Main modules


class autoPyTorch.api.tabular_classification.TabularClassificationTask(seed: int = 1, n_jobs: int = 1, n_threads: int = 1, logging_config: Optional[Dict] = None, ensemble_size: int = 50, ensemble_nbest: int = 50, max_models_on_disc: int = 50, temporary_directory: Optional[str] = None, output_directory: Optional[str] = None, delete_tmp_folder_after_terminate: bool = True, delete_output_folder_after_terminate: bool = True, include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, resampling_strategy: Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes] = HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, backend: Optional[Backend] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

Tabular Classification API to the pipelines.

seed (int: default=1):

seed to be used for reproducibility.

n_jobs (int: default=1):

number of consecutive processes to spawn.

n_threads (int: default=1):

number of threads to use for each process.

logging_config (Optional[Dict]):

Specifies configuration for logging, if None, it is loaded from the logging.yaml

ensemble_size (int: default=50):

Number of models added to the ensemble built by Ensemble selection from libraries of models. Models are drawn with replacement.

ensemble_nbest (int: default=50):

Only consider the ensemble_nbest models to build the ensemble

max_models_on_disc (int: default=50):

Maximum number of models saved to disc. Also, controls the size of the ensemble as any additional models will be deleted. Must be greater than or equal to 1.

temporary_directory (str):

Folder to store configuration output and log file

output_directory (str):

Folder to store predictions for optional test set

delete_tmp_folder_after_terminate (bool):

Determines whether to delete the temporary directory, when finished

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.

resampling_strategy resampling_strategy (RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES),

(default=HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation): strategy to split the training data.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): arguments

required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline

build_pipeline(dataset_properties: Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]], include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None) TabularClassificationPipeline[source]

Build pipeline according to current task and for the passed dataset properties

dataset_properties (Dict[str, Any]):

Characteristics of the dataset to guide the pipeline choices of components

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline



fit_pipeline(configuration: Configuration, *, dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, resampling_strategy: Optional[Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes]] = None, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, run_time_limit_secs: int = 60, memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = False, budget_type: Optional[str] = None, include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, pipeline_options: Optional[Dict] = None, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None) Tuple[Optional[BasePipeline], RunInfo, RunValue, BaseDataset]

Fit a pipeline on the given task for the budget. A pipeline configuration can be specified if None, uses default

Fit uses the estimator pipeline_options attribute, which the user can interact via the get_pipeline_options()/set_pipeline_options() methods.

configuration (Configuration):

configuration to fit the pipeline with.

dataset (BaseDataset):

An object of the appropriate child class of BaseDataset, that will be used to fit the pipeline

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

Name of the dataset, if None, random value is used.

resampling_strategy (Optional[RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES]):

Strategy to split the training data. if None, uses HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

run_time_limit_secs (int: default=60):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

memory_limit (Optional[int]):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

eval_metric (Optional[str]):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

if True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.).

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.


Updates to be made to the hyperparameter search space of the pipeline

budget (Optional[float]):

Budget to fit a single run of the pipeline. If not provided, uses the default in the pipeline config

pipeline_options (Optional[Dict]):

Valid config options include “device”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.


fitted pipeline


Run information


Result of fitting the pipeline


Dataset created from the given tensors

get_dataset(X_train: Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray], y_train: Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray], X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, resampling_strategy: Optional[Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes]] = None, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, dataset_compression: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, List[str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) BaseDataset

Returns an object of a child class of BaseDataset according to the current task.

X_train (Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]):

Training feature set.

y_train (Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]):

Training target set.

X_test (Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]]):

Testing feature set

y_test (Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]]):

Testing target set

resampling_strategy (Optional[RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES]):

Strategy to split the training data. if None, uses HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

dataset_compression (Optional[DatasetCompressionSpec]):

We compress datasets so that they fit into some predefined amount of memory. NOTE

You can also pass your own configuration with the same keys and choosing from the available "methods". The available options are described here: memory_allocation

Absolute memory in MB, e.g. 10MB is "memory_allocation": 10. The memory used by the dataset is checked after each reduction method is performed. If the dataset fits into the allocated memory, any further methods listed in "methods" will not be performed. It can be either float or int.


We currently provide the following methods for reducing the dataset size. These can be provided in a list and are performed in the order as given. * "precision" -

We reduce floating point precision as follows:
  • np.float128 -> np.float64

  • np.float96 -> np.float64

  • np.float64 -> np.float32

  • pandas dataframes are reduced using the downcast option of pd.to_numeric to the lowest possible precision.

  • subsample - We subsample data such that it fits directly into the memory allocation memory_allocation * memory_limit. Therefore, this should likely be the last method listed in "methods". Subsampling takes into account classification labels and stratifies accordingly. We guarantee that at least one occurrence of each label is included in the sampled set.

kwargs (Any):

can be used to pass task specific dataset arguments. Currently supports passing feat_types for tabular tasks which specifies whether a feature is ‘numerical’ or ‘categorical’.


the dataset object

get_incumbent_results(include_traditional: bool = False) Tuple[Configuration, Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]

Get Incumbent config and the corresponding results

include_traditional (bool):

Whether to include results from tradtional pipelines

Configuration (CS.ConfigurationSpace):

The incumbent configuration

Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:

Additional information about the run of the incumbent configuration.

get_pipeline_options() dict

Returns the current pipeline configuration.

get_search_results() SearchResults

Get the interface to obtain the search results easily.

get_search_space(dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None) ConfigurationSpace

Returns the current search space as ConfigurationSpace object.

plot_perf_over_time(metric_name: str, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, plot_setting_params: PlotSettingParams = PlotSettingParams(n_points=20, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, title_kwargs={}, xlim=None, ylim=None, grid=True, legend=True, legend_kwargs={}, show=False, figname=None, figsize=None, savefig_kwargs={}), color_label_settings: ColorLabelSettings = ColorLabelSettings(single_train=('red', None), single_opt=('blue', None), single_test=('green', None), ensemble_train=('brown', None), ensemble_test=('purple', None)), *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Visualize the performance over time using matplotlib. The plot related arguments are based on matplotlib. Please refer to the matplotlib documentation for more details.

metric_name (str):

The name of metric to visualize. The names are available in

  • autoPyTorch.metrics.CLASSIFICATION_METRICS

  • autoPyTorch.metrics.REGRESSION_METRICS

ax (Optional[plt.Axes]):

axis to plot (subplots of matplotlib). If None, it will be created automatically.

plot_setting_params (PlotSettingParams):

Parameters for the plot.

color_label_settings (ColorLabelSettings):

The settings of a pair of color and label for each plot.

args, kwargs (Any):

Arguments for the ax.plot.


You might need to run export DISPLAY=:0.0 if you are using non-GUI based environment.

predict(X_test: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs: int = 1) ndarray[source]

Generate the estimator predictions. Generate the predictions based on the given examples from the test set.

X_test (np.ndarray):

The test set examples.


Array with estimator predictions.

refit(dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, resampling_strategy: Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes] = NoResamplingStrategyTypes.no_resampling, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, total_walltime_limit: int = 120, run_time_limit_secs: int = 60, memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = False, budget_type: Optional[str] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, pipeline_options: Optional[Dict] = None, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None) BaseTask

Fit all the models found in the ensemble on the whole training set X_train. Therefore, we recommend using NoResamplingStrategy to be able to do that. Nevertheless, it is still able to fit using other splitting techniques such as hold out or cross validation.

