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User Guide#

In this user guide, the concepts of using different hyperparameters, applying conditions and forbidden clauses to a configuration space are explained.

These concepts will be introduced by defining a more complex configuration space for a support vector machine.

1st Example: Integer hyperparameters and float hyperparameters#

Assume that we want to use a support vector machine (=SVM) for classification tasks and therefore, we want to optimize its hyperparameters:

  • C: regularization constant with C being a float value.
  • max_iter: the maximum number of iterations within the solver with max_iter being a positive integer.

The implementation of the classifier is out of scope and thus not shown. But for further reading about support vector machines and the meaning of its hyperparameter, you can continue reading here or in the scikit-learn documentation.

The first step is always to create a ConfigurationSpace with the hyperparameters C and max_iter.

To restrict the search space, we choose C to be a Float between -1 and 1. Furthermore, we choose max_iter to be an Integer.

from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace

cs = ConfigurationSpace(
        "C": (-1.0, 1.0),  # Note the decimal to make it a float
        "max_iter": (10, 100),
Configuration space object:
    C, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [-1.0, 1.0], Default: 0.0
    max_iter, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [10, 100], Default: 55

Now, the ConfigurationSpace object cs contains definitions of the hyperparameters C and max_iter with their value-ranges.

For demonstration purpose, we sample a configuration from it.

config = cs.sample_configuration()
  'C': -0.6169610992422,
  'max_iter': 33,

Sampled instances from a ConfigurationSpace are called a Configuration. In a Configuration, a parameter can be accessed or modified similar to a python dictionary.

for key, value in config.items():
    print(f"{key}: {value}")

C: -0.6169610992422
max_iter: 33

2nd Example: Categorical hyperparameters and conditions#

The scikit-learn SVM supports different kernels, such as an RBF, a sigmoid, a linear or a polynomial kernel. We want to include them in the configuration space. Since this new hyperparameter has a finite number of values, we use a [Categorical][ConfigSpace.api.types.categorical.Categorical].

  • kernel_type in ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'].

Taking a look at the SVM documentation, we observe that if the kernel type is chosen to be 'poly', another hyperparameter degree must be specified. Also, for the kernel types 'poly' and 'sigmoid', there is an additional hyperparameter coef0. As well as the hyperparameter gamma for the kernel types 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'.

  • degree: the integer degree of a polynomial kernel function.
  • coef0: Independent term in kernel function. It is only needed for 'poly' and 'sigmoid' kernel.
  • gamma: Kernel coefficient for 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'.

To realize the different hyperparameter for the kernels, we use Conditionals. Please refer to their reference page for more.

Even in simple examples, the configuration space grows easily very fast and with it the number of possible configurations. It makes sense to limit the search space for hyperparameter optimizations in order to quickly find good configurations. For conditional hyperparameters (hyperparameters which only take a value if some condition is met), ConfigSpace achieves this by sampling those hyperparameters from the configuration space only if their condition is met.

To add conditions on hyperparameters to the configuration space, we first have to insert the new hyperparameters in the ConfigSpace and in a second step, the conditions on them.

from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace, Categorical, Float, Integer

kernel_type = Categorical('kernel_type', ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'])
degree = Integer('degree', bounds=(2, 4), default=2)
coef0 = Float('coef0', bounds=(0, 1), default=0.0)
gamma = Float('gamma', bounds=(1e-5, 1e2), default=1, log=True)

cs = ConfigurationSpace()
cs.add([kernel_type, degree, coef0, gamma])
Configuration space object:
    coef0, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 1.0], Default: 0.0
    degree, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [2, 4], Default: 2
    gamma, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [1e-05, 100.0], Default: 1.0, on log-scale
    kernel_type, Type: Categorical, Choices: {linear, poly, rbf, sigmoid}, Default: linear

