:orphan: .. _releases: .. The following command allows to retrieve all commiters since a specified commit. From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6482436/list-of-authors-in-git-since-a-given-commit git log 2e29eba.. --format="%aN <%aE>" --reverse | perl -e 'my %dedupe; while () { print unless $dedupe{$_}++}' ======== Releases ======== Version 0.2.1 ============= | [FIX] ADD forecasting init design to pip data files by @dengdifan in https://github.com/automl/Auto-PyTorch/pull/459 | checks for time series dataset split by @dengdifan in https://github.com/automl/Auto-PyTorch/pull/464 | [FIX] Numerical stability scaling for timeseries forecasting tasks by @dengdifan in https://github.com/automl/Auto-PyTorch/pull/467 | [FIX] pipeline options in `fit_pipeline` by @ravinkohli in https://github.com/automl/Auto-PyTorch/pull/466 | [FIX] results management and visualisation with missing test data by @ravinkohli in https://github.com/automl/Auto-PyTorch/pull/465 | [ADD] Robustly refit models in final ensemble in parallel by @ravinkohli in https://github.com/automl/Auto-PyTorch/pull/471 Contributors v0.2 ***************** * Difan Deng * Ravin Kohli * Shuhei Watanabe * Theodoros Athanasiadis Version 0.2 =========== | [FIX] Documentation and docker workflow file (#449) | [RELEASE] Changes for release v0.2 (#446) | [ADD] Allow users to pass feat types to tabular validator (#441) | [ADD] docs for forecasting task (#443) | [FIX] fit updates in gluonts (#445) | [ADD] Time series forecasting (#434) | [FIX] fix dist twine check for github (#439) | [ADD] Subsampling Dataset (#398) | [feat] Add __str__ to autoPyTorchEnum (#405) | [ADD] feature preprocessors from autosklearn (#378) | [refactor] Fix SparseMatrixType --> spmatrix and add ispandas (#397) | [ADD] dataset compression (#387) | [fix] Update the SMAC version (#388) | [feat] Add new task inference for APT (#386) | [FIX] Datamanager in memory (#382) | [FIX] Fix: keyword arguments to submit (#384) | [feat] Add coalescer (#376) | [FIX] Remove redundant categorical imputation (#375) | [ADD] scalers from autosklearn (#372) | [ADD] variance thresholding (#373) | [fix] Change int to np.int32 for the ndarray dtype specification (#371) | [fix] Hotfix debug no training in simple intensifier (#370) | [ADD] Test evaluator (#368) | [FIX] Fix 361 (#367) | [FIX] fix error after merge | [ADD] Docker publish workflow (#357) | [ADD] fit pipeline honoring API constraints with tests (#348) | [FIX] Update workflow files (#363) | [feat] Add the option to save a figure in plot setting params (#351) | [FIX] Cleanup of simple_imputer (#346) | [feat] Add an object that realizes the perf over time viz (#331) Contributors v0.2 ***************** * Ravin Kohli * Shuhei Watanabe * Eddie Bergman * Difan Deng Version 0.1.1 ============== [refactor] Completely refactored version with a new scikit-learn compatible API. Contributors v0.1.1 ******************** * Ravin Kohli * Shuhei Watanabe * Francisco Rivera