Refit uses the estimator pipeline_options attribute, which the user can interact via the get_pipeline_options()/set_pipeline_options() methods.

dataset (BaseDataset):

An object of the appropriate child class of BaseDataset, that will be used to fit the pipeline

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

Name of the dataset, if None, random value is used.

resampling_strategy (ResamplingStrategies):

Strategy to split the training data. Defaults to NoResamplingStrategyTypes.no_resampling.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

total_walltime_limit (int):

Total time that can be used by all the models to be refitted. Defaults to 120.

run_time_limit_secs (int: default=60):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

memory_limit (Optional[int]):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

eval_metric (Optional[str]):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

if True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.).

budget (Optional[float]):

Budget to fit a single run of the pipeline. If not provided, uses the default in the pipeline config

pipeline_options (Optional[Dict]):

Valid config options include “device”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.



score(y_pred: ndarray, y_test: Union[ndarray, DataFrame]) Dict[str, float]

Calculate the score on the test set. Calculate the evaluation measure on the test set.

y_pred (np.ndarray):

The test predictions

y_test (np.ndarray):

The test ground truth labels.

Dict[str, float]:

Value of the evaluation metric calculated on the test set.

search(optimize_metric: str, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, feat_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, budget_type: str = 'epochs', min_budget: int = 5, max_budget: int = 50, total_walltime_limit: int = 100, func_eval_time_limit_secs: Optional[int] = None, enable_traditional_pipeline: bool = True, memory_limit: int = 4096, smac_scenario_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, get_smac_object_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = True, precision: int = 32, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None, load_models: bool = True, portfolio_selection: Optional[str] = None, dataset_compression: Union[Mapping[str, Any], bool] = False) BaseTask[source]

Search for the best pipeline configuration for the given dataset.

Fit both optimizes the machine learning models and builds an ensemble out of them. To disable ensembling, set ensemble_size==0. using the optimizer.

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

feat_types (Optional[List[str]]):

Description about the feature types of the columns. Accepts numerical for integers, float data and categorical for categories, strings and bool. Defaults to None.

optimize_metric (str):

name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.). budget_type will determine the units of min_budget/max_budget. If budget_type==’epochs’ is used, min_budget will refer to epochs whereas if budget_type==’runtime’ then min_budget will refer to seconds.

min_budget (int):

Auto-PyTorch uses Hyperband to trade-off resources between running many pipelines at min_budget and running the top performing pipelines on max_budget. min_budget states the minimum resource allocation a pipeline should have so that we can compare and quickly discard bad performing models. For example, if the budget_type is epochs, and min_budget=5, then we will run every pipeline to a minimum of 5 epochs before performance comparison.

max_budget (int):

Auto-PyTorch uses Hyperband to trade-off resources between running many pipelines at min_budget and running the top performing pipelines on max_budget. max_budget states the maximum resource allocation a pipeline is going to be ran. For example, if the budget_type is epochs, and max_budget=50, then the pipeline training will be terminated after 50 epochs.

total_walltime_limit (int: default=100):

Time limit in seconds for the search of appropriate models. By increasing this value, autopytorch has a higher chance of finding better models.

func_eval_time_limit_secs (Optional[int]):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data. When set to None, this time will automatically be set to total_walltime_limit // 2 to allow enough time to fit at least 2 individual machine learning algorithms. Set to np.inf in case no time limit is desired.

enable_traditional_pipeline (bool: default=True):

We fit traditional machine learning algorithms (LightGBM, CatBoost, RandomForest, ExtraTrees, KNN, SVM) prior building PyTorch Neural Networks. You can disable this feature by turning this flag to False. All machine learning algorithms that are fitted during search() are considered for ensemble building.

memory_limit (int: default=4096):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. Autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

smac_scenario_args (Optional[Dict]):

Additional arguments inserted into the scenario of SMAC. See the SMAC documentation for a list of available arguments.

get_smac_object_callback (Optional[Callable]):

Callback function to create an object of class smac.optimizer.smbo.SMBO. The function must accept the arguments scenario_dict, instances, num_params, runhistory, seed and ta. This is an advanced feature. Use only if you are familiar with SMAC.

tae_func (Optional[Callable]):

TargetAlgorithm to be optimised. If None, eval_function available in autoPyTorch/evaluation/train_evaluator is used. Must be child class of AbstractEvaluator.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

If True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

precision (int: default=32):

Numeric precision used when loading ensemble data. Can be either ‘16’, ‘32’ or ‘64’.

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.

load_models (bool: default=True):

Whether to load the models after fitting AutoPyTorch.

portfolio_selection (Optional[str]):

This argument controls the initial configurations that AutoPyTorch uses to warm start SMAC for hyperparameter optimization. By default, no warm-starting happens. The user can provide a path to a json file containing configurations, similar to (…herepathtogreedy…). Additionally, the keyword ‘greedy’ is supported, which would use the default portfolio from AutoPyTorch Tabular.

dataset_compression: Union[bool, Mapping[str, Any]] = True

We compress datasets so that they fit into some predefined amount of memory. NOTE

Default configuration when left as True: .. code-block:: python


“memory_allocation”: 0.1, “methods”: [“precision”]


You can also pass your own configuration with the same keys and choosing from the available "methods". The available options are described here: memory_allocation

By default, we attempt to fit the dataset into 0.1 * memory_limit. This float value can be set with "memory_allocation": 0.1. We also allow for specifying absolute memory in MB, e.g. 10MB is "memory_allocation": 10. The memory used by the dataset is checked after each reduction method is performed. If the dataset fits into the allocated memory, any further methods listed in "methods" will not be performed.


We currently provide the following methods for reducing the dataset size. These can be provided in a list and are performed in the order as given. * "precision" -

We reduce floating point precision as follows:
  • np.float128 -> np.float64

  • np.float96 -> np.float64

  • np.float64 -> np.float32

  • pandas dataframes are reduced using the downcast option of pd.to_numeric to the lowest possible precision.

  • subsample - We subsample data such that it fits directly into the memory allocation memory_allocation * memory_limit. Therefore, this should likely be the last method listed in "methods". Subsampling takes into account classification labels and stratifies accordingly. We guarantee that at least one occurrence of each label is included in the sampled set.



set_pipeline_options(**pipeline_options_kwargs: Any) None

Check whether arguments are valid and then sets them to the current pipeline configuration.


**pipeline_options_kwargs: Valid config options include “num_run”, “device”, “budget_type”, “epochs”, “runtime”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”



show_models() str

Returns a Markdown containing details about the final ensemble/configuration.


Markdown table of models.

sprint_statistics() str

Prints statistics about the SMAC search.

These statistics include:

  1. Optimisation Metric

  2. Best Optimisation score achieved by individual pipelines

  3. Total number of target algorithm runs

  4. Total number of successful target algorithm runs

  5. Total number of crashed target algorithm runs

  6. Total number of target algorithm runs that exceeded the time limit

  7. Total number of successful target algorithm runs that exceeded the memory limit


Formatted string with statistics


class autoPyTorch.api.tabular_regression.TabularRegressionTask(seed: int = 1, n_jobs: int = 1, n_threads: int = 1, logging_config: Optional[Dict] = None, ensemble_size: int = 50, ensemble_nbest: int = 50, max_models_on_disc: int = 50, temporary_directory: Optional[str] = None, output_directory: Optional[str] = None, delete_tmp_folder_after_terminate: bool = True, delete_output_folder_after_terminate: bool = True, include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, resampling_strategy: Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes] = HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, backend: Optional[Backend] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

Tabular Regression API to the pipelines.

seed (int: default=1):

seed to be used for reproducibility.

n_jobs (int: default=1):

number of consecutive processes to spawn.

n_threads (int: default=1):

number of threads to use for each process.

logging_config (Optional[Dict]):

Specifies configuration for logging, if None, it is loaded from the logging.yaml

ensemble_size (int: default=50):

Number of models added to the ensemble built by Ensemble selection from libraries of models. Models are drawn with replacement.

ensemble_nbest (int: default=50):

Only consider the ensemble_nbest models to build the ensemble

max_models_on_disc (int: default=50):

Maximum number of models saved to disc. Also, controls the size of the ensemble as any additional models will be deleted. Must be greater than or equal to 1.

temporary_directory (str):