First, we define the conditions. Conditions work by constraining a child hyperparameter (the first argument) on its parent hyperparameter (the second argument) being in a certain relation to a value (the third argument). EqualsCondition(degree, kernel_type, 'poly') expresses that degree is constrained on kernel_type being equal to the value 'poly'. To express constraints involving multiple parameters or values, we can use conjunctions. In the following example, cond_2 describes that coef0 is a valid hyperparameter, if the kernel_type has either the value 'poly' or 'sigmoid'.

from ConfigSpace import EqualsCondition, InCondition, OrConjunction

# read as: "degree is active if kernel_type == 'poly'"
cond_1 = EqualsCondition(degree, kernel_type, 'poly')

# read as: "coef0 is active if (kernel_type == 'poly' or kernel_type == 'sigmoid')"
# You could also define this using an InCondition as shown below
cond_2 = OrConjunction(
    EqualsCondition(coef0, kernel_type, 'poly'),
    EqualsCondition(coef0, kernel_type, 'sigmoid')

# read as: "gamma is active if kernel_type in ['rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid']"
cond_3 = InCondition(gamma, kernel_type, ['rbf', 'poly','sigmoid'])

Finally, we add the conditions to the configuration space

cs.add([cond_1, cond_2, cond_3])
Configuration space object:
    coef0, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 1.0], Default: 0.0
    degree, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [2, 4], Default: 2
    gamma, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [1e-05, 100.0], Default: 1.0, on log-scale
    kernel_type, Type: Categorical, Choices: {linear, poly, rbf, sigmoid}, Default: linear
    (coef0 | kernel_type == 'poly' || coef0 | kernel_type == 'sigmoid')
    degree | kernel_type == 'poly'
    gamma | kernel_type in {'rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid'}


ConfigSpace offers a lot of different condition types. Please check out the conditions reference page for more.


We advise not using the EqualsCondition or the InCondition on float hyperparameters. Due to numerical rounding that can occur, it can be the case that these conditions evaluate to False even if they should evaluate to True.

3rd Example: Forbidden clauses#

It may occur that some states in the configuration space are not allowed. ConfigSpace supports this functionality by offering Forbidden clauses.

We demonstrate the usage of Forbidden clauses by defining the configuration space for the linear SVM. Again, we use the sklearn implementation. This implementation has three hyperparameters to tune:

  • penalty: Specifies the norm used in the penalization with values 'l1' or 'l2j'.
  • loss: Specifies the loss function with values 'hinge' or 'squared_hinge'.
  • dual: Solves the optimization problem either in the dual or simple form with values True or False.

Because some combinations of penalty, loss and dual just don't work together, we want to make sure that these combinations are not sampled from the configuration space. It is possible to represent these as conditionals, however sometimes it is easier to express them as forbidden clauses.

First, we add these three new hyperparameters to the configuration space.

from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace, Categorical, Constant

cs = ConfigurationSpace()

penalty = Categorical("penalty", ["l1", "l2"], default="l2")
loss = Categorical("loss", ["hinge", "squared_hinge"], default="squared_hinge")
dual = Constant("dual", "False")
cs.add([penalty, loss, dual])
Configuration space object:
    dual, Type: Constant, Value: False
    loss, Type: Categorical, Choices: {hinge, squared_hinge}, Default: squared_hinge
    penalty, Type: Categorical, Choices: {l1, l2}, Default: l2

Now, we want to forbid the following hyperparameter combinations:

  • penalty is 'l1' and loss is 'hinge'.
  • dual is False and penalty is 'l2' and loss is 'hinge'
  • dual is False and penalty is 'l1'
from ConfigSpace import ForbiddenEqualsClause, ForbiddenAndConjunction

penalty_and_loss = ForbiddenAndConjunction(
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(penalty, "l1"),
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(loss, "hinge")
constant_penalty_and_loss = ForbiddenAndConjunction(
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(dual, "False"),
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(penalty, "l2"),
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(loss, "hinge")
penalty_and_dual = ForbiddenAndConjunction(
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(dual, "False"),
    ForbiddenEqualsClause(penalty, "l1")

