default: s

Inferred Hyperparameters#

When creating hyperparameters directly in the ConfigurationSpace object, you can create three different kinds of hyperparameters. This can be useful for simple testing or quick prototyping.

from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace

cs = ConfigurationSpace(
        "a": (0, 10),    # Integer from 0 to 10
        "b": ["cat", "dog"],  # Categorical with choices "cat" and "dog"
        "c": (0.0, 1.0)  # Float from 0.0 to 1.0
Configuration space object:
    a, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [0, 10], Default: 5
    b, Type: Categorical, Choices: {cat, dog}, Default: cat
    c, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 1.0], Default: 0.5

The rules are as follows:

  • If the value is a tuple, with ints, then it is considered an integer hyperparameter with a uniform distribution.
  • If the value is a tuple, with floats, then it is considered a float hyperparameter with a uniform distribution.
  • If the value is a list, then each element is considered a choice for a categorical hyperparameter, with no inherit order.

Mixed types in a tuple

If you use an int and a float in the same tuple, it will infer the type using the first element. For example, (0, 1.0) will be inferred as an integer hyperparameter, while (1.0, 10) will be inferred as a float hyperparameter.

Simple Hyperparameters#

Most of the time, you just require the ability to create hyperparameters and pass them to some other library. To make this is as possible, we parametrize building the various direct hyperparameters that exist.


The Integer() function samples an int uniformly from the range (lower, upper), with options to define them as being on a log= scale or that you prefer the sampling to be done under a different distribution=.

from ConfigSpace import Integer, ConfigurationSpace, Uniform, Normal

cs = ConfigurationSpace()

    Integer("a", (0, 10), log=False),
    Integer("b", (0, 10), log=False, distribution=Uniform(), default=5),
    Integer("c", (1, 1000), log=True, distribution=Normal(mu=200, sigma=200)),
Configuration space object:
    a, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [0, 10], Default: 5
    b, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [0, 10], Default: 5
    c, Type: NormalInteger, Mu: 200.0, Sigma: 200.0, Range: [1, 1000], Default: 200, on log-scale

[2 6 2 6 0]

Please check out the distributions API for more information on the available distributions.

Not a type

Please be aware that Integer is a convenience function that returns one of the direct hyperparameter classes. Please see the direct hyperparameters if you need to access the underlying classes.


The Float() function samples a float uniformly from the range (lower, upper), with options to define them as being on a log= scale or that you prefer the sampling to be done under a different distribution=.

from ConfigSpace import Float, ConfigurationSpace, Uniform, Normal

cs = ConfigurationSpace()

    Float("a", (0, 10), log=False),
    Float("b", (0, 10), log=False, distribution=Uniform(), default=5),
    Float("c", (1, 1000), log=True, distribution=Normal(mu=200, sigma=200)),
Configuration space object:
    a, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 10.0], Default: 5.0
    b, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 10.0], Default: 5.0
    c, Type: NormalFloat, Mu: 200.0, Sigma: 200.0, Range: [1.0, 1000.0], Default: 200.0, on log-scale

[2.59344586 6.32656527 2.23627515 8.8592771  4.321557  ]

Please check out the distributions API for more information on the available distributions.

Not a type

Please be aware that Float is a convenience function that returns one of the direct hyperparameter classes. Please see the direct hyperparameters if you need to access the underlying classes.


The Categorical() function samples a value from the choices= provided. optionally giving them weights=, influencing the distribution of the sampling. You may also define them as ordered= if there is an inherent order to the choices.

from ConfigSpace import Categorical, ConfigurationSpace

cs = ConfigurationSpace()

    Categorical("a", ["cat", "dog", "mouse"], default="dog"),
    Categorical("b", ["small", "medium", "large"], ordered=True, default="medium"),
    Categorical("c", [True, False], weights=[0.2, 0.8]),
Configuration space object:
    a, Type: Categorical, Choices: {cat, dog, mouse}, Default: dog
    b, Type: Ordinal, Sequence: {small, medium, large}, Default: medium
    c, Type: Categorical, Choices: {True, False}, Default: False, Probabilities: [0.2 0.8]

[False False False False False]

Not a type

Please be aware that Categorical is a convenience function that returns one of the direct hyperparameter classes. Please see the direct hyperparameters if you need to access the underlying classes.

Direct Hyperparameters#

All of the methods for constructing hyperparameters above will result in one of the following types.

Integer Hyperparameter

Float Hyperparameter

Categorical Hyperparameter

You can utilize these types in your code as required for isinstance checks or allow your own code to create them as required. If developing a library, please see below to understand a bit more about the structure of a Hyperparameter.