Folder to store configuration output and log file

output_directory (str):

Folder to store predictions for optional test set

delete_tmp_folder_after_terminate (bool):

Determines whether to delete the temporary directory, when finished

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.

resampling_strategy resampling_strategy (RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES),

(default=HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation): strategy to split the training data.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): arguments

required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline

build_pipeline(dataset_properties: Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]], include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None) TabularRegressionPipeline[source]

Build pipeline according to current task and for the passed dataset properties

dataset_properties (Dict[str, Any]):

Characteristics of the dataset to guide the pipeline choices of components

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline



fit_pipeline(configuration: Configuration, *, dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, resampling_strategy: Optional[Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes]] = None, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, run_time_limit_secs: int = 60, memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = False, budget_type: Optional[str] = None, include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, pipeline_options: Optional[Dict] = None, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None) Tuple[Optional[BasePipeline], RunInfo, RunValue, BaseDataset]

Fit a pipeline on the given task for the budget. A pipeline configuration can be specified if None, uses default

Fit uses the estimator pipeline_options attribute, which the user can interact via the get_pipeline_options()/set_pipeline_options() methods.

configuration (Configuration):

configuration to fit the pipeline with.

dataset (BaseDataset):

An object of the appropriate child class of BaseDataset, that will be used to fit the pipeline

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

Name of the dataset, if None, random value is used.

resampling_strategy (Optional[RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES]):

Strategy to split the training data. if None, uses HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

run_time_limit_secs (int: default=60):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

memory_limit (Optional[int]):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

eval_metric (Optional[str]):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

if True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.).

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.


Updates to be made to the hyperparameter search space of the pipeline

budget (Optional[float]):

Budget to fit a single run of the pipeline. If not provided, uses the default in the pipeline config

pipeline_options (Optional[Dict]):

Valid config options include “device”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.


fitted pipeline


Run information


Result of fitting the pipeline


Dataset created from the given tensors

get_dataset(X_train: Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray], y_train: Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray], X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, resampling_strategy: Optional[Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes]] = None, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, dataset_compression: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, List[str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) BaseDataset

Returns an object of a child class of BaseDataset according to the current task.

X_train (Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]):

Training feature set.

y_train (Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]):

Training target set.

X_test (Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]]):

Testing feature set

y_test (Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]]):

Testing target set

resampling_strategy (Optional[RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES]):

Strategy to split the training data. if None, uses HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

dataset_compression (Optional[DatasetCompressionSpec]):

We compress datasets so that they fit into some predefined amount of memory. NOTE

You can also pass your own configuration with the same keys and choosing from the available "methods". The available options are described here: memory_allocation

Absolute memory in MB, e.g. 10MB is "memory_allocation": 10. The memory used by the dataset is checked after each reduction method is performed. If the dataset fits into the allocated memory, any further methods listed in "methods" will not be performed. It can be either float or int.


We currently provide the following methods for reducing the dataset size. These can be provided in a list and are performed in the order as given. * "precision" -

We reduce floating point precision as follows:
  • np.float128 -> np.float64

  • np.float96 -> np.float64

  • np.float64 -> np.float32

  • pandas dataframes are reduced using the downcast option of pd.to_numeric to the lowest possible precision.

  • subsample - We subsample data such that it fits directly into the memory allocation memory_allocation * memory_limit. Therefore, this should likely be the last method listed in "methods". Subsampling takes into account classification labels and stratifies accordingly. We guarantee that at least one occurrence of each label is included in the sampled set.

kwargs (Any):

can be used to pass task specific dataset arguments. Currently supports passing feat_types for tabular tasks which specifies whether a feature is ‘numerical’ or ‘categorical’.


the dataset object

get_incumbent_results(include_traditional: bool = False) Tuple[Configuration, Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]

Get Incumbent config and the corresponding results

include_traditional (bool):

Whether to include results from tradtional pipelines

Configuration (CS.ConfigurationSpace):

The incumbent configuration

Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:

Additional information about the run of the incumbent configuration.

get_pipeline_options() dict

Returns the current pipeline configuration.

get_search_results() SearchResults

Get the interface to obtain the search results easily.

get_search_space(dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None) ConfigurationSpace

Returns the current search space as ConfigurationSpace object.

plot_perf_over_time(metric_name: str, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, plot_setting_params: PlotSettingParams = PlotSettingParams(n_points=20, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, title_kwargs={}, xlim=None, ylim=None, grid=True, legend=True, legend_kwargs={}, show=False, figname=None, figsize=None, savefig_kwargs={}), color_label_settings: ColorLabelSettings = ColorLabelSettings(single_train=('red', None), single_opt=('blue', None), single_test=('green', None), ensemble_train=('brown', None), ensemble_test=('purple', None)), *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Visualize the performance over time using matplotlib. The plot related arguments are based on matplotlib. Please refer to the matplotlib documentation for more details.

metric_name (str):

The name of metric to visualize. The names are available in

  • autoPyTorch.metrics.CLASSIFICATION_METRICS

  • autoPyTorch.metrics.REGRESSION_METRICS

ax (Optional[plt.Axes]):

axis to plot (subplots of matplotlib). If None, it will be created automatically.

plot_setting_params (PlotSettingParams):

Parameters for the plot.

color_label_settings (ColorLabelSettings):

The settings of a pair of color and label for each plot.

args, kwargs (Any):

Arguments for the ax.plot.


You might need to run export DISPLAY=:0.0 if you are using non-GUI based environment.

predict(X_test: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs: int = 1) ndarray[source]

Generate the estimator predictions. Generate the predictions based on the given examples from the test set.

X_test (np.ndarray):

The test set examples.


Array with estimator predictions.

refit(dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, resampling_strategy: Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes] = NoResamplingStrategyTypes.no_resampling, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, total_walltime_limit: int = 120, run_time_limit_secs: int = 60, memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = False, budget_type: Optional[str] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, pipeline_options: Optional[Dict] = None, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None) BaseTask

Fit all the models found in the ensemble on the whole training set X_train. Therefore, we recommend using NoResamplingStrategy to be able to do that. Nevertheless, it is still able to fit using other splitting techniques such as hold out or cross validation.

Refit uses the estimator pipeline_options attribute, which the user can interact via the get_pipeline_options()/set_pipeline_options() methods.

dataset (BaseDataset):

An object of the appropriate child class of BaseDataset, that will be used to fit the pipeline

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

Name of the dataset, if None, random value is used.

resampling_strategy (ResamplingStrategies):

Strategy to split the training data. Defaults to NoResamplingStrategyTypes.no_resampling.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

total_walltime_limit (int):

Total time that can be used by all the models to be refitted. Defaults to 120.

run_time_limit_secs (int: default=60):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

memory_limit (Optional[int]):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

eval_metric (Optional[str]):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

if True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.).

budget (Optional[float]):

Budget to fit a single run of the pipeline. If not provided, uses the default in the pipeline config

pipeline_options (Optional[Dict]):

Valid config options include “device”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.



score(y_pred: ndarray, y_test: Union[ndarray, DataFrame]) Dict[str, float]

Calculate the score on the test set. Calculate the evaluation measure on the test set.

y_pred (np.ndarray):

The test predictions

y_test (np.ndarray):

The test ground truth labels.

Dict[str, float]:

Value of the evaluation metric calculated on the test set.

search(optimize_metric: str, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, feat_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, budget_type: str = 'epochs', min_budget: int = 5, max_budget: int = 50, total_walltime_limit: int = 100, func_eval_time_limit_secs: Optional[int] = None, enable_traditional_pipeline: bool = True, memory_limit: int = 4096, smac_scenario_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, get_smac_object_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = True, precision: int = 32, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None, load_models: bool = True, portfolio_selection: Optional[str] = None, dataset_compression: Union[Mapping[str, Any], bool] = False) BaseTask[source]

Search for the best pipeline configuration for the given dataset.