In the last step, we add them to the configuration space object:

cs.add([penalty_and_loss, constant_penalty_and_loss, penalty_and_dual])
Configuration space object:
    dual, Type: Constant, Value: False
    loss, Type: Categorical, Choices: {hinge, squared_hinge}, Default: squared_hinge
    penalty, Type: Categorical, Choices: {l1, l2}, Default: l2
  Forbidden Clauses:
    (Forbidden: dual == 'False' && Forbidden: penalty == 'l1')
    (Forbidden: dual == 'False' && Forbidden: penalty == 'l2' && Forbidden: loss == 'hinge')
    (Forbidden: penalty == 'l1' && Forbidden: loss == 'hinge')

4th Example Serialization#

To serialize the ConfigurationSpace object, we can choose between different output formats, such as as plain-type dictionary, directly to .yaml or .json and if required for backwards compatiblity pcs. Plese see the serialization reference page for more.

In this example, we want to store the ConfigurationSpace object as a .yaml file.

from pathlib import Path
from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace

path = Path("configspace.yaml")
cs = ConfigurationSpace(
        "C": (-1.0, 1.0),  # Note the decimal to make it a float
        "max_iter": (10, 100),
loaded_cs = ConfigurationSpace.from_yaml(path)

with as f:
conditions: []
forbiddens: []
format_version: 0.4
- default_value: 0.0
  log: false
  lower: -1.0
  meta: null
  name: C
  type: uniform_float
  upper: 1.0
- default_value: 55
  log: false
  lower: 10
  meta: null
  name: max_iter
  type: uniform_int
  upper: 100
name: null
python_module_version: 1.2.0

If you require custom encoding or decoding or parameters, please refer to the serialization reference page for more.

5th Example: Placing priors on the hyperparameters#

If you want to conduct black-box optimization in SMAC, and you have prior knowledge about the which regions of the search space are more likely to contain the optimum, you may include this knowledge when designing the configuration space. More specifically, you place prior distributions over the optimum on the parameters, either by a (log)-normal or (log)-Beta distribution. SMAC then considers the given priors through the optimization by using PiBO.

Consider the case of optimizing the accuracy of an MLP with three hyperparameters:

  • learning rate in (1e-5, 1e-1)
  • dropout in (0, 0.99)
  • activation in ["Tanh", "ReLU"].

From prior experience, you believe the optimal learning rate to be around 1e-3, a good dropout to be around 0.25, and the optimal activation function to be ReLU about 80% of the time.

This can be represented accordingly:

import numpy as np
from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace, Float, Categorical, Beta, Normal

cs = ConfigurationSpace(
        "lr": Float(
            bounds=(1e-5, 1e-1),
            distribution=Normal(1e-3, 1e-1)
        "dropout": Float(
            bounds=(0, 0.99),
            distribution=Beta(alpha=2, beta=4)
        "activation": Categorical(
            items=['tanh', 'relu'],
            weights=[0.2, 0.8]
Configuration space object:
    activation, Type: Categorical, Choices: {tanh, relu}, Default: relu, Probabilities: [0.2 0.8]
    dropout, Type: BetaFloat, Alpha: 2.0, Beta: 4.0, Range: [0.0, 0.99], Default: 0.25
    lr, Type: NormalFloat, Mu: 0.001, Sigma: 0.1, Range: [1e-05, 0.1], Default: 0.001, on log-scale

To check that your prior makes sense for each hyperparameter, you can easily do so with the pdf_values() method. There, you will see that the probability of the optimal learning rate peaks at 10^-3, and decays as we go further away from it:

test_points = np.logspace(-5, -1, 5)
[1.e-05 1.e-04 1.e-03 1.e-02 1.e-01]
[0.226227   1.01401116 1.67189438 1.01401116 0.226227  ]