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This document describes how to set up the database for the CARP-S framework and use it for logging experiment results and trajectories.

Either SQLite or MySQL can be used as database, which has some slight differences. Using SQLite is straightforward; you get a local database file but parallel execution is not efficient at all. You configure the used database in the carps/container/py_experimenter.yaml file by changing the provider to mysql or sqlite.

In any case, before you can start any jobs, the jobs need to be dispatched to the database. To this end, call the file with the desired hydra arguments. This can be done locally or on the server if you can execute python there directly. If you execute it locally, the database file carps.db will be created in the current directory and needs to be transferred to the cluster.

python carps/container/ +optimizer/DUMMY=config +problem/DUMMY=config 'seed=range(1,21)' --multirun

If you want to use a personal/local MySQL database, follow these steps:

  1. Setup MySQL (tutorial)

  2. Create database via mysql> CREATE DATABASE carps; Select password as authentification. Per default, the database name is carps. It is set in carps/container/py_experimenter.yaml.

  3. Add credential file at carps/container/credentials.yaml, e.g.

        user: root
        password: <password>
          server: localhost

  4. Set flag not to use ssh server in carps/container/py_experimenter.yaml if you are on your local machine.