Fit both optimizes the machine learning models and builds an ensemble out of them. To disable ensembling, set ensemble_size==0. using the optimizer.

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

feat_types (Optional[List[str]]):

Description about the feature types of the columns. Accepts numerical for integers, float data and categorical for categories, strings and bool. Defaults to None.

optimize_metric (str):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.). budget_type will determine the units of min_budget/max_budget. If budget_type==’epochs’ is used, min_budget will refer to epochs whereas if budget_type==’runtime’ then min_budget will refer to seconds.

min_budget (int):

Auto-PyTorch uses Hyperband to trade-off resources between running many pipelines at min_budget and running the top performing pipelines on max_budget. min_budget states the minimum resource allocation a pipeline should have so that we can compare and quickly discard bad performing models. For example, if the budget_type is epochs, and min_budget=5, then we will run every pipeline to a minimum of 5 epochs before performance comparison.

max_budget (int):

Auto-PyTorch uses Hyperband to trade-off resources between running many pipelines at min_budget and running the top performing pipelines on max_budget. max_budget states the maximum resource allocation a pipeline is going to be ran. For example, if the budget_type is epochs, and max_budget=50, then the pipeline training will be terminated after 50 epochs.

total_walltime_limit (int: default=100):

Time limit in seconds for the search of appropriate models. By increasing this value, autopytorch has a higher chance of finding better models.

func_eval_time_limit_secs (Optional[int]):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data. When set to None, this time will automatically be set to total_walltime_limit // 2 to allow enough time to fit at least 2 individual machine learning algorithms. Set to np.inf in case no time limit is desired.

enable_traditional_pipeline (bool: default=True):

We fit traditional machine learning algorithms (LightGBM, CatBoost, RandomForest, ExtraTrees, KNN, SVM) prior building PyTorch Neural Networks. You can disable this feature by turning this flag to False. All machine learning algorithms that are fitted during search() are considered for ensemble building.

memory_limit (int: default=4096):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. Autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

smac_scenario_args (Optional[Dict]):

Additional arguments inserted into the scenario of SMAC. See the SMAC documentation for a list of available arguments.

get_smac_object_callback (Optional[Callable]):

Callback function to create an object of class smac.optimizer.smbo.SMBO. The function must accept the arguments scenario_dict, instances, num_params, runhistory, seed and ta. This is an advanced feature. Use only if you are familiar with SMAC.

tae_func (Optional[Callable]):

TargetAlgorithm to be optimised. If None, eval_function available in autoPyTorch/evaluation/train_evaluator is used. Must be child class of AbstractEvaluator.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

If True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

precision (int: default=32):

Numeric precision used when loading ensemble data. Can be either ‘16’, ‘32’ or ‘64’.

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.

load_models (bool: default=True):

Whether to load the models after fitting AutoPyTorch.

portfolio_selection (Optional[str]):

This argument controls the initial configurations that AutoPyTorch uses to warm start SMAC for hyperparameter optimization. By default, no warm-starting happens. The user can provide a path to a json file containing configurations, similar to (…herepathtogreedy…). Additionally, the keyword ‘greedy’ is supported, which would use the default portfolio from AutoPyTorch Tabular.

dataset_compression: Union[bool, Mapping[str, Any]] = True

We compress datasets so that they fit into some predefined amount of memory. NOTE

Default configuration when left as True: .. code-block:: python


“memory_allocation”: 0.1, “methods”: [“precision”]


You can also pass your own configuration with the same keys and choosing from the available "methods". The available options are described here: memory_allocation

By default, we attempt to fit the dataset into 0.1 * memory_limit. This float value can be set with "memory_allocation": 0.1. We also allow for specifying absolute memory in MB, e.g. 10MB is "memory_allocation": 10. The memory used by the dataset is checked after each reduction method is performed. If the dataset fits into the allocated memory, any further methods listed in "methods" will not be performed.


We currently provide the following methods for reducing the dataset size. These can be provided in a list and are performed in the order as given. * "precision" -

We reduce floating point precision as follows:
  • np.float128 -> np.float64

  • np.float96 -> np.float64

  • np.float64 -> np.float32

  • pandas dataframes are reduced using the downcast option of pd.to_numeric to the lowest possible precision.

  • subsample - We subsample data such that it fits directly into the memory allocation memory_allocation * memory_limit. Therefore, this should likely be the last method listed in "methods". Subsampling takes into account classification labels and stratifies accordingly. We guarantee that at least one occurrence of each label is included in the sampled set.



set_pipeline_options(**pipeline_options_kwargs: Any) None

Check whether arguments are valid and then sets them to the current pipeline configuration.


**pipeline_options_kwargs: Valid config options include “num_run”, “device”, “budget_type”, “epochs”, “runtime”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”



show_models() str

Returns a Markdown containing details about the final ensemble/configuration.


Markdown table of models.

sprint_statistics() str

Prints statistics about the SMAC search.

These statistics include:

  1. Optimisation Metric

  2. Best Optimisation score achieved by individual pipelines

  3. Total number of target algorithm runs

  4. Total number of successful target algorithm runs

  5. Total number of crashed target algorithm runs

  6. Total number of target algorithm runs that exceeded the time limit

  7. Total number of successful target algorithm runs that exceeded the memory limit


Formatted string with statistics

Time Series Forecasting

class autoPyTorch.api.time_series_forecasting.TimeSeriesForecastingTask(seed: int = 1, n_jobs: int = 1, logging_config: Optional[Dict] = None, ensemble_size: int = 50, ensemble_nbest: int = 50, max_models_on_disc: int = 50, temporary_directory: Optional[str] = None, output_directory: Optional[str] = None, delete_tmp_folder_after_terminate: bool = True, delete_output_folder_after_terminate: bool = True, include_components: Optional[Dict] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict] = None, resampling_strategy: Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes] = HoldoutValTypes.time_series_hold_out_validation, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, backend: Optional[Backend] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

Time Series Forecasting API to the pipelines.

seed (int):

seed to be used for reproducibility.

n_jobs (int), (default=1):

number of consecutive processes to spawn.

logging_config (Optional[Dict]):

specifies configuration for logging, if None, it is loaded from the logging.yaml

ensemble_size (int), (default=50):

Number of models added to the ensemble built by Ensemble selection from libraries of models. Models are drawn with replacement.

ensemble_nbest (int), (default=50):

only consider the ensemble_nbest models to build the ensemble

max_models_on_disc (int), (default=50):
maximum number of models saved to disc. Also, controls the size of the ensemble as any additional models

will be deleted. Must be greater than or equal to 1.

temporary_directory (str):

folder to store configuration output and log file

output_directory (str):

folder to store predictions for optional test set

delete_tmp_folder_after_terminate (bool):

determines whether to delete the temporary directory, when finished

include_components (Optional[Dict]):

If None, all possible components are used. Otherwise specifies set of components to use.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict]):

If None, all possible components are used. Otherwise specifies set of components not to use. Incompatible with include components

build_pipeline(dataset_properties: Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]], include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None) TimeSeriesForecastingPipeline[source]

Build pipeline according to current task and for the passed dataset properties

dataset_properties (Dict[str, Any]):

Characteristics of the dataset to guide the pipeline choices of components

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline



fit_pipeline(configuration: Configuration, *, dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, resampling_strategy: Optional[Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes]] = None, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, run_time_limit_secs: int = 60, memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = False, budget_type: Optional[str] = None, include_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude_components: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, pipeline_options: Optional[Dict] = None, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None) Tuple[Optional[BasePipeline], RunInfo, RunValue, BaseDataset]

Fit a pipeline on the given task for the budget. A pipeline configuration can be specified if None, uses default

Fit uses the estimator pipeline_options attribute, which the user can interact via the get_pipeline_options()/set_pipeline_options() methods.

configuration (Configuration):

configuration to fit the pipeline with.

dataset (BaseDataset):

An object of the appropriate child class of BaseDataset, that will be used to fit the pipeline

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

Name of the dataset, if None, random value is used.

resampling_strategy (Optional[RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES]):

Strategy to split the training data. if None, uses HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

run_time_limit_secs (int: default=60):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

memory_limit (Optional[int]):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

eval_metric (Optional[str]):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

if True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.).

include_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to include. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to include. Only these components will be present in the search space.

exclude_components (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Dictionary containing components to exclude. Key is the node name and Value is an Iterable of the names of the components to exclude. All except these components will be present in the search space.