Structure of a Hyperparameter#

All hyperparameters inherit from the Hyperparameter base class, with two important components to consider:

  1. vectorized space: This defines some underlying numeric range along with a procedure to sample from it.
  2. value space: These are the values that are given back to the user, e.g. ["cat", "dog"].

What makes a hyperparameter the hyperparameter it is then:

  1. How we sample from the vectorized space, defined by a Distribution.
  2. How we map to and from the vectorized space to the value space, defined by a Transformer.
Why a vectorized space?

Most optimizers requires some kind of bounds and a pure numeric space from which to optimize over, i.e. it would be hard to optimize over a hyperparameter space of ["cat", "dog"] directly.

This also lets use share implementation details and optimization across various kinds of hyperparameters if they share the same underlying vectorized space.


Inside of the __init__ method of a CategoricalHyperparameter, you will find something along the lines of the following:

class CategoricalHyperparameter(Hyperparameter):
    def __init__(...):

        # ...

What this is showing is that we will use UniformIntegerDistribution, which samples integers uniformly from 0 to len(choices) - 1, and then we use a TransformerSeq to map these integers to the corresponding choices provided by the users.

Internally in ConfigSpace, we will primarily work with the vectorized space for efficiency purposes, but when providing values back to the user, either from the Configuration or other means, we will use the transformer= to map the vectorized space back to the value space.

Using just these two components alone, we can provide the following functionality from the Hyperparameter base class:

Please note that most of these methods support individual values or numpy arrays of values, either as input or output. Refer to the API documentation for more information on the available methods.


One utility ConfigSpace provides to library developers is the ability to define a neighbourhood around a value. This is often important for optimizers who require a neighbourhood to explore around a particular configuration or value.

A class inheriting from Hyperparameter must also provide a Neighborhood, which is something that can be called with a vectorized value and provide values around that point.

The expected signature is rather straight forward, given a vector value and a n number of samples to return, it should return a numpy array of up to n unique samples.

def __call__(
    vector: np.float64,
    n: int,
    std: float | None = None,
    seed: RandomState | None = None,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: ...

They must also provide a _neighbourhood_size, either np.inf if unbounded or a method that returns the maximum possible neighbors that are possible around a given value.

By subclasses providing this through the __init__ method, we can then provide the following functionality:

Please refer to the source code definition of existing hyperparameters for more information on how to implement this. Most of this is defined in the __init__ method of the hyperparameter.

Example: Implementing the BetaIntegerHyperparameter#

For implementing your own hyperparameter type, it's useful to look at a case study of implementing an existing hyperparameter and to see what functionality can be re-used in the library. Please refer to this article on Wikipedia for more information on the Beta distribution for more on the distribution.


Be aware the ConfigSpace is heavily optimized towards performance using profiling, and where possible, it would be good to use pre-existing components to build your hyperparameter. You'd be surprised how much milliseconds add up when sampling thousands of configurations both globally and using neighborhoods.

Defining the BetaintegerHyperparameter#

First, we need to define the __init__ method of the BetaIntegerHyperparameter, where we're going to need the following for a BetaIntegerHyperparameter:

  • name=: The name of the hyperparameter, required for all kinds of hyperparameters
  • lower=, upper=: The bounds the user would like in value space, i.e. (1, 5)
  • default_value=: The default value of the hyperparameter.
  • alpha=, beta=: The parameters of the beta distribution itself.

Vectorized Space#

For our purposes, we will mostly rely on scipys beta distribution to sample from a vectorized space. Here is how you would sample from it in scipy:

from scipy.stats import beta as spbeta

alpha, beta = 3, 2
beta_rv = spbeta(alpha, beta)
samples = beta_rv.rvs(size=5)
[0.81243285 0.82977466 0.91253032 0.45954963 0.63802987]

The problem however is that scipy only offers a contiuous version of this distribution, however we need to sample integers. To solve this, we will use the DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta as spbeta
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.distributions import DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution

# As before
alpha, beta = 3, 2
beta_rv = spbeta(alpha, beta)

# Declare our value space bounds and how many discrete steps there
# are between them.
value_bounds = (1, 5)
discrete_steps = value_bounds[1] - value_bounds[0] + 1

# Creates a distribution which can discretize the continuous range
# into `size` number of steps, such that we can map the discretized
# vector values into integers in the range that was requested.

