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Contributing a Benchmark#

To add a new benchmark problem to CARP-S, you need to create a Python file that defines a new problem class. This class should inherit from the Problem class defined in carps/benchmarks/

Here's a step-by-step guide for how to add a new benchmark:

  1. Benchmark Python file: Create a new Python file in the carps/benchmarks/ directory. For example, you might name it

  2. Define your problem class: Define a new class that inherits from Problem. This class should implement the configspace property and the _evaluate method, as these are abstract in the base Problem class. The configspace property should return a ConfigurationSpace object that defines the configuration space for your problem. The _evaluate method should take a TrialInfo object and return a TrialValue object. If your problem requires additional methods, you can implement them in your class. For example, you might need a method to load data for your problem.

  3. Requirements file: Create a requirements file and add the requirements for your benchmark. The file structure must be container_recipes/benchmarks/<benchmark_id>/<benchmark_id>_requirements.txt, so for example, container_recipes/benchmarks/my_benchmark/my_benchmark_requirements.txt. Please specify exact versions of all requirements! This is very important for reproducibility.

  4. Config files: Add config files for the different benchmarking tasks under carps/configs/problem/my_benchmark/my_benchmark_config_{task}.yaml. You can use the existing config files as a template.

Here's a basic example of what your file might look like:

from ConfigSpace import ConfigurationSpace
from carps.benchmarks.problem import Problem
from carps.utils.trials import TrialInfo, TrialValue

class MyBenchmarkProblem(Problem):
    def __init__(self, loggers=None):
        # Initialize any additional attributes your problem needs here

    def configspace(self) -> ConfigurationSpace:
        # Return a ConfigurationSpace object that defines the configuration space for your problem

    def _evaluate(self, trial_info: TrialInfo) -> TrialValue:
        # Evaluate a trial and return a TrialValue object

    # Implement any additional methods your problem needs here