Updates to be made to the hyperparameter search space of the pipeline

budget (Optional[float]):

Budget to fit a single run of the pipeline. If not provided, uses the default in the pipeline config

pipeline_options (Optional[Dict]):

Valid config options include “device”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.


fitted pipeline


Run information


Result of fitting the pipeline


Dataset created from the given tensors

get_dataset(X_train: Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray], y_train: Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray], X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, resampling_strategy: Optional[Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes]] = None, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, dataset_compression: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, List[str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) BaseDataset

Returns an object of a child class of BaseDataset according to the current task.

X_train (Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]):

Training feature set.

y_train (Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]):

Training target set.

X_test (Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]]):

Testing feature set

y_test (Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]]):

Testing target set

resampling_strategy (Optional[RESAMPLING_STRATEGIES]):

Strategy to split the training data. if None, uses HoldoutValTypes.holdout_validation.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

dataset_compression (Optional[DatasetCompressionSpec]):

We compress datasets so that they fit into some predefined amount of memory. NOTE

You can also pass your own configuration with the same keys and choosing from the available "methods". The available options are described here: memory_allocation

Absolute memory in MB, e.g. 10MB is "memory_allocation": 10. The memory used by the dataset is checked after each reduction method is performed. If the dataset fits into the allocated memory, any further methods listed in "methods" will not be performed. It can be either float or int.


We currently provide the following methods for reducing the dataset size. These can be provided in a list and are performed in the order as given. * "precision" -

We reduce floating point precision as follows:
  • np.float128 -> np.float64

  • np.float96 -> np.float64

  • np.float64 -> np.float32

  • pandas dataframes are reduced using the downcast option of pd.to_numeric to the lowest possible precision.

  • subsample - We subsample data such that it fits directly into the memory allocation memory_allocation * memory_limit. Therefore, this should likely be the last method listed in "methods". Subsampling takes into account classification labels and stratifies accordingly. We guarantee that at least one occurrence of each label is included in the sampled set.

kwargs (Any):

can be used to pass task specific dataset arguments. Currently supports passing feat_types for tabular tasks which specifies whether a feature is ‘numerical’ or ‘categorical’.


the dataset object

get_incumbent_results(include_traditional: bool = False) Tuple[Configuration, Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]]

Get Incumbent config and the corresponding results

include_traditional (bool):

Whether to include results from tradtional pipelines

Configuration (CS.ConfigurationSpace):

The incumbent configuration

Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]:

Additional information about the run of the incumbent configuration.

get_pipeline_options() dict

Returns the current pipeline configuration.

get_search_results() SearchResults

Get the interface to obtain the search results easily.

get_search_space(dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None) ConfigurationSpace

Returns the current search space as ConfigurationSpace object.

plot_perf_over_time(metric_name: str, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, plot_setting_params: PlotSettingParams = PlotSettingParams(n_points=20, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, title_kwargs={}, xlim=None, ylim=None, grid=True, legend=True, legend_kwargs={}, show=False, figname=None, figsize=None, savefig_kwargs={}), color_label_settings: ColorLabelSettings = ColorLabelSettings(single_train=('red', None), single_opt=('blue', None), single_test=('green', None), ensemble_train=('brown', None), ensemble_test=('purple', None)), *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None

Visualize the performance over time using matplotlib. The plot related arguments are based on matplotlib. Please refer to the matplotlib documentation for more details.

metric_name (str):

The name of metric to visualize. The names are available in

  • autoPyTorch.metrics.CLASSIFICATION_METRICS

  • autoPyTorch.metrics.REGRESSION_METRICS

ax (Optional[plt.Axes]):

axis to plot (subplots of matplotlib). If None, it will be created automatically.

plot_setting_params (PlotSettingParams):

Parameters for the plot.

color_label_settings (ColorLabelSettings):

The settings of a pair of color and label for each plot.

args, kwargs (Any):

Arguments for the ax.plot.


You might need to run export DISPLAY=:0.0 if you are using non-GUI based environment.

predict(X_test: Optional[List[Union[ndarray, DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]]] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs: int = 1, past_targets: Optional[List[ndarray]] = None, future_targets: Optional[List[Union[ndarray, DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]]] = None, start_times: List[DatetimeIndex] = []) ndarray[source]

Predict the future varaibles

X_test (List[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]])

if it is a list of TimeSeriesSequence, then it is the series to be forecasted. Otherwise, it is the known future features

batch_size: Optional[int]

batch size

n_jobs (int):

number of jobs

past_targets (Optional[List[np.ndarray]])

past observed targets, required when X_test is not a list of TimeSeriesSequence

future_targets (Optional[List[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]]]):

future targets (test sets)

start_times (List[pd.DatetimeIndex]):

starting time of each series when they are sampled. If it is not given, we simply start with a fixed timestamp.


predicted value, it needs to be with shape (B, H, N), B is the number of series, H is forecasting horizon (n_prediction_steps), N is the number of targets

refit(dataset: Optional[BaseDataset] = None, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame, ndarray]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, resampling_strategy: Union[CrossValTypes, HoldoutValTypes, NoResamplingStrategyTypes] = NoResamplingStrategyTypes.no_resampling, resampling_strategy_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, total_walltime_limit: int = 120, run_time_limit_secs: int = 60, memory_limit: Optional[int] = None, eval_metric: Optional[str] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = False, budget_type: Optional[str] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, pipeline_options: Optional[Dict] = None, disable_file_output: Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]] = None) BaseTask

Fit all the models found in the ensemble on the whole training set X_train. Therefore, we recommend using NoResamplingStrategy to be able to do that. Nevertheless, it is still able to fit using other splitting techniques such as hold out or cross validation.

Refit uses the estimator pipeline_options attribute, which the user can interact via the get_pipeline_options()/set_pipeline_options() methods.

dataset (BaseDataset):

An object of the appropriate child class of BaseDataset, that will be used to fit the pipeline

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test: Union[np.ndarray, List, pd.DataFrame]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

Name of the dataset, if None, random value is used.

resampling_strategy (ResamplingStrategies):

Strategy to split the training data. Defaults to NoResamplingStrategyTypes.no_resampling.

resampling_strategy_args (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Arguments required for the chosen resampling strategy. If None, uses the default values provided in DEFAULT_RESAMPLING_PARAMETERS in `datasets/resampling_strategy.py`.

dataset_name (Optional[str]):

name of the dataset, used as experiment name.

total_walltime_limit (int):

Total time that can be used by all the models to be refitted. Defaults to 120.

run_time_limit_secs (int: default=60):

Time limit for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

memory_limit (Optional[int]):

Memory limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

eval_metric (Optional[str]):

Name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

all_supported_metrics (bool: default=True):

if True, all metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.).

budget (Optional[float]):

Budget to fit a single run of the pipeline. If not provided, uses the default in the pipeline config

pipeline_options (Optional[Dict]):

Valid config options include “device”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.



score(y_pred: ndarray, y_test: Union[ndarray, DataFrame]) Dict[str, float]

Calculate the score on the test set. Calculate the evaluation measure on the test set.

y_pred (np.ndarray):

The test predictions

y_test (np.ndarray):

The test ground truth labels.