# Where possible, it is usually preferable to have vectorized bounds from (0, 1)
# We also require all vectorized values to be np.float64, even if they represent integers
vector_distribution = DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution(
[0.75 0.5  0.75 0.75 0.25]


To support scipy distributions we implement various optimized Distributions

The also often provide a neighborhood method to sample around a point that can be used, as well as a pdf method, which can do so efficiently in both memory and time. Please refer to their individual API documentation for more information on how to create and use them.

Transforming from Vectorized Space to Value Space#

To convert from the vectorized space to the value space, we will need to implement a Transformer that can map the vectorized space to the value space, e.g. (0.0, 1.0) to (1, 5).

To do this, we provide a convenience class called UnitScaler, which also allows for a log= scale transformation.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta as spbeta
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.distributions import DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.hp_components import UnitScaler

# Define the distribution sampler
alpha, beta = 3, 2
vector_distribution = DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution(
    rv=spbeta(alpha, beta),
vector_samples = vector_distribution.sample_vector(n=5)

# Define the transformer from the samplers range to the range we care about
transformer = UnitScaler(
    dtype=np.int64,  # We want integers in value space
integer_values = transformer.to_value(vector_samples)

back_to_vector = transformer.to_vector(integer_values)
[0.75 0.25 0.75 0.25 0.5 ]
[4 2 4 2 3]
[0.75 0.25 0.75 0.25 0.5 ]

You are of course free to implement your own Transformer if you require a more complex transformation, however where possible, the UnitScaler is preffered as it handles some edge cases and performs some optimized routines while remaining fully within the expected API.

Creating the BetaIntegerHyperparameter class#

Below we provide what is essentially the entire BetaIntegerHyperparameter in ConfigSpace. Nothing else is required and you can hotswap this out with other kinds of distributions if you require new kinds of Hyperparameters. Most libraries using ConfigSpace who do not require explicit kinds of hyperparameters should be able to utilize these.


We use dataclasses in ConfigSpace, which means that inherting classes should also be a dataclass. This is not a strict requirement, but it is recommended to keep the API consistent.

from typing import TypeAlias, Union, Mapping, Hashable, Any
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta as spbeta

from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters import IntegerHyperparameter
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.distributions import DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution
from ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.hp_components import UnitScaler
from ConfigSpace.functional import is_close_to_integer_single

i64 = np.int64
f64 = np.float64

# We allow any kind of number to be used, we will cast as required
Number: TypeAlias = Union[int, float, np.number]

@dataclass(init=False)  # We provide our own init
class BetaIntegerHyperparamter(IntegerHyperparameter):
    ORDERABLE: ClassVar[bool] = True  # Let ConfigSpace know there is an order to the values

    alpha: float
    """Some docstring decsription of this attribute."""

    beta: float
    lower: float
    upper: float
    log: bool
    name: str
    default_value: float
    meta: Mapping[Hashable, Any] | None

    size: float = field(init=False)  # This will be calculated

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        alpha: Number,
        beta: Number,
        lower: Number,
        upper: Number,
        default_value: Number | None = None,
        log: bool = False,
        meta: Mapping[Hashable, Any] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        if (alpha < 1) or (beta < 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "Please provide values of alpha and beta larger than or equal to"
                "1 so that the probability density is finite.",
        self.alpha = float(alpha)
        self.beta = float(beta)
        self.lower = int(np.rint(lower))
        self.upper = int(np.rint(upper))
        self.log = bool(log)

        # Create the transformer
            scaler = UnitScaler(i64(self.lower), i64(self.upper), log=log, dtype=i64)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Hyperparameter '{name}' has illegal settings") from e

        if default_value is None:
            # Get the mode of the distribution for setting a default
            if (self.alpha > 1) or (self.beta > 1):
                vectorized_mode = (self.alpha - 1) / (self.alpha + self.beta - 2)
                # If both alpha and beta are 1, we have a uniform distribution.
                vectorized_mode = 0.5

            _default_value = np.rint(
            if not is_close_to_integer_single(default_value):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"`default_value` for hyperparameter '{name}' must be an integer."
                    f" Got '{type(default_value).__name__}' for {default_value=}.",

            _default_value = np.rint(default_value).astype(i64)

        size = int(self.upper - self.lower + 1)
        vector_dist = DiscretizedContinuousScipyDistribution(
            rv=spbeta(self.alpha, self.beta),  # type: ignore

            # Tell ConfigSpace we expect an `int` when giving back a single value
            # For a np.ndarray of values, this will be `np.int64`
            # This method comes from the IntegerHyperparameter
            # you can implement this you self if you'd like