Dict[str, float]:

Value of the evaluation metric calculated on the test set.

search(optimize_metric: str, X_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame]] = None, y_train: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[List, DataFrame]] = None, n_prediction_steps: int = 1, freq: Optional[Union[str, int, List[int]]] = None, start_times: Optional[List[DatetimeIndex]] = None, series_idx: Optional[Union[List[Union[str, int]], str, int]] = None, dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, budget_type: str = 'epochs', min_budget: Union[int, float] = 5, max_budget: Union[int, float] = 50, total_walltime_limit: int = 100, func_eval_time_limit_secs: Optional[int] = None, enable_traditional_pipeline: bool = False, memory_limit: Optional[int] = 4096, smac_scenario_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, get_smac_object_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, all_supported_metrics: bool = True, precision: int = 32, disable_file_output: List = [], load_models: bool = True, portfolio_selection: Optional[str] = None, suggested_init_models: Optional[List[str]] = None, custom_init_setting_path: Optional[str] = None, min_num_test_instances: Optional[int] = None, dataset_compression: Union[Mapping[str, Any], bool] = False, **forecasting_dataset_kwargs: Any) BaseTask[source]

Search for the best pipeline configuration for the given dataset.

Fit both optimizes the machine learning models and builds an ensemble out of them. To disable ensembling, set ensemble_size==0. using the optimizer.

optimize_metric (str):

name of the metric that is used to evaluate a pipeline.

X_train: Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame]]

A pair of features (X_train) and targets (y_train) used to fit a pipeline. Additionally, a holdout of this pairs (X_test, y_test) can be provided to track the generalization performance of each stage.

y_train: Union[List, pd.DataFrame]

training target, must be given

X_test: Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame]]

Test Features, Test series need to end at one step before forecasting

y_test: Optional[Union[List, pd.DataFrame]]

Test Targets

n_prediction_steps: int

How many steps in advance we need to predict

freq: Optional[Union[str, int, List[int]]]

frequency information, it determines the configuration space of the window size, if it is not given, we will use the default configuration


A list indicating the start time of each series in the training sets

series_idx: Optional[Union[List[Union[str, int]], str, int]]

variable in X indicating series indices

dataset_name: Optional[str],

dataset name

budget_type (str):

Type of budget to be used when fitting the pipeline. It can be one of:

  • epochs: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of epochs have passed. This number of epochs is determined by the budget argument of this method.

  • runtime: The training of each pipeline will be terminated after

    a number of seconds have passed. This number of seconds is determined by the budget argument of this method. The overall fitting time of a pipeline is controlled by func_eval_time_limit_secs. ‘runtime’ only controls the allocated time to train a pipeline, but it does not consider the overall time it takes to create a pipeline (data loading and preprocessing, other i/o operations, etc.). budget_type will determine the units of min_budget/max_budget. If budget_type==’epochs’ is used, min_budget will refer to epochs whereas if budget_type==’runtime’ then min_budget will refer to seconds.

  • ‘resolution’: The sample resolution of time series, for instance, if a time series sequence is

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] with resolution 0.5, the sequence fed to the network is [0, 2, 4]

min_budget Union[int, float]:

Auto-PyTorch uses Hyperband to trade-off resources between running many pipelines at min_budget and running the top performing pipelines on max_budget. min_budget states the minimum resource allocation a pipeline should have so that we can compare and quickly discard bad performing models. For example, if the budget_type is epochs, and min_budget=5, then we will run every pipeline to a minimum of 5 epochs before performance comparison.

max_budget Union[int, float]:

Auto-PyTorch uses Hyperband to trade-off resources between running many pipelines at min_budget and running the top performing pipelines on max_budget. max_budget states the maximum resource allocation a pipeline is going to be ran. For example, if the budget_type is epochs, and max_budget=50, then the pipeline training will be terminated after 50 epochs.

total_walltime_limit (int), (default=100): Time limit

in seconds for the search of appropriate models. By increasing this value, autopytorch has a higher chance of finding better models.

func_eval_time_limit (int), (default=60): Time limit

for a single call to the machine learning model. Model fitting will be terminated if the machine learning algorithm runs over the time limit. Set this value high enough so that typical machine learning algorithms can be fit on the training data.

traditional_per_total_budget (float), (default=0.1):

Percent of total walltime to be allocated for running traditional classifiers.

memory_limit (Optional[int]), (default=4096): Memory

limit in MB for the machine learning algorithm. autopytorch will stop fitting the machine learning algorithm if it tries to allocate more than memory_limit MB. If None is provided, no memory limit is set. In case of multi-processing, memory_limit will be per job. This memory limit also applies to the ensemble creation process.

smac_scenario_args (Optional[Dict]): Additional arguments inserted

into the scenario of SMAC. See the [SMAC documentation] (https://automl.github.io/SMAC3/master/options.html?highlight=scenario#scenario)

get_smac_object_callback (Optional[Callable]): Callback function

to create an object of class [smac.optimizer.smbo.SMBO](https://automl.github.io/SMAC3/master/apidoc/smac.optimizer.smbo.html). The function must accept the arguments scenario_dict, instances, num_params, runhistory, seed and ta. This is an advanced feature. Use only if you are familiar with [SMAC](https://automl.github.io/SMAC3/master/index.html).

all_supported_metrics (bool), (default=True): if True, all

metrics supporting current task will be calculated for each pipeline and results will be available via cv_results

precision (int), (default=32): Numeric precision used when loading

ensemble data. Can be either ‘16’, ‘32’ or ‘64’.

disable_file_output (Optional[List[Union[str, DisableFileOutputParameters]]]):

Used as a list to pass more fine-grained information on what to save. Must be a member of DisableFileOutputParameters. Allowed elements in the list are:

  • y_optimization:

    do not save the predictions for the optimization set, which would later on be used to build an ensemble. Note that SMAC optimizes a metric evaluated on the optimization set.

  • pipeline:

    do not save any individual pipeline files

  • pipelines:

    In case of cross validation, disables saving the joint model of the pipelines fit on each fold.

  • y_test:

    do not save the predictions for the test set.

  • all:

    do not save any of the above.

For more information check autoPyTorch.evaluation.utils.DisableFileOutputParameters.

load_models (bool), (default=True): Whether to load the

models after fitting AutoPyTorch.

suggested_init_models: Optional[List[str]]

suggested initial models with their default configurations setting

custom_init_setting_path: Optional[str]

path to a json file that contains the initial configuration suggested by the users

min_num_test_instances: Optional[int]

if it is set None, then full validation sets will be evaluated in each fidelity. Otherwise, the number of instances in the test sets should be a value that is at least as great as this value, otherwise, the number of test instance is proportional to its fidelity

forecasting_dataset_kwargs: Dict[Any]

Forecasting dataset kwargs used to initialize forecasting dataset



set_pipeline_options(**pipeline_options_kwargs: Any) None

Check whether arguments are valid and then sets them to the current pipeline configuration.


**pipeline_options_kwargs: Valid config options include “num_run”, “device”, “budget_type”, “epochs”, “runtime”, “torch_num_threads”, “early_stopping”, “use_tensorboard_logger”, “metrics_during_training”



show_models() str

Returns a Markdown containing details about the final ensemble/configuration.


Markdown table of models.

sprint_statistics() str

Prints statistics about the SMAC search.

These statistics include:

  1. Optimisation Metric

  2. Best Optimisation score achieved by individual pipelines

  3. Total number of target algorithm runs

  4. Total number of successful target algorithm runs

  5. Total number of crashed target algorithm runs

  6. Total number of target algorithm runs that exceeded the time limit

  7. Total number of successful target algorithm runs that exceeded the memory limit


Formatted string with statistics

update_sliding_window_size(n_prediction_steps: int) None[source]

the size of the sliding window is heavily dependent on the dataset, so we only update them when we get the information from the

n_prediction_steps (int):

forecast horizon. Sometimes we could also make our base sliding window size based on the forecast horizon


Tabular Classification

class autoPyTorch.pipeline.tabular_classification.TabularClassificationPipeline(config: Optional[Configuration] = None, steps: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[autoPyTorchComponent, autoPyTorchChoice]]]] = None, dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None, include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

This class is a wrapper around Sklearn Pipeline to integrate autoPyTorch components and choices for tabular classification tasks.

It implements a pipeline, which includes the following as steps:

  1. imputer

  2. encoder

  3. scaler

  4. feature_preprocessor

  5. tabular_transformer

  6. preprocessing

  7. network_embedding

  8. network_backbone

  9. network_head

  10. network

  11. network_init

  12. optimizer

  13. lr_scheduler

  14. data_loader

  15. trainer

Contrary to the sklearn API it is not possible to enumerate the possible parameters in the __init__ function because we only know the available classifiers at runtime. For this reason the user must specifiy the parameters by passing an instance of ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration.

config (Configuration)

The configuration to evaluate.

steps (Optional[List[Tuple[str, autoPyTorchChoice]]]):

The list of autoPyTorchComponent or autoPyTorchChoice that build the pipeline. If provided, they won’t be dynamically produced.

include (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to honor during the creation of the configuration space.

exclude (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to avoid during the creation of the configuration space.

random_state (np.random.RandomState):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

init_params (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Optional initial settings for the config

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline

steps (List[Tuple[str, PipelineStepType]]):

The steps of the current pipeline. Each step in an AutoPyTorch pipeline is either a autoPyTorchChoice or autoPyTorchComponent. Both of these are child classes of sklearn ‘BaseEstimator’ and they perform operations on and transform the fit dictionary. For more info, check documentation of ‘autoPyTorchChoice’ or ‘autoPyTorchComponent’.

config (Configuration):

A configuration to delimit the current component choice

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

get_pipeline_representation() Dict[str, str][source]

Returns a representation of the pipeline, so that it can be consumed and formatted by the API.

It should be a representation that follows: [{‘PreProcessing’: <>, ‘Estimator’: <>}]


Dict: contains the pipeline representation in a short format

predict_proba(X: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None) ndarray[source]


X (np.ndarray):

Input to the pipeline, from which to guess targets

batch_size (Optional[int]):

Controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.


Probabilities of the target being certain class

score(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, metric_name: str = 'accuracy') float[source]

Scores the fitted estimator on (X, y)

X (np.ndarray):

input to the pipeline, from which to guess targets

batch_size (Optional[int]):

batch_size controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.

y (np.ndarray):

Ground Truth labels

metric_name (str: default = ‘accuracy’):

name of the metric to be calculated


float: score based on the metric name

class autoPyTorch.pipeline.traditional_tabular_classification.TraditionalTabularClassificationPipeline(config: Optional[Configuration] = None, steps: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[autoPyTorchComponent, autoPyTorchChoice]]]] = None, dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None, include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

A pipeline to fit traditional ML methods for tabular classification.

config (Configuration)

The configuration to evaluate.

steps (Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[autoPyTorchComponent, autoPyTorchChoice]]]]):

the list of autoPyTorchComponent or autoPyTorchChoice that build the pipeline. If provided, they won’t be dynamically produced.

include (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to honor during the creation of the configuration space.

exclude (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to avoid during the creation of the configuration space.

random_state (np.random.RandomState):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

init_params (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Optional initial settings for the config

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline

steps (List[Tuple[str, PipelineStepType]]):

The steps of the current pipeline. Each step in an AutoPyTorch pipeline is either a autoPyTorchChoice or autoPyTorchComponent. Both of these are child classes of sklearn ‘BaseEstimator’ and they perform operations on and transform the fit dictionary. For more info, check documentation of ‘autoPyTorchChoice’ or ‘autoPyTorchComponent’.

config (Configuration):

A configuration to delimit the current component choice

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

get_pipeline_representation() Dict[str, str][source]

Returns a representation of the pipeline, so that it can be consumed and formatted by the API.

It should be a representation that follows: [{‘PreProcessing’: <>, ‘Estimator’: <>}]


Contains the pipeline representation in a short format

predict(X: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None) ndarray[source]

Predict the output using the selected model.

X (np.ndarray):

Input data to the array

batch_size (Optional[int]):

Controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.


np.ndarray: the predicted values given input X

predict_proba(X: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None) ndarray[source]


X (np.ndarray):

Input to the pipeline, from which to guess targets

batch_size (Optional[int]):

Controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.


Probabilities of the target being certain class

Tabular Regression

class autoPyTorch.pipeline.tabular_regression.TabularRegressionPipeline(config: Optional[Configuration] = None, steps: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[autoPyTorchComponent, autoPyTorchChoice]]]] = None, dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None, include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

This class is a wrapper around Sklearn Pipeline to integrate autoPyTorch components and choices for tabular classification tasks.

It implements a pipeline, which includes the following as steps:

  1. imputer

  2. encoder

  3. scaler

  4. feature_preprocessor

  5. tabular_transformer

  6. preprocessing

  7. network_embedding

  8. network_backbone

  9. network_head

  10. network

  11. network_init

  12. optimizer

  13. lr_scheduler

  14. data_loader

  15. trainer

Contrary to the sklearn API it is not possible to enumerate the possible parameters in the __init__ function because we only know the available regressors at runtime. For this reason the user must specifiy the parameters by passing an instance of ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration.

config (Configuration)

The configuration to evaluate.

steps (Optional[List[Tuple[str, autoPyTorchChoice]]]):

the list of autoPyTorchComponent or autoPyTorchChoice that build the pipeline. If provided, they won’t be dynamically produced.

include (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to honor during the creation of the configuration space.

exclude (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to avoid during the creation of the configuration space.

random_state (np.random.RandomState):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

init_params (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Optional initial settings for the config

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline

steps (List[Tuple[str, PipelineStepType]]):

The steps of the current pipeline. Each step in an AutoPyTorch pipeline is either a autoPyTorchChoice or autoPyTorchComponent. Both of these are child classes of sklearn ‘BaseEstimator’ and they perform operations on and transform the fit dictionary. For more info, check documentation of ‘autoPyTorchChoice’ or ‘autoPyTorchComponent’.

config (Configuration):

A configuration to delimit the current component choice

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

get_pipeline_representation() Dict[str, str][source]

Returns a representation of the pipeline, so that it can be consumed and formatted by the API.

It should be a representation that follows: [{‘PreProcessing’: <>, ‘Estimator’: <>}]


Dict: contains the pipeline representation in a short format

score(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, metric_name: str = 'r2') float[source]

Scores the fitted estimator on (X, y)

X (np.ndarray):

input to the pipeline, from which to guess targets

batch_size (Optional[int]):

batch_size controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.

y (np.ndarray):

Ground Truth labels

metric_name (str, default = ‘r2’):

name of the metric to be calculated


float: score based on the metric name

class autoPyTorch.pipeline.traditional_tabular_regression.TraditionalTabularRegressionPipeline(config: Optional[Configuration] = None, steps: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[autoPyTorchComponent, autoPyTorchChoice]]]] = None, dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]

A pipeline to fit traditional ML methods for tabular regression.

config (Configuration)

The configuration to evaluate.

steps (Optional[List[Tuple[str, autoPyTorchChoice]]]):

the list of autoPyTorchComponent or autoPyTorchChoice that build the pipeline. If provided, they won’t be dynamically produced.

include (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to honor during the creation of the configuration space.

exclude (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Allows the caller to specify which configurations to avoid during the creation of the configuration space.

random_state (np.random.RandomState):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

init_params (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]):

Optional initial settings for the config

search_space_updates (Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates]):

Search space updates that can be used to modify the search space of particular components or choice modules of the pipeline

steps (List[Tuple[str, PipelineStepType]]):

The steps of the current pipeline. Each step in an AutoPyTorch pipeline is either a autoPyTorchChoice or autoPyTorchComponent. Both of these are child classes of sklearn ‘BaseEstimator’ and they perform operations on and transform the fit dictionary. For more info, check documentation of ‘autoPyTorchChoice’ or ‘autoPyTorchComponent’.

config (Configuration):

A configuration to delimit the current component choice

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

get_pipeline_representation() Dict[str, str][source]

Returns a representation of the pipeline, so that it can be consumed and formatted by the API.

It should be a representation that follows: [{‘PreProcessing’: <>, ‘Estimator’: <>}]

Dict[str, str]:

Contains the pipeline representation in a short format

predict(X: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None) ndarray[source]

Predict the output using the selected model.

X (np.ndarray):

Input data to the array

batch_size (Optional[int]):

Controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.


np.ndarray: the predicted values given input X

Time Series Forecasting

class autoPyTorch.pipeline.time_series_forecasting.TimeSeriesForecastingPipeline(config: Optional[Configuration] = None, steps: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Union[autoPyTorchComponent, autoPyTorchChoice]]]] = None, dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None, include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, search_space_updates: Optional[HyperparameterSearchSpaceUpdates] = None)[source]

This class is a proof of concept to integrate AutoPyTorch Components

It implements a pipeline, which includes as steps:

->One preprocessing step ->One neural network

Contrary to the sklearn API it is not possible to enumerate the possible parameters in the __init__ function because we only know the available regressors at runtime. For this reason the user must specifiy the parameters by passing an instance of ConfigSpace.configuration_space.Configuration.

config (Configuration):

The configuration to evaluate.

random_state (Optional[RandomState):

random_state is the random number generator


get_pipeline_representation() Dict[str, str][source]

Returns a representation of the pipeline, so that it can be consumed and formatted by the API.

It should be a representation that follows: [{‘PreProcessing’: <>, ‘Estimator’: <>}]


Dict: contains the pipeline representation in a short format

predict(X: List[Union[ndarray, DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]], batch_size: Optional[int] = None) ndarray[source]

Predict the output using the selected model.

X (List[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]]):

input data to predict

batch_size (Optional[int]):

batch_size controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data. Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.


the predicted values given input X

score(X: List[Union[ndarray, DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]], y: ndarray, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, **score_kwargs: Any) float[source]

Scores the fitted estimator on (X, y)

X (List[Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, TimeSeriesSequence]]):

input to the pipeline, from which to guess targets

batch_size (Optional[int]):
batch_size controls whether the pipeline will be called on small chunks of the data.

Useful when calling the predict method on the whole array X results in a MemoryError.


coefficient of determination R^2 of the prediction

Steps in Pipeline


class autoPyTorch.pipeline.components.base_component.autoPyTorchComponent(random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None)[source]

Provides an abstract interface which can be used to create steps of a pipeline in AutoPyTorch.

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

check_requirements(X: Dict[str, Any], y: Optional[Any] = None) None[source]

A mechanism in code to ensure the correctness of the fit dictionary It recursively makes sure that the children and parent level requirements are honored before fit.

X (Dict[str, Any]):

Dictionary with fitted parameters. It is a message passing mechanism, in which during a transform, a components adds relevant information so that further stages can be properly fitted

fit(X: Dict[str, Any], y: Optional[Any] = None) autoPyTorchComponent[source]

The fit function calls the fit function of the underlying model and returns self.

X (Dict[str, Any]):

Dictionary with fitted parameters. It is a message passing mechanism, in which during a transform, a components adds relevant information so that further stages can be properly fitted

y (Any):

Not Used – to comply with API


returns an instance of self.


Please see the scikit-learn API documentation for further information.

get_fit_requirements() Optional[List[FitRequirement]][source]

Function to get the required keys by the component that need to be in the fit dictionary


a list containing required keys in a named tuple (name: str, type: object)

static get_hyperparameter_search_space(dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None) ConfigurationSpace[source]

Return the configuration space of this classification algorithm.

dataset_properties (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]):

Describes the dataset to work on


The configuration space of this algorithm.

static get_properties(dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None) Dict[str, Union[str, bool]][source]

Get the properties of the underlying algorithm.

dataset_properties (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]):

Describes the dataset to work on

Dict[str, Any]:

Properties of the algorithm

classmethod get_required_properties() Optional[List[str]][source]

Function to get the properties in the component that are required for the properly fitting the pipeline. Usually defined in the base class of the component


list of properties autopytorch component must have for proper functioning of the pipeline

set_hyperparameters(configuration: Configuration, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) BaseEstimator[source]

Applies a configuration to the given component. This method translate a hierarchical configuration key, to an actual parameter of the autoPyTorch component.

configuration (Configuration):

Which configuration to apply to the chosen component

init_params (Optional[Dict[str, any]]):

Optional arguments to initialize the chosen component


An instance of self


class autoPyTorch.pipeline.components.base_choice.autoPyTorchChoice(dataset_properties: Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]], random_state: Optional[RandomState] = None)[source]

Allows for the dynamically generation of components as pipeline steps.

dataset_properties (Dict[str, Union[str, BaseDatasetPropertiesType]]):

Describes the dataset to work on

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

random_state (Optional[np.random.RandomState]):

Allows to produce reproducible results by setting a seed for randomized settings

choice (autoPyTorchComponent):

the choice of components for this stage

check_requirements(X: Dict[str, Any], y: Optional[Any] = None) None[source]

A mechanism in code to ensure the correctness of the fit dictionary It recursively makes sure that the children and parent level requirements are honored before fit.

X (Dict[str, Any]):

Dictionary with fitted parameters. It is a message passing mechanism, in which during a transform, a components adds relevant information so that further stages can be properly fitted

fit(X: Dict[str, Any], y: Any) autoPyTorchComponent[source]

Handy method to check if a component is fitted

X (X: Dict[str, Any]):

Dependencies needed by current component to perform fit

y (Any):

not used. To comply with sklearn API

get_available_components(dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None) Dict[str, autoPyTorchComponent][source]

Wrapper over get components to incorporate include/exclude user specification

dataset_properties (Optional[Dict[str, BaseDatasetPropertiesType]]):

Describes the dataset to work on

include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:

what components to include. It is an exhaustive list, and will exclusively use this components.

exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:

which components to skip. Can’t be used together with include

Dict[str, autoPyTorchComponent]: A dictionary with valid components for this

choice object

get_components() Dict[str, autoPyTorchComponent][source]

Returns and ordered dict with the components available for current step.

cls (autoPyTorchChoice):

The choice object from which to query the valid components

Dict[str, autoPyTorchComponent]:

The available components via a mapping from the module name to the component class

get_hyperparameter_search_space(dataset_properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float, str, List, bool, Tuple]]] = None, default: Optional[str] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None) ConfigurationSpace[source]

Returns the configuration space of the current chosen components

dataset_properties (Optional[Dict[str, BaseDatasetPropertiesType]]):

Describes the dataset to work on

default: (Optional[str]):

Default component to use in hyperparameters

include: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:

what components to include. It is an exhaustive list, and will exclusively use this components.

exclude: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:

which components to skip

ConfigurationSpace: the configuration space of the hyper-parameters of the

chosen component

predict(X: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Predicts the target given an input, by using the chosen component

X (np.ndarray):

input features from which to predict the target


the target prediction

set_hyperparameters(configuration: Configuration, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) autoPyTorchChoice[source]

Applies a configuration to the given component. This method translate a hierarchical configuration key, to an actual parameter of the autoPyTorch component.

configuration (Configuration):

Which configuration to apply to the chosen component

init_params (Optional[Dict[str, any]]):

Optional arguments to initialize the chosen component


self: returns an instance of self

transform(X: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Adds the current choice in the fit dictionary

X (Dict[str, Any]):

fit dictionary


(Dict[str